Add more "Kobold Pirate / treasure hunter" style loot

Started by VanillaPudding, January 11, 2018, 08:36:05 AM

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I don't know a better way to describe it I guess, but the loot within these two systems is a nice touch!

From my understanding, they are rather random items with a a variety of random properties (1-3?) that have bonus skill points, etc. MOST OF IT is kind of whatever, or trashy, or build specific, but that is exactly what makes it somewhat appealing at the same time.

In short, if this could be added to some more chests / quests in the world I think it would be nice!

zDark Shadowz

Most of it is trash, but when someone finds you that sweet, sweet combination of properties that no middling quest can fulfill, it's not platinum but it's still pure gold. Even a slightly higher chance of this occurring since Treasure Hunters can pull this out of anywhere would be appreciated, with perhaps a single additional chest in a few rarely done quests like the bathhouse for people to fight over or talk trash about after they nearly killed themselves.