Themed loot from Glooms

Started by Zickery, February 22, 2023, 10:46:10 PM

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I greatly enjoy Glooms. It's a breath of fresh air and extra variety in quests that makes them less likely to become 'stale' experiences. They are, however, not additionally rewarding as far as I can tell. This means that you can have encounters where the difficulty and supplies spent will far outpace what you would have earned, making certain scenarios self-defeating to do. I don't want to see a future where people walk into quests, see that it has a hard Gloom, and just not do it.

What I propose is potentially simple: each Gloom should have a 'loot modifier' that gets applied to treasure under certain circumstances (I'll go on further on this in a moment) that gives them extra properties based off what the Gloom is. For example, the Wine Gloom could apply Acid DR 2/- to a piece of loot.

This, obviously, shouldn't be on every piece of loot. It also shouldn't be most of it or a percent chance to happen. Instead it should be a reward from beating the final portion of each quest to make it mandatory to clear all of the content before getting it. If these Gloom equipment modifiers were put into place, for example, you could clear all of the Jackals quest and receive a modified piece of equipment from the final boss as extra loot on top of what they would normally drop. It would be an item rolled from any piece of equipment that can be found in that dungeon's loot pool with the Gloom modifier attached.

This gives quests extra replayability, and would make people seek out harder Glooms in combination with specific quests to search out strange and exotic equipment. It would also add another factor to building up equipment.


A no-brainer implementation is maybe add an additional aspect to the quest loot (so you could get an item with perhaps TWO good aspects on it)


Glooms are part of the quest mechanics, and when we adjust the quests, we take them into consideration. It shouldn't be treated as something 'extra'. It has RNG elements, but so do a lot of other aspects of quests you've might have seen, or are yet to be seen.

That said, yes, we already discussed adding an additional 'gloom chest' if a quest has it. Remains to be seen what sort of items it will contain. We're not going to make any new convoluted systems for it though, it's way too much work and rebalancing later on.