Who's Robert Oak Anyway!?

Started by Abandoned-1, November 17, 2014, 02:48:26 AM

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I wasn't quite sure exactly where I wanted to take Oak when I first rolled him up a few months back. Abala had asked me to roll another Watcher to whip the Watchers back into shape, but I respectfully told her, "over my fucking dead body." Except not as politely. That didn't work out in my favour evidently.

Another important figure in my development, if only briefly, was RwG's Alhinar. He converted me to Ibrandul where I wrote The Psalms. There is no other Prophet but Alhinar.

At first I figured I might become a Wayfinder as I had remembered them in their infancy before their elevation. Instantly I wanted to usurp power and build my own private army. Then I looked at the Watchers and wanted part of that also, which set plans into motion. With a brief pit stop in Lower where I questioned where my loyalties would lie, I eventually made it into the Wayfinders. There was a brief moment where I intended to become the Sheriff of Lower and if I had survived, that might have been revisited. It wasn't long before my workings had been noticed and the gears were set in motion for the Wayfinders to merge with the Watchers.

That wasn't fully my intention. I merely wanted the Wayfinders to adopt a militant stance, have the Defense Branch weakened, and to have the Wayfinders elevated. Either way, I got mostly what I wanted.

When Melanie died, I seized upon the power vacuum and ultimately became the last Captain of the Wayfinders. This accomplished a character goal, but it also meant that not only did I play the first Sergeant (and equivalent) in the Watchers, but also the first Adjutant of a brand new branch. That's pretty fucking cool. Next up, INSPECTOR (just kidding, I have better plans).

During my career, I did some daring things. For example, I stupidly did a solo run of Traensyr so I could make a map. It was successful, but stupid none-the-less. That's probably my proudest achievement.

Now, my favourite piece of DM Loot was a skull I acquired from another player that I proudly wore on my belt. It gave me an extra two charisma, which meant that I could have probably used it as a skull puppet, and people would have been endeared by it. Regretfully I never attempted it.

Anyway! It's been a blast while it lasted. Now on to bigger and better things.

And remember! I'll see you all in hell!
Currently playing: Quass al Quadra


Fun PC "Robert Fucking Oak".  Definitely shook things up.


Fun PC "Robert Fucking Oak".  Definitely shook things up.

Knight Of Pentacles

Your Watchers are always amusing to watch.  I'm deeply saddened there won't be any more "good old boy" shenanigans.


There is clearly only one solution. You've done the brutal soldier watcher. You've done the rugged explorer Watcher. Next up: The sly detective watcher.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Who the fuck is Robert Oak anyway?


Was a blast man, and surely Weston will see him in hell.

(ps normally wouldn't condone swearing, but its a call back to warranted IG interactions which were sweet)