Mari Blacke, the Torch

Started by Mari, October 15, 2023, 05:10:56 PM

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Mari did receive a relic for her efforts in service to the Sabotage, for her many conversions and for getting Gellema on the Stele of Law (thanks LiAlH4!). I figure I ought to include it as it does have a bit of perhaps helpful lore for prospective Gellemedes on its description. Mari's mystery cult one of the 'rare' branches of the 'orthodoxy' to establish grand temples for the greater purposes of the deity:

Power did not come without a tithe. Along with the ring Mari was blessed, or cursed, with a hungry, insistent heart. Forever acutely aware, sleeping and awake, of her own heartbeat so long as she lived. In an effort to quiet it she would seek new victories, achievements, heights and indulgences. In the moment such things could drown it out, and in the moment such things last forever, but she could never be truly content or sated while it still beat. That did not stop her from trying to fill the void in her chest poured out long ago to her Lady, though. Her faith compelled her to always seek more. The backlash to her political ambitions are visible to all to see now, though, in the end...

she did finally get what she wanted

Thanks for reading.


Really wonderful, manipulative and deeply complicated character which was very pleasant to observe.
Current character: Ealdred Emberheart, the burned hin.


God damn you were hyper successful. Now enjoy the concepting phase, you can finally break free and into a new frame haha.


A legendary character, Gale never knew if he was going to kiss her or kill her. but he most certainly loved her.