DM Appreciation Day - Halfbrood

Started by Howlando, October 18, 2023, 10:17:42 AM

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Halfbrood is an artist of the highest caliber and I greatly appreciate his many works, some such as Spem Nurto, giant knob goblin, and others of such quality. Alas other artists of a similar vein find him often and I wish him only the softest padded cell when the Musky Beggar saga continues and inevitably finds it's way to his attention.



I've known Halfbrood from his first PCs and I have always thought he was a good chum. I always enjoyed my interactions and the sense of humor and light-heartedness and scum he imparts which is to me an essential ingredient of EfU. An Upper needs a Lower, light needs shadow and a server needs a Halfbrood.

Here's to you.


Halfbrood is the king of knowing something about everything.
I wouldn't know half of the things I know how to do in the client if I didn't have him to show me.


new proposition: every day is hb day <3
The curtain of night
The lark of the morning
The end of a rotting dream


I am one of the newest players in the grand scheme of things and I saw HB work with my own eyes. Thank you for it, HB - let us hope for another ten years.
Current character: Ealdred Emberheart, the burned hin.


Working with HB is simply a delight. I enjoyed all of our brainstorming and collaborations so far and I'm sure I'll enjoy the thousands more to come.

It's been amazing to see how far HB has come in all aspects of EFU, and his continuous commitment and effort in EFU for many years, for me personally since the days of v5 dev days, to v5, v6 dev and now v6.


I've known Halfbrood here and there since the earliest days of EFU1 when together we murdered a beloved HOBGOBLIN DRD as corrupt lawmen.

He is responsible for some of my most positive experiences in EFU both as a DM and as a player. The fact is the EFU landscape just wouldn't look or feel the same without him. He's gone from a puttering tinkerer to a top tier builder in the toolset and client in short order.

When I think of the heart of EFU Halfbrood is one of the first names to come to mind.

An enormous influence on EFU and a titan of the FRIENDLYMEN of old.


Halfbrood is the best DM of all time.