Suggestions to improve player experience during downtime

Started by Damien, February 22, 2018, 10:04:43 AM

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Okay so AUS timezone is just the worst and I'm struggling to find anything to do IG, so I'm going to suggest things. Feel free to add your own.

1) The easy one - Allow certain quests/explorables to be unlocked by 1 player. Nerf the reward if you have to.
2) Bring back treasure maps, where the players are given clues at an inn on where to find treasure. The treasure can ultimately be some token, or hero loot, or useless but it adds some excitement and reason to be IG.
3) Perhaps the same as above but in relation to following rumours from npcs? That could lead to a secret hideout or something. Maybe a bit ambitious.
4) Bring back hunter/gathering, not sure why fur/meat gatherer in town was removed
5) How about random npcs which appear at random taverns throughout the UD and sell goods, tell stories, etc. These used to exist in EFUM.
6) How about the addition of a dungeon somewhere that just has some interesting lore to it. Basically sunken enclave without the quest.
7) More puzzle quests. I always did love that book quest on coa...
8) Ambiguous posters, like the one howl did listing all the lost artefacts, so it actually feels like there are stuff ig you can find without a dm.
9) Make more things appear randomly, like the planar bazaar, id enjoy just sitting there and dont understand why its so rare, given how long it probably took to make.


I'm a big fan of some of these ideas. A lot of my play hours are pretty empty so anything scripted that adds some more spice to exploring the server is welcome in my book.

I wasn't around in the old days to experience treasure maps but they sound cool.
08:30   <Kotenku>: then i guess im hitler


I'm working on a fairly substantial update, which includes stuff like... a new explorable theme, an overhaul of a lot of the loot tables (making sets no longer in the hero loot table, for example), and adding some new stuff to make inns more fun. So I definitely hear you and can promise some cool stuff is coming.

But other ideas are always welcome!


All good, Howl!

Yeah, bringing back the Tanner so you can harvest animal furs again would be a nice touch I feel. It got lost a long, long, long time ago in lower and it just didn't make all that much sense. It was in Lower one day and then it wasn't and then a few months later it all got flooded.

Also while I get the IC implications of the rothe meat quest going smokeshow, at the very least I'd say raise the crone's prices from 20 to 40 like the old one. 40 gold for a slab of rothe meat has always been the gold standard so to speak and the Crone ain't poor.

- Tanner to harvest furs
- Rothe can still go to the Crone or Mur but those options aren't wholly IC for people
- Bring back the Society' style bounty on aberrants
- Maybe some Magnatz style blood bounties on exotic wildlife or humanoids that spawn somewhere vague in the module and a sending goes out
- More solo quest. I know the DMs don't like solo high end contant but things like the Shark Fight on Lopbloblibop could easily be added in a lot of places

Also just as an aside another quest or two that allow level 9 PCs to quest with lower PCs or with two people in the region would be good. Offhand there's the 5 and under cave, purple crystal, shagga, and Mausoleum otherwise it's a huge journey to super dangerous places and most of those quests require 3+ people.

I haven't hit the high end content of EFU often but often times when I was sitting at level 9 f it's late at night with 1-3 PCs on if there's a high end PC around it turns quickly into "Might as well log not much to do IG while these lowbies hit their Mine quest".
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


As another one player who often play in downtime - all this possible additions sounds very nice.

I may also think what any grinding crafting system - will also help greatly to find what things to do when there is very few or nobody on server.

I read few times what alchemical/herbalisim craft is on list to do what is very good.
But is planned bring anything with gems and ore?
I may think what it is complex work and not something may worth time right now but if there can be more usage of EFUSS regarding crafting(or anything else?) - I think it will help to keep lonely characters busy.
Радостное одиночество.


QuoteAmbiguous posters, like the one howl did listing all the lost artefacts, so it actually feels like there are stuff ig you can find without a dm.

Perhaps this will be of interest.


I don't know if it was done intentionally or just went unnoticed but the ic council thing that passed was supposed to relocate the rothe guy rather than shutting him down forever. 

if shutting him down was intentional despite that,  maybe have an npc in the vaults start buying stuff as part of an emerging grey/black market?