Relinquish Private Room Control - Crafting Menu

Started by 12 Hatch, October 09, 2010, 11:24:17 PM

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12 Hatch

As a method of solving the issue of a dead-and-gone character clogging up a private room, a crafting menu option could be added (accessible from the Fugue, obviously) to surrender your control over an inn room.


I'm all for this, also as a side note I think it would be a good idea to implement a way to transfer guild tokens to other patricians  within the same faction as a way to possibly keep factions going after the death of its leader without direct DM assistance.


IIRC the DMs can't even modify these private room values, or at least the many I've had try. I think the system needs to be re-written a little bit for easier modification of the private rooms.


The rooms should be scripted to go vacant within three days of the owning PC's death. Real life landlords aren't that generous.