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Topics - Nihm

Suggestions / Repairable rock damaged weapons
August 24, 2013, 03:12:02 AM
It makes little sense that a weapon can be damaged by hitting a rock yet not repairable by the blacksmith npc or even by using a Whetstone.
It makes even less sense that people can hit metal or stone enemies and not have this happen.
In the interests of consistency, all hard substances should cause this or none and it should all be repairable.
Suggestions / Quests for level one
August 13, 2013, 12:58:36 AM
All of the quests seem to be minimum level two, even the errands.
I suggest either lowering them to one, or making sure Deep Lizards can't camp the lowbie quests in order to lower pcs to level one, one or the other.
Bug Reports / Kuo-Toa captain faction bug
July 15, 2013, 02:18:36 AM
He will turn hostile when arriving at Mutulakt, killing the npcs.
Bug Reports / Gr Sanctuary not working
July 14, 2013, 03:46:11 PM
Seems like Greater Sanctuary does not actually grant 100 percent concealment.  Was getting hit by swords, bolts, etc, with the spell active.
Also seems as if Freedom of Movement (from a potion) didn't grant immunity to Evard's Black Tentacles.
I might play a bard and was considering using some poetry from Edgar Allan Poe in his performances, with a short ooc footnote explaining where it came from prior to starting.
If anyone has an opinion on whether it's an allright thing to do or an awful one, I'd like to hear.
Suggestions / Make topless outfits rarer
March 06, 2012, 06:20:00 AM
currently too many robes seem designed to show too much breast on a female.
Flashing tits is fine for people who deliberately want that and do indeed want to show off that their female pc has large tits.
When every second wizard or monk robe looks like it was made for a stripper not only is it stupid, but takes away from those few who would actually choose it to emphasize their pcs attractiveness.
Pcs who do not actually have the nice tits shown by the graphics, or who have them but wouldn't want to show them, have too few choices.
Latest culprit I've noticed is the Caermyn Reforge wizard robe.  A wizard is a bookworm, why would they walk around with cleavage exposing what they probably don't even have.
It should be the outfits with enormous cleaveage that are the minority, not the ones that actually cover anything.
Bug Reports / Fur Delivery Quest
March 01, 2012, 04:16:59 AM
Sometimes the ox runs away when the character leading it transitions, even if right behind them visually, quite an expensive bug.
Bug Reports / Knifemaster bug
March 01, 2012, 04:16:04 AM
The Knifemaster rogue isn't getting his five percent slashing resistance, though the set of knives appeared on reset.  Tried resting and using the reset perk option, neither works.
Acct: Worst of the Worst
Character name : Viktor Nal
Bug Reports / Poisoned Well quest
February 28, 2012, 07:25:40 PM
The xp for purging a water pool doesn't scale by level.
The questgivers' dialogue mentions that she'll reward you with her potions, but instead gives a random item.
Bug Reports / Scion gloves unenchantable
February 08, 2012, 05:57:19 AM
Whatever gloves the Scion wears, though gaining 1-4 slashing damage, can't be enchanted.
I suggest replacing this part of the perk with a pair of nondrop gloves to avoid this.  Up the power of the gloves a bit to make up for not being able to use the many available spellslot bracers or damaging gloves available in game.
Sorcerors can use morningstars or spears for d8 damage without having to pay a feat (Improved Unarmed Strike), so for that reason also the gloves could be a bit stronger.
Quests like the Rat Nest, etc, should all be moved into the part of the ziggurat where there aren't nightrisers.
Currently there is just one inside.  Those trying to start up a new character have to either way for daytime or risk getting crushed to do the others.  It kind of defeats the purpose of having starter quests.
Waiting for daytime isn't reasonable at all given how long that can take.
Bug Reports / Diplomat Perk not working
February 07, 2012, 01:46:45 AM
Supposed to grant plus two charisma and will, but hasn't been doing that for the last few resets, even through many transitions.
Accnt: WorstoftheWorst
Char : Janhaezryn Carn
General Discussion / The state of Alchemy
January 26, 2012, 07:15:17 AM
Here are a few observations that I have about alchemy.
First is that a huge amount of ooc information is available that makes it easy for many people to know exactly what needs to be combined together.  All of this was available in the hints, but obscured and formerly not well known.  It has been passed about now, making things easier in general.  Also knowledge of which perils are associated with which fields of alchemy, and how to protect against them.
Second factor that makes things easier is how a head start is allowed for the alchemist.  Formerly there was no time to start running before the reaction finished and something nasty could spawn.  Now there's a lot of time to get some distance.
Third factor is the in-character passing around of recipes.
Fourth is multiple alchemists played by the same people, sometimes at the same time.  They may do things like acquire the notebooks of the former alchemist when one dies, or not, but even if not, the more former alchemists someone has played the more generally easy they will find it.
All of this means things have gotten much easier, that a great deal of alchemy loot is present in the game economy, and that much more is to come.
I think alchemy was supposed to be there to give researchers and experimenters something they could actually do without a dm, and that it succeeds very well in doing that.  It probably wasn't meant to fill the server to the brim with loot that was made with very little risk or effort in proportion to the hazards that are intended to be there.
In the interests of making people figure more out for themselves, the text that appears during alchemy, herbalism, and cooking should only be seen by the crafter.
Currently it gives way too much away and can be read for quite a distance, even through walls and doors, which is silly.
Bug Reports / efuss broken
December 18, 2011, 10:23:32 PM
See the post about Hashall below, the spent points have vanished , seemingly for everyone.
Suggestions / Hobgoblin Quest : increase reward
November 09, 2011, 10:38:10 PM
Almost nothing for a reward, and an extremely hard end encounter, I think this quest could use some balancing.
Suggestions / Changes to the Tome quest
November 09, 2011, 04:51:11 PM
I think this quest is a little unfair as it is, as the first attempt is almost guaranteed to be wasted.  Other attempts could be lost to bugs or crashes or changes of locations as has happened before.
I'd suggest giving more attempts, or only doable once but persistent over resets, or allowing limitless failures (due to failing to complete before a reset) but only completeable once.
The second and third options would allow people to actually have a prolonged search that was part of their characters career, as opposed to only being able to do the quest if they already knew how.
Currently, while the fire breath is fairly useful, most of the others I've seen aren't.  The acid breath does almost no damage, and the slow and sleep found on helmets seemingly do not even do anything.
I'd suggest upping the acid breath damage so it is more like Mestils' Acid Breath (5), and replacing the Slow and Sleep with something else as they appear entirely broken.
Suggestions / Summons dismissed if subdued
August 31, 2011, 06:12:47 AM
Summons are dismissed upon the summoners' death, so it'd be fair to make them dismiss when subdued also.  Otherwise, in pvp it is almost a punishment inflicted on the subduer for not being on full damage instead.
It also makes sense that the summoner would lose their focus on the creature when knocked down.
Suggestions / Research forum
August 27, 2011, 11:55:28 PM
Somewhat like the ask a dm forum, it would be for asking what the result of something would be.
Anything dangerous should be done in game of course.
An example : Went to see if the green crystals changed color during a full moon.  What did we see?
Or : placed a small conjured creature beside an Island Tumor, did it suddenly wither quickly?