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Messages - derkot

Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Bláthnaid Augzau'ren
September 30, 2018, 04:28:51 PM
Good one drow. Even after death.
Area [Underdark - Foul Hollows - Exploration] seems little buggy with red mushroom spores.
Our group was triggered red mushrooms when we was on other part of map without red mushrooms.
Here is screenshot which I hope it can explain where we was and from where red mushrooms was triggered.

I am not sure how to recreate this bug.
Two characters was standing and walking around marked place on screenshot. And from other part of map red mushroom shot cloudkill.
I should put few words about it.
Maybe someone interested, have some concepts in mind but not sure and have some questions. Maybe I can clear some. Since I am playing now on druid some long time.

Right now to play druid or other nature-theme character will be very hard and rough. Even ooze-theme druid will have hard time.
There many disadvantages than advantages. Playing druid or ooze druid or other nature-theme concept/class can be somewhat dissapointing.


EFU have many interesting special mechanical features and possible opportunities to grow.
Give to it little imagination and play on it.
Many wildshapes, groves, some items, some special animal companions and other tiny features...

With great goals, interesting concept and good play - even druids can shine in this time if you truely interested to play it.
Name of topic says it.
Suggestion is to disable limit how many time druid patrols quests can be taken. Currently it is something like 10-15 times druid PC can use "Druid Patrol" quest.
I may suspect what this quests in place to give some little starting exp on early levels for druids.
If disable quest take limits, I think it can motivate druids visits some distant places again and again with time.

Perhaps reduce exp reward for this patrols? In cost to disable quest take limitation.
That is what first comes to my head how to possible balance it.
Going far from home on few next days. Summer time! Resting time!
Do not destroy EFU without me!
And I will be able make turns in our games in #efudominions
Suggestions / Re: Outdated Module Changes
June 21, 2018, 08:30:32 PM
If I may add.
I found also few outdates things.
One myconid NPC in area "lairs" still advices to druids to find and seek Stewards for help.
Moldmire grove still under fire and never was changed after device was destroyed.  It still looks like device was destroyed very very recently.
Sleeping Drow Wizard in Covenant still speaks about Slp'ytthx'grlp'tnsslp'pssph'alshlpt. Not about Slp'glp'ytthx'grpt'grlpt'tnsslp'glubt'pssph'gluu'alshlpt as it should be correct I think. To reflect recent changes.
Used ritual many times before and such issues was reported to me by other druid-player recently. It is something what I am first time encountered and even not sure how it fully to recreate.
But for question... Yes, clicked on right things for rewards.
I tried to recreate bug.
And I have two thoughts why Grove breaks.

  • Grove breaks if there no character presents in area some time and stops work properly.
  • Or Grove breaks and stops works correctly if someone interrupted ritual. (Honestly I am doubt it, because when I was trying to recreate bug, my character walked away from grove area like 3-5 minutes... But who knows?!)
If character presents in grove and ritual completes fully - grove works correctly and can be used again.
Here is screen with broken grove.
Here visible shiny green stones but no any special lightings in center of grove. And message what ritual already underway.

And here screen when ritual is completed. Stones stops to shine but grove still gives same message.

Pond Grove already second time bugged for some unknown for me reasons. I may suspect what someone tried interrupted ritual while my character was not around since special lightings was not present. But if ritual interrupted then grove gives special message. But grove gives message "A ritual is already underway..." and no way to fix it until server reset. Stones not lights with greens and no any other special lightings.
Bug Reports / Re: Wildshape underwater bugs
June 15, 2018, 12:05:07 PM

Thinking I should add something about this tiny issues with wildshape here! Since they have something common with this other bugs. Just something observed by me.

  • That bug happens not only in underwater areas. If character crashed/logged in wildshape and returns back in game and still in wildshape - then character can experience many tiny issues but not slowness if it not in underwater. Cannot walk normaly, pick items normally, control character too, hotbar also changes...  Canceling wildshape helps to fix it.
  • What you mean 'directly'? Cancel current wildshape, cast new one? I made it few times and never was crashed.
  • This one issue not only happens with shark form. Whatever your  CON when character entered in underwater area - character will have duration of breathing by CON stat. Entered as bear - you have 40 rounds, canceled to you tiny weak normal form, still will have 40 rounds of breathing.
  • This bug happens with any wildshapes in underwater areas. Not only sharks.
But yes, some of this bugs cause maximum slowness of character in underwater areas. Like if character was in full plate armor with shield and weapons in hands.
It spawns in myconid's lair from time to time.
1th-4th june I am not going to be around in nwn and discord. Going far from home!
But #efudominions shouldn't worry much. I belive I will be able to make turns in time.
I do not wish to spoiler it very much but guardian from Hidden Pond is very-very weak.
Even with all druid buffs - guardian still very weak. And any cave bear(or other rare beast) is much better than sacred guardian from druidic complex long ritual. Few strong sides which have guardian do not actually makes him stronger and better for fighting.
I suggest simply review this guardian. Rebalance and make him stronger.
Name of topic says it all.
Special item "Sack of Fungal Jumping Beans" gives to character many beans which need first to identify.
Can be troublesome for characters who do not have lore skill.

On other end of sewers there is door which by some hints should lead to Machine. Or at least in other area.
There is no any message when I am trying click on this one transition. Nothing happens.