X-Box 360 Game Advice

Started by Garem, June 08, 2009, 07:40:12 AM

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So I'm looking for a new 360 game to blow 60 bucks on.

Right now, Left 4 Dead is in the lead because I looooove fragging zombies. But I already own World at War, and Nazi Zombies is pretty amusing, so I'm not rushing out to buy it. Any other suggestions, especially games made this year or coming out by the end of the summer?


Left for dead isn't too bad, it's kinda neat because when you play online you play with eight people, four of which control the survivors, and the other four control special infected.  It switches every round and It's so fun to control the infected that often times people will just commit suicide as the survivors so they can play the next round as the infected.  Although the last time I played it on xbox live was a month or so ago, so I'm not sure if the community is still thriving


Left 4 Dead is great, but it often helps if you've got a posse of people that you already play with.

Are you looking for something for MP alone, or..?


GTA 4 and (no matter what Dan says) Mass Effect are both decent.  I've heard that Far Cry 2 is pretty good as well.


Mass Effect is indeed a decent game. Epic space opera!


Mass Effect is cool for sure. Fable two as well, depending on what you're looking for.

There's a game called "The Darkness" based on a comic book. Not the greatest game ever but its a very cool game with Mobsters/monsters

Riddick Dark Athena is a nice two-game pack with some cool stealth/melee in prison breakout style

A game called Prototype is coming out soon that appears promising.

Depends on what you're looking for.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Guitar Hero World Tour, Hours of drunken/ high/ sober entertainment.

Mass effect is a great game, Call of Duty 6 is out soon, but if you dont have 4 i'd reccomend it.


I do have CoD 4. Awesome game, especially online.

I play XBox mostly with a friend (or more!), so games with co-op, or better yet, co-op online multiplayer where me and a RL friend can play online on the same machine is the best.

Demo'd The Darkness, too friggen weird. I hear great things about Mass Effect, but I'm going to try and borrow that from a friend.

Of course, we both ran through Oblivion and I did Fallout 3 so we're not too exclusive. Keep the ideas coming!


Whilst Fable 2 is quite cool I wouldn't reccomend it. It claimed to be so much and yet failed in game length and stupid irratating co-op camera. Mass effect=awesome and Cod 4 and 5 are pretty good.  If you want to wait buy Left 4 Dead 2 this November.


UFC 2009 Undisputed. No need for me to say more.


Dark Void looks cool. Don't know when it comes out, though.