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Messages - grapeshot

sorry, i was quite drunk when i wrote that, maybe that's why i was so confrontational when i decided to write that post
re: richord

because ringrunning was meant to be an activity for players to pursue during dm downtime, and efu isn't a module that is meant to be enjoyed in any singular way by its playerbase

just like how you were frustrated with some of the recent pvp conflict in the game of late or the state of the trolls quest, it's alright to be frustrated about certain aspects of this game, it's what this forum is for afterall

some players might not have the play style or willingness to divulge the amount of time to the game that might be what ringrunning currently requires to succeed, not everyone wants to grind out an in game challenge over multiple sessions and coddle their character to not die solely to beat the first 7 rings when they could die weeks in like one of the players complaining about the state of the challenge has commented

all stagnation really does in this matter is lock more people out of bothering to pursue with the server content, it makes the content that is to be developed obsolete and makes the further ringrunning content that will be developed for those specific players willing to weather the challenge as it stands lesser because it will cater to less players, it's an overall loss for everyone

i feel as if a lot of people here are making a stand merely to stroke their own egos and congratulate themselves on their own accomplishments now while trying to play dm, all this never change mentality has ever done was cause more players to be jaded with efu

lol at treating something in a game as a spiritual test of will

in the end it's a matter of difficulty and reward, if the investment makes people not want to put in the time to see the content of the server, it's worth looking at, in my opinion
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Verata Bosque
October 15, 2019, 02:14:59 PM
Wow, nice work! Can't wait to see what you do next!
good luck on your next
General Discussion / Re: Looting: How do you do it?
July 24, 2019, 10:53:37 PM
i take everything  8)

Suggestions / Changes to Seam Frequency
June 18, 2019, 11:23:00 PM
I would like to see seams spawning more frequently akin to when the Dungeon Masters kindly treat us according to their whim. Perhaps the algorithm which decides where seams spawn could be modified to guarantee that seams spawn, more frequently, or at the very least spawn at all. I think that the Rifts, an area renowned for volatile planar activity should have a few seam spawns guaranteed, idk.

This only encourages more activity and befits the setting's exploration based philosophy. Nothing is worse than logging in to find absolutely nothing to tackle with other players only to have them log off.

Now that I made you read what you all wanted to see, I wanted to point out the real problem that has been plaguing this setting, the Butcher aprons in the House of Krown do not have a 'leather' option suitable for stealth characters- the only aprons for stealthy butchers available are 'Heavy Leathers', which are studded leathers with stealth stats. No dexterity based character is going to cap their dex modifier at 4, and every such character in the faction believes it to be an annoyance. It's sad to see a single set of 2/6 leathers being shared by multiple rogue Butchers.

Even just cloning the leathers and making them 2/6 and putting them somewhere alongside the heavy leathers would make this work.
