IG Public Notice Boards

Started by Red_Judas, May 05, 2016, 10:54:04 PM

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I had an idea to have a few usable notice boards scattered around Dunwarren. Similar to how you would rent a stall, you could select a space on a board, represented by a painting, write up a little message, and have it stay for maybe an hour or so. When the time limit is up, it could be assumed that someone has put up a new notice over top of your old one, or it's been ripped down. A bit like a notice board or a lamp post you might see in real life.

They could be used to temporarily advertise ig about selling merchandise, blanket for a campaign, or announce an event for an extended period of time without needing to rely on making lots of sendings, among other advantages.

Currently playing: Quass al Quadra

The Weegee Of Frying

So are you saying players should have to pay for it? Maybe they should be free, but to write a notice requires fungus paper or parchment, which costs money? Another idea on top of that which I'm not sure whether it exists already, is to have it so players can write notes and graffiti around the place, and that goes away after reset.


You can already purchase placable wooden signs that can be place any where, and they'll last for as long as the server stays up, or until some one bash them down. There are also scribe notes that can be purchase from NPC scribes.


I like the idea but I'm unsure if it would really be used. Perhaps we could tie this in with the graffiti idea.

Scatter across the module some placeable similar to merchant stales, where the player can input his own "graffiti" or "public board message"

Have it require a rogue perk for the graffiti (Street vandal?) or otherwise allow it accessible to some chaotic factions (Ascensionists?)

For the public board I wouldn't see any restrictions necessary besides common sense.