World Cancer Day

Started by Johannes, February 04, 2013, 09:40:12 AM

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Today is World Cancer Day! As this is a subject very dear and close to my heart, and the hearts of many of us who have been touched by this omnipresent condition in one way or another, I invite you to share your cancer stories.

I lost my Aunt Trish to cancer. She was young, sophisticated and had so much hope in her life and had so much love for her family. Seeing her degenerate, and her husband and children emotionally degenerate along with her was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life.


I myself had cancer at a much younger age, and despite what I later understood were some of the worst possible conditions, I managed to make a recovery with near zero after effects. Something I am very grateful for today when I look at others in a similar situation who were scarred for life or didn't make it through at all.

I've also experienced cancer in my close family, with relatives and with friends, some of them not as lucky as I were. Despite all of our medical success in the field it does remain an all too common and tragical condition.


My family just discovered that a very close family friend has been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer, sadly its looking like he will only have 18 months left.

My mother survived cancer twice, once when I was seven and again ten years later, in both cases it was pretty far along and had been misdiagnosed by the doctors.


Her name was Etenesh and she helped raise me and my siblings since birth. She was like a second mother to us, and lived with us for most of our lives. My family eventually moved to America and she stayed in my home country. About seven years ago, she became ill with breast cancer.

Our efforts to bring her to America in order to give her the best care were unsuccessful. Knowing that her life was in the hands of this third world country's underdeveloped health care system was terrible. She eventually succumbed to the cancer. I still carry many regrets, the least of which is not being there in her final moments.


My dad has been diagnosed to have Lung Cancer just a couple of weeks ago. Despite all efforts the meds just give him around two years.

Right now I am happy that work and gf keep my thoughts off this beast of a disease as much as possible.


It is an evil and wretched disease.  I've lost several I cherished to it.  Watched others I care for deal with it as it ravaged their lives in one form or another.  

It's such a scary thing that it's so widespread and just tears apart lives.  Often times with no apparent cause or reason.

Screw world peace, I hope for the day when cancer is gone
[20:20] <crump> nature's not outright trying to murder everyone there, it's playing gentle, lures everyone into a false sense of security. then it strikes. chicago's weather is the bdsm of nature systems


Close to home we've the fortune that only my grandpa (88yr) has had cancer a few years ago, though my girlfriend has lost her father to cancer a year ago. Thanks for this reminder, I should go and do something nice for her.

EfUA_undercover, despite the prognosis I wish him, you and all your dear ones all the strength that's needed.


We lost my Grandfather to cancer when he was in his early 70s. He had told me just a few weeks before he was diagnosed that he didn't even think about dying and it doesn't even cross his mind because he is so healthy. A few years later my grandmother lost her first son to cancer as well and she is still alive in her mid 80s.


At 18 one of my closest friends passed away from Cancer, having foguht against the odds for two years. His passing affected a lot of my friends and family to do something about this and as a result a Charity Rugby Tournament is held each year in my local town under his name.
I think the idea of this day is to find a positive outlook on those we've lost and those who've suffered at the hands of this terrible illness. My thoughts are with any who currently suffer or have done so.


My uncle was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic and liver cancer a little over a week ago.  He is like a second father to me, rough times ahead I fear.


My mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last summer. In the fall, she had some surgery done to remove the cancer stricken organs which also revealed that some growths had spread to other nearby areas.

Things were a little up in the air for a bit as to whether or not she would have to go through some more surgery to remove the newly discovered growths. Thankfully, however, her latest imaging scan showed that these growths appear to be benign and haven't grown at all since the surgery in the fall.


My father passed away in 2010 from glioblastoma carcinoma. Brain cancer.


I lost my grandfather to bowelcancer a few years ago. It is such a strange feeling. Not death itself, but the bubble bursting that things are not going to be like they've always been forever. It haunts me now when I see the rest of my older relatives, how they degenerate and even now before they've passed on a part of me is already mourning. Time passes fast now as a nearly grown- up and there's alot of exciting new things for me in life, but at the same time it is time slipping away from them and before I know it, they will be gone.

My thoughts goes out to all of you who struggles with this terrible disease, yourself or someone in your surroundings. My best wishes to all of you.


My grandfather just got cancer.

What a coincidence.


My Mother is scheduled for surgery in a couple of weeks to try and remove her cancer.  Her Mother died of lung cancer in the 70's.