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Topics - Inquisitor

Suggestions / Orog Tracker 'agro' range
December 15, 2013, 11:55:20 PM
I've noticed many times that these monsters (Orog Trackers) seem to be able to spot PCs from a nearly unreasonable distance. Almost beyond the normal 'viewing' range.

I get that it might add some tension to esplorin' the badlands/etc if you start getting shot with arrows out of nowhere, but for characters who are low level/HP it can quickly lead to a death, even in a well prepared party.
Bug Reports / Maze Quest Chest
December 14, 2013, 03:07:33 AM
KOP was a butt and called lightning on the boss and destroyed our loot chest. Should the chest be indestructible?
Suggestions / Slumbering Giant
November 23, 2013, 09:02:08 PM
I'm not sure if there's a mechanic that makes him wake up when people loot the chests, but it's a little annoying to kill the giant and discover someone looted everything. Maybe give the giant most of the good loot on him?
Introductions and Group Management / The Stewards
November 22, 2013, 08:41:49 PM
So obviously the Stewards are kind of hurting in membership after a decent period of a lot of activity and awesomeness (I think at one point we'd have like 8 nature-y PCs active at once, opposed to 1-3 now).

This faction has the capacity to be really awesome, and concepts can vary. Guardians are generally non-druids, but can range in a variety of classes. Even a Wizard or a Bard could fit in if the concept made sense. Due to the variety of goals and concepts, many different things can be pursued In-game.

I haven't played on any other DM faction and this is my first, but I do like it. OOC things like faction loot aren't huge in this faction, but there are many perks that may or may not be obvious. The DMs are pretty good about tossing us a bone when it comes to plots, and it really just depends on how good you are at pushing it forward.

I'd suggest even making a nature-based PC could work, but if you really want to get the most out of playing a primarily nature based PC, I'd suggest you really just send in an application for the Stewards. Of course, you don't have to do it before you make the character. I'd suggest making the PC and playing around to see how you like it- develop IC relationships (Possibly with the Stewards?! ;) and then submit an application once you get a feel for things.

Obviously I'm more than willing to help with applications, you can find me on IRC or can just PM me on the forums.
Suggestions / Silver Arrows
November 19, 2013, 02:30:33 AM
Considering that silver weapons exist, is it not plausible that silver could be melted down and used to produce silver arrows or silver tipped arrows? This would allow ranged classes to be more viable against Chosen while most melee PCs likely have magic weapon cast upon them.

They don't have to be a common drop, they could drop sometimes with Dunwarren specific quests.
Bug Reports / NPC Magic in SHAGGALAND
November 04, 2013, 02:36:29 AM
Did this quest earlier and nearly got curb-stomped by a Troll Hag who was immune to the anti-magic field. Our incursion into Shaggaland Marsh lasted 2 minutes before a blue skinned genasi, a halfling, and a slobbering dire wolf were seen fleeing back to Kuo-Toa island.

I'm not sure if it's impossible to make it affect NPCs in the zone, but maybe just remove NPCs from the spawn-table who use magic?

But yeah, bitch used magic on us.

Suggestions / Restoration NPCs
November 02, 2013, 12:46:50 AM
Given level drain is supposed to suck, but after combing most of the areas (Except for Upper as Eldren is exiled) I've noticed that no NPCs offer Restoration or a way to cure level drain. This kind of makes it annoying, as you're basically forced to wait till a reset for it to go away.

Can this be added to blessings that NPCs are able to cast- or at least offer a method for nature-y PCs to have access to certain blessings/etc?

Suggestions / Random Explorables
October 20, 2013, 09:19:30 PM
I'm not sure if these actually show up in random spots- but as others have told me, it seems like it's fairly easy to know where they're likely to pop up, and I have also noticed this myself.

I understand it might be next to impossible to just make them spawn wherever, but perhaps there could be a greater variance of places for them to spawn so their locations are not easily memorized?
Suggestions / Reset limited quests
October 18, 2013, 11:46:56 PM
To clarify the title, some quests are limited on their capacity to be taken. I understand why- to keep players from spamming relatively simple or easy quests for unlimited XP.

However, once players die, these quests are still unavailable, and in some cases these may be their prime manners of gathering XP when there are few PCs around to quest with. Specifically nature PCs.

I would like to suggest that the limited quests are reset for PCs after they die, to broaden their opportunities to make XP back (This would include Nature Patrols). In my case- I'd much rather do IC things like patrol and receive XP for doing so, than spam-kill Silverfin fishes each reset- which at times, is my only real viable option without breaking character in other ways.
Suggestions / Nature Merchants
September 25, 2013, 02:53:04 AM
There are certain merchants available to Stewards and/or Druids, in the Wilds. I suggest they carry the following things for sale;

Abjurer's Nightshade

I thought there'd be more stuff, but there's just certain things that you would expect a nature-y merchant to have for sale.

Bug Reports / WORGS!
September 24, 2013, 04:26:44 AM
Description is misspelled into something like "WARKS!". High priority stuff, I know.
Suggestions / Flying/Levitating Summons
September 22, 2013, 01:35:36 AM
I would suggest they gain something which makes them immune to the grease/entangle/etc. spells. (Perhaps the Druid equivalent of Nature Stride or whatever?)

