Marion Sileyna

Started by Calixto, August 01, 2013, 11:08:28 PM

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After finally getting over Marion's death and deciding to make a thread for her, after finally sorting the pics, after converting them all to bmp format because no site seems to support tga, and after uploading them, here it is.

Marion was created with a simple and at the same time complex objective in mind: to play a non-evil Loviatan cleric who would still be utterly faithful to her deity. Marion believed that people could be improved, hardened through pain, be it physical or psychological, such as being told "hard truths" in the hopes they would arose them to fight their weaknesses. While she despised the "backwards" people of Mistlocke, she truly cared about them and anyone else who she thought was desserving of it.

Her interpretation of the concept of "evil" was not so different than that of most people, and anytime she could, she would oppose those who would seek to kill or inflict great harm on others with no other objective than to benefit themselves; to her, this was truly "good", and good is what she wanted to do. However, she considered that helping others without anything done or given in return and without having them eventually become able to care for themselves would make them weak, and she considered this "evil", just as she considered Ilmater an evil god, altough she never believed that Ilmateris themselves desserved the worst of punishments (they were misguided) - unless they were trying to kill her of course :D She expected favours done to others be paid back, and she did not like being done favours she could not repay either.

To tell the truth, playing such a character proved to be very difficult for me and at times frustrating, she never accomplished anything, but I had nonetheless fun with her her and I can happily say my time was not wasted!

I want to say thanks to all those who interacted with her and made her entertaining to play, and I can only hope you enjoyed as well.

Maybe she was a bit insane, but she was f-ing hot.

Skills: Discipline, Concentration, Persuade, some Bluff
Feats: Weapon Proeficiency (exotic), Weapon Focus (guess what), Toughness, Skill Focus (Discipline), Brew Potion
Domains: Strenght, Vengeance

I am most grateful to JaydeMoon, for giving me advice and giving Marion this armor. It was a reward from Thane Longbeard for her help in defeating the Wild Orc Fire Clan, which had attacked the Delving. How it ended in a Dwarven vault is a mystery ;) She would wear it for the rest of her life (reforged); you will understand why.

Special thanks go also to Sternhund (and any other dm who may have been involved) for this little event.

Marion was having a spar (and was about to win, but she healed her opponent to make the fun last longer) while the renowned PIERRO LAGUARDE OF THE HONORABLE SWORD CLAN was watching...

He challenges the victor to a duel, hoping to impress her...

And loses. Tears in his eyes, he fled in total embarrassment. Later, however...

Marion suspected that the other guy couldn't seriously have attempted to rob her at knifepoint in the middle of the Mist End, and indeed it was obvious Pierro had paid him to fake the whole thing when he calmly stood up and left, uninjured :D

Special thanks to those players who risked their chars to save her butt :)

She made ennemies of course. When Hrothgar Thunderfist asked her to pay the Adventurer's Tax (150 coins), she spent like ten times this amount to fight him, and she still had to run away. But at least Loviatar was happy!

She was beaten up on more than one occasion, such as this one, when she attempted to take down Grey Pebl, guilty of consorting with monsters, plague spreading etc. but happened to be "reformed" at the time she intended to kill him and failed. Oddly, the fact he had gone nuts probably saved her life.

She met people who were even less normal than she was.

Yes, her children were actually floatins skulls o.O

Wild magic???

She converted only one person, and almost converted another, but she was so bitchy about the terms of the ritual (even for a Loviatan) that he refused at first, and when she was going to propose more lenient terms, he died!

As said above, Marion truly cared for others. When a desperate mother called for people to retrieve her son, she went not only in the hope of dealing punishment to those who had taken him away, but out of a sincere desire to save a human being as well.

They were punished (with the help of a gnome npc who was so awesome that the Chosen ran away simply when they knew he was coming), but sadly it was too late. And all Marion could do afterwards was to carry his body back to his mother...

I had few occasions to gain points towards good as a Loviatan, but she did get a few points when she tried to persuade a child from the Ill Companions to go inside the village. This happened when they had arrived near Mistlocke but were not allowed to enter yet.

One of my objectives was for Marion to be respected and even liked despite her fondness of whips and such. Not only were people in general far less hostile to her than I expected, but some even called themselves her friends!

Or... Something like that.

Not only did they call themselves her friend, but they also behaved as such. One of them, someone she thought was gone forever, did her a last favour. A favour she would never be able to repay...

Quote from: WeaverificTwo necromancers and one of their guards argued over what to do with her corpse... as they argued and almost came to blows, they suddenly screamed in rage and looked about for someone invisibly... for Marions body, simply... vanished.

They never seemed to know what occurred.

Elsewhere, some time later....

I received this a short time after Marions' death, and it improved my mood! Thanks a lot Weaverific :)
Most enjoyable characters:

Tristan Caerfal (NG Human Sharpshooter)

Thomas Valentine (Human NG Fighter/Rogue)
Durga (Half-Orc NE Cleric of Ilneval/Fighter)

Marion Sileyna (Human LN Cleric of Loviatar/Fighter)
Atreia Kelten (Human Paladin of Tyr)
Riku (NG Stargazer Ranger)


I loved Marion and hated her so much!

Her arguments against all gods that weren't Loviatar were just amazingly good! I never found a more suitable way to discuss with her about this subjects with my pcs.

I remember of her converting Bikka. And I am happy to say that Mriri contributed a lot towards it, in a most mischievous manipulation of Kross and Bikka.

Great job, Calixto. Granny Sileyna deserved to go on living and being a bitch.


Marion makes the short list of my favorite PCs on EFU.  She was an amazingly good example of how to play a socially sane cleric of an evil god.  She was a good friend and all around a wonderful PC to play with.

Fun fact!  Her burial took place roughly 15 minutes before the end of the world!  She was buried in the rubble behind the Oldport Mausoleum.


She was awesome, I interacted with her on all of my PCs - what a long lived character !

I especially had a blast on Axirios. We really did get along well together.

''No, I do not feel... *friendship*''

''I feel.... [ponders for a while]... *axioship*''

That quote is both terrible, looking back - and awesomely humorous at the same time.


Interacted with many chars, but none deeply.  She was a cool char and a server fixture.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


It was fun playing with you as Balthasar. The conflict we had was of my favourite kind. With time, he intended to use the platonic method to confound her beliefs regarding Ilmater, and also had the amusing thought of converting her outright.

Also, Ish was not insane!
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.



I remember that cow <3


Marion was a very good Cleric in what she did. It was interesting to see a Loviatarran that wasn't a straight up torture machine that just whipped people because she could.

I'd tip my hat if I had one.


I must have missed this thread! I've never -deeply- interacted with Marion on many of my character's but she was a fixture as a musterwoman, and added great ambiance to the server. I second the notion that she was a great example of how to play a rational cleric of an evil goddess.