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Messages - sankarul

Bug Reports / Uttu the Spirit Bear, seems bugged?
August 31, 2021, 10:25:52 PM

I found this spirit bear, Uttu the Spirit Bear, in an explorable.

I realized one of the options when talking to him was to give him something I happened to have. That item being.... [hide]Smouldering Ash[/hide]

I tested the option just out of curiosity. His words were, after a little bit of conversation, "Take this and remember me, as I shall remember you."  But! He gave me nothing. All I got was -1 of the item  above.

So I'm guessing something broke?
Bug Reports / Re: Spawnpoint bug, sending to 92-93
August 27, 2021, 01:01:18 PM
It's not just that. If you have your spawn set to 98, and NEVER LEAVE 98, you can still be sent to 92. It resets to 92 every now and then.

I've talked to a few others.

People with their spawn point at the Rat Raft, Glitt Hall, and the Groundskeeper's Hut all seem to get this treatment. Possibly more spawns, but I've found people spawning in 92 with me from those places.
Bug Reports / Re: House Glitt Spawn Point
August 25, 2021, 08:22:45 AM
We elves often get sent to 92 from the Groundskeeper's Hut spawn point. Yesterday I had been in 98-99 all reset, never even entered 97. Then next reset I spawned in 92. Seems you gotta refresh the spawn point every reset even if you never leave the ring, for some reason...
Bug Reports / Spawnpoint bug, sending to 92-93
August 24, 2021, 06:22:51 PM

I believe there is a bug involved with the spawn points.  Several times now, I have spawned in the 93rd even further, when I never went past 95 in a reset. Once, I logged in for the first time in a reset and was in the 98th, reset happened 1 min later, I didn't move an inch and I ended up in the 92nd next log in.

I don't THINK it's only tied to the groundskeeper's hut. I know us elves have often been sent to the 92nd  when bound here in the 98th, but I am somewhat sure I got sent there once when bound to the pondsfire too. But it's possible that I remember wrong, I'm sadly not perfect!

Suggestions / GSF: Illusion bonuses, maybe?
August 22, 2021, 12:05:49 PM
I was thinking... Other than for a wizard to take Spell School: Illusion, as someone just mentioned on discord, there are few reasons to even touch Illusion spell focuses. I really enjoyed Color Spray on my wizard earlier this year, but otherwise... it's really just PHK that gains from GSF. The small blur 20% concealment vs 10% is ... useful, but it's barely noticeable.

I'd suggest a few other conveniences. Maybe extended duration on Invis like Diviner gets on see invis? Extended duration on blur? I am unsure on the exact duration, but I think doubling the duration of these 2 spells would be a huge boost to the convenience of having GSF: Illusion, and might attract people into actually taking it.

What do you all think thonk?
Bug Reports / Quest: Tomb of Anss Rhashruchh bugged
August 07, 2021, 11:15:37 PM
In the part with the 4 lever rooms, no combination of them all seemed to open the 4th room. They all either poisoned us, or , the one that I think is bugged, it opened itself. After it was already opened.

First room opened 2nd.
SEcond had 1 that opened the path ahead, and 1 that opened itself. Third room had one that did nothing, and we saw nothing in the first or second from it.

Always possible that we were too stupid to do it, but it felt like we had done every combination there!
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Nox Acacius
July 31, 2021, 12:20:09 PM
Nox was one of the few people that showed up to my first contest. :< big rips.
I can say that ghostly visage does not do much to help against it. As the caster, at least,  generally it blocks nothing. Spellcraft helps against the first tick of the Entangle, but not the second or third. Ghostly visage does nothing 99% of hte time. However, sometimes, randomly. I have no clue how or when this happens. But sometimes, it makes me 100% immune to it. It's... really strange.
My spear casts the spell 'Entangle' every time I hit something. Boots that give immunity to Entangle do not work against it. Blur doesn't work against it. Spiders that I believe should be very immune to being entangled... are not immune to it. 

It's the same with any casted entangle. Not just the one from the spear.

Druid's immunity and Freedom of Movement work against it. Other sources of immunity don't seem to work.
Even spiders get caught by my entangling spear! And I think someone had some boots with immunity to the entangle spell, and it didn't help the person around me either.
Boppi's best buddy, sucks I just drifted away from it all a couple months ago. Would have been fun to be there until the end.
I liked Alaric. Didn't have much to do with him in my previous characters, but I'd say he was one of Boppi's first friends. :( ripperino.
As we can see in the screenshot below... I used the boots, and they disappeared, as if they were the Lesser kind.

The problem there is, that the LEsser claims a single use then it breaks. While the Greater, it claims a use/day. So I imagine this is a bug!

This is the tinkering item made with the Uncommon Objects theme.
Bug Reports / Stinking Mask
December 22, 2020, 04:32:49 PM
I recently acquired the Stinking Mask and picked up the Mestil's Acid Breath spell to play around with it, on my wizard.

It does not do the special "//This item, when equipped, increases the DC of Mestil's Acid Breath by 2 and gives a 10% acid  vulnerability to the targeted enemies"

My DC was still 22 when I got GSf conjuration, 5 int mod, and it's a 3rd level spell, so 10+4+5+3 = 22, and there was no acid vulnerability when I hit stuff, tried it on my own summon and tried it on another player. 
I can add to this "first pit to the 2nd pit", I have no screenshot of the location, however I've found a spot that I have fallen down twice and  I've seen others fall down multiple times. Ever since I stopped using WASD in morghouls, I never fell into a hole, except for at this one exact location.

It's where you get up from the first pit, at the doorway. You do the U-turn and now, you have the corridor leading up to the first rug location. If you walk on the right side of this corridor, near some of the cluttered mess, then when you get closer to the location of the rugs to the first pit  there seems to be a spot to fall down into the 2nd pit.  I've fallen down this even when walking with mouse clicks. Walking on the left side of the corridor, I've never met this problem.

On the weird boss behavior: every time I saw this thing where people fell down into the 2nd pit from such an early point, then the boss gets weird and summons stuff immediately, so you'll face him long before you reach the 2nd pits, even, which might make it difficult to reach the person who fell into the second pit. My guess is that the behavior will go back to normal if the 2nd pit bug gets fixed!