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Main Forums => Bug Reports => Topic started by: derkot on February 02, 2018, 09:27:53 AM

Title: Plants in Zurkwood Forest Area.
Post by: derkot on February 02, 2018, 09:27:53 AM
Area: Underdark - Foul Hollows - Zurkwood Forest.
(This one zone where is camp with gnoll, hobgoblin and dead goblin nearby Moldmire.)

Issue: planted plants do not grows/appears properly.

My druid was planting some seeds of plants. It was two Myconid Spore Colony Seeds. It was left proper mark what plant is planted. After some time - plants not was appeared. I decided repeat and plant colony in other place but same zone. And still after more time old and new spots was still empty. And I tried last time - it was message what this area contains too much plants.

For example in nearby areas myconid spores colony was appeared after some time but  in Zurkwood Forest there is no any plants.  After passed enough time to grow any plants fully.

I have two thoughts.
1) Something stops them to grow fully after passed time
2) Models of plants not visible or somewhere under textures
Title: Re: Plants in Zurkwood Forest Area.
Post by: zDark Shadowz on February 02, 2018, 11:33:47 AM
I'm suspecting the area is being tied to the explorables which have plants crop up in odd unreachable locations sometimes.
Title: Re: Plants in Zurkwood Forest Area.
Post by: BigCook on February 02, 2018, 03:55:36 PM
Pretty sure this is due to plants taking time to grow. You plant them, it takes a few days, and THEN they appear. There are too many plants because it's counting the ones still growing. Be patient.
Title: Re: Plants in Zurkwood Forest Area.
Post by: derkot on February 02, 2018, 08:25:07 PM
Quote from: BigCook on February 02, 2018, 03:55:36 PM
Pretty sure this is due to plants taking time to grow. You plant them, it takes a few days, and THEN they appear. There are too many plants because it's counting the ones still growing. Be patient.

Problem what some plants my chracters planted weeks ago, some week ago. In other areas plants appeared properly with time but in this one zone they do not appears properly. I was thinking what someone just destroyed them and I just was very unlucky with timing but there is message what it is impossible to plant plants because it is too many them already when you can't see any of them. Which points, as I think, what zone counted all plants which my character planted but they do not appears properly as they should with passed time.
Title: Re: Plants in Zurkwood Forest Area.
Post by: derkot on February 07, 2018, 05:57:53 PM
Found same issue with zone 'Futher Reaches'.
No any plants in whole zone. Was checking and trying track any few days. In neighboring zone plants appeared. But not in this one.
When character attempt plant new seeds it gives same message what there is already too many plants in area.