For example, if I cast grease and have a summoned stick, my summons can still be affect by the grease, yet it's not as if it's walking on the ground.
Suggestions / Random Spawns should FIGHT
September 16, 2013, 03:13:32 AM
I know this is the case with many spawns (Animatrons and Chosen, for example). After exploring a lot I can think of some examples where it kind of ruins immersion; such as the Scamander river.

Typically you'll find constructs, vermin, dire-frogs and trogs down there. It should be a simple assumption they haven't forged some sort of vermin/mud/lizard alliance and should probably attack each other as earnestly as they do PCs. Of course, this only is really noticed when they're all drawn to a Shrieker and sit there chilling out with one another.

I also don't want the spawns killing each other when they notice one another from across the map. Is it not possible to change their behavior so that maybe they agro other NPCs when in close proximity to them?
Suggestions / Random Exploration for One
September 16, 2013, 03:07:13 AM
Playing a PC that is in a faction where the majority of the players are on the opposite time zone often makes it difficult to find something to do without bending my character's personality too much.

One thing that is exceedingly annoying is to explore, and find Random Exploration areas that I can't go into. I understand that a 2 player max was enabled to avoid PCs from "farming" these locations. However, when I explore I may only come across one or two of these zones, if any. Seems fairly hard for a PC to farm these easily when there aren't many and there may be a dozen or more PCs exploring/running around as well. This is to say- that I feel statistically I think it'd be quite hard for a PC to really abuse this. Plus- they could always be made harder as to encourage a lone PC to go get help (Which could end up being it's own sort of quest.)

I know the counter argument will be to, "Just get a second person". This is viable, if certain players are logged on and can be found, but it can also be impossible if no one is on, or they aren't around, or you have no way of contacting them aside from using a /tell and lamely informing them to "randomly" meet you at an exact spot.

I also suspect that there will be some resistance based on the fact that this will clearly favor Nature-ey PCs, as they're the ones predominantly out in the Underdark/exploring. Perhaps there could be "Random Areas" in Sanctuary/Lower/Upper/InBetween (Ambushes, Necromancers, Chosen, Undead?) to even this out, though I kind of feel properly played nature PCs who never go into Sanctuary for potions/wands/trade, etc kind of deserve another method to gain supplies or at least have fun.

To summarize; my PC often is a loner, or there are none of his "Co-Stewards" on, I sometimes find random areas that'd be neat to explore, but instead cant. The only way to remedy this is going into Sanctuary, or camping outside it (For what could be a four goblins and a warg in the Random, and he has no idea it didn't require this sort of attention).

Suggestion: Make Random Areas free to one and all, and if there is a fear of "farming", just make them harder to solo.
Bug Reports / Climbing Down Issues
August 20, 2013, 05:28:52 AM
Half the time I end up using the sling grapple w/rope to climb down, something happens where I'll pass the check, but still be above my destination. Usually I can't move away from the rope and any other actions are over spammed by my PC moving to stand by the rope placeable. This has happened about 5 or 6 times so far, and it usually requires me to log in or out and sometimes using the climb tool via character options gets me down, but it's hit or miss.
Bug Reports / Climbing issues
August 19, 2013, 07:58:50 AM
At the pond map, I had issues using the climb tool with the grappling sling/thing. I'd pass checks and not make it down, I assume it likely has issues to do with pathfinding/placeables (As all calamities facing my PCs do). In either case, I dont know or doubt it can be fixed, but I logged out due to wasting time, and likely lost my grappling gear.

So yes, I'd like it to be replaced, because I'm a druid and am not chain questing for mad gold.

Just kidding. But seriously. I'm poor.
Suggestions / Morose Goblin
August 18, 2013, 08:34:06 AM
The stingy bastard has a tent, but doesn't offer a resting choice for PCs who just got spit out by a certain large monster. This especially stinks when wilderness survival appears to not be working or you are having horrible luck.

Suggestion: Let me rest! ;)
Suggestions / Herbs as food
August 16, 2013, 01:55:58 AM
Allow some herbs to be used as food for wilderness resting (Such as ripple bark, blue cap, etc). I know wilderness survival is a skill for a reason, but I find that often it works, then doesn't, then will work randomly. Perhaps also a bug?
Bug Reports / Mud Crab Meat
August 16, 2013, 01:53:37 AM
Requires to be identified, which seems silly as you're harvesting the crabs for meat. also- it cannot be used as food for resting in the wilderness.
I don't want to suggest that the Underdark should be nerfed or made more "friendly". But I do see how that Upper has a relatively easy/simple place for low levels to reach level 6, where it becomes a bit easier to navigate the underdark with more powers available. However, after exploring the UD a bit with my Ranger I can only imagine how difficult it must be for Druidic or non-city dwelling PCs to survive and even level up, as most of them tend to be playing alone, I could imagine how intimidating it could be at level 2 or 3, trying to survive and barely thriving as a Druid or a ranger who strictly avoids Sanctuary aside from minor trade (rothe meat/fish/supplies).

I'm not sure what to suggest in specific; I don't think Druids/Rangers should get a "worm cave" in the UD to turn into some generic Duergar or something silly. Maybe smaller quests available to 1/2 man groups who are Druids (Or even Rangers), or maybe an NPC who will buy Herbs from foragers for an exchange of XP/Gold to a certain level. I admit, I don't know much about how herbs work as far as growing/foraging goes, so that might make things too easy.

Any thoughts?