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Topics - Grix


Alaric began his career as a more evil oriented mercenary. Shortly after character creation, he was picked up by Solomon Sykes and the Skratti. They built him up and saw him equipped with his needed objects. He was a barbarian build focused on DI gear at the time. Working with the Skratti, he would come to serve the wolf queen Valmoira and her winter court. During this time he would participate in the massacre at the Glitt Glenn in the weald.

After this massacre, he would go into hiding and lay low for a time, as I took a brief break from NWN to focus on IRL. He would return from his time in hiding to find out that the Skratti were no more and both Sykes and Valmoira were dead. He had heard house Glitt offered forgiveness to the Skratti in exchange for service. Learning that the nothing was only a month or more from destroying everything, Alaric decided he should not spend his final days being hunted.

He turned himself in at Glitt hall and was received by Mathans MacBriar. For his crimes, Alaric would serve house Glitt and join Mathans on his mission to scout the rings from 99 to Bazeel ahead of the evacuation of the ward. Alaric spent the next month ring running alongside Mathans, Dame Synia The Beloved, Alessia De Juliet, Kitty, Moros the Last, Tommy Turncloak and others to reach Bazeel and grow in strength for the chapter end to come.  They would eventually succeed in mapping the route to Bazeel before returning to 99 to prepare for march on the Count's drill.

Before the siege on the Count's drill, Alaric would join a small strike team lead by Dame Synia to cripple the Orza war camp and remove them from the field to give a greater chance of victory during the siege to come.  Alaric was not chosen as one of the eight who would face the count directly and instead was tasked by Moros and Mathans to hold the siege line against the hoards of the Count to buy them time to complete their task. Alaric held the siege line after two and a half straight hours of horrific combat. Miraculously surviving this event, Alaric was promoted to Huscarl. Quite the accomplishment given his beginning.

Drill Camp:
He would serve as one of the heroes of the Drill camp in the days ahead, fighting off multiple invasion attempts and helping many ring runners reach the mountain of 64 for those who wanted to train and supply in the days leading up to the chapter close. During this time Alaric would participate in a rescue operation to enter the nothing and search for survivors, successfully bringing back a fair sized group of survivors that were hiding out in the drips.

On the final act of the drill, Alaric fought his way alone through the tunnels to catch up to the main group before joining them to make the final push to escape the deluge. He fought his way with them to the base of 64 and then up the slopes to the summit where he made his last stand. Here, Alaric stood and fought alongside the King as the Nothing was finally smote and cast down once and for all.

Cinquefoil Rose:
Alaric joined with the remaining survivors to found the Cinquefoil Rose and accept the final job of his career -taking the Fort at Ephias Well. He participated in the siege on the front line alongside Mathans and Elizabetha. He nearly met his end to a series of nasty fireballs before Mathans sacrificed himself by charging alone at the mage throwing them, while the rest of the party desparately healed. Although Alaric was petrified twice he managed to survive to the very end. As the water poured into the chamber, Alaric broke off from the fighting and began climbing the stairs, eventually swimming upward toward the top.

Some say he perished that day to take the Fort. Others say the highlander is still out there somewhere today.

//He was a very fun character to play. He didn't really have any DM loot although he did inherit a DM loot Axe from Moros. It was a war axe with 1 magic damage, 1% on-hit dispel and 1/day improved invisibility. I ended up using this as his primary weapon in the final week, even though he was a scimitar build with improved critical. I'm honored and fortunate to have made it to the end on this PC and will miss the Kilts this chapter. Who knows, maybe we have not seen the last of the Kilts and Glitt!

Bug Reports / Combat Styles - Stuck with sword on back
February 14, 2023, 04:56:39 PM
Hello! Before the recent reset, the old /c combat_styles were still in game. At least the /c combat_style non-combat and /c combat_style normal.

I typically default my pc's to the non-combat one so as to show their weapon on their back. As of this reset I'm stuck in this position and unable to return to /c combat_style normal meaning my weapon is now permanently glued to my back. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks!

Login: Grix
Character:  Salvador Marozzo
Off-topic Discussion / Grix's Sword Fighting Thread
December 23, 2020, 02:42:17 PM
As most know I practice sword fighting in NWN and also IRL. This thread is for the sharing of some of those videos! My group is still new to HEMA/Escrima/Kendo. A couple of the guys in our group are experienced and helping the rest of us, but otherwise it's mostly amateur. We fight unarmored at the moment, but as time goes by we'll continue to upgrade to more protective gear so as to be able to dial up the intensity. We alternate between Scimitar, Rapier + Buckler, Spear, Broadsword and Longsword.  We also alternate between steel swords and training wasters due to cost, but are continuing to upgrade our armory all the time. We're based out of Denver Colorado - The Mile High Sword Fighters. We have a dojo that we rent out every Sunday for training.

Escrima - Single Stick

Steel Broadsword with my Mrs.

Scimitar vs 'Batman' xD

Batman Scimitar 2

Steel Bastard swords

Steel Bastard Sword vs Viking Broadsword

I'll continue to upload here as more videos come! Hope you guys enjoy it!

Suggestions / Critical Hit Multipliers
October 27, 2020, 01:16:21 PM
Hello all. So I've a suggestion I'd like to run by you regarding the damage on critical hits with relation to weapons and combat. Specifically with relation to two handed weapons. In real life, I train with Greatswords, Longswords, Spears, Halberds and Axes. I have a dojo that I train at every Sunday for 4-5 hours with these weapons.

In NWN, the Sword is treated as the weakest critical hit weapon. Always x2 even in the case of a Greatsword. I feel this is perhaps in need of change. When we are talking about damage that can be performed on a battlefield or in a duel with real weapons, Greatswords are a bigger threat of bodily harm than Hammers, Axes and Spears. The only weapon to compete is a Polearm axe.

Greatswords are the most threatening because they have the most range out of all weapons where the damage can be done. A sword can take your limb, no matter if you are at full extended arms, or up close with arms pressed to chest. No matter which part of the blade you get hit by -you are losing a limb. A greatsword has a blade that is nearly five feet long and every square inch of that blade can take a limb, or your head. It's compared weapons are only deadly at their tips or at the weapon's 'head.'

Compared to an axe, they are only deadly very close. A hammer, only deadly very close. A spear only deadly at it's tip from range, the same with a polearm. With a greatsword you have 5 feet of death. With an axe you get maybe 1 foot of axe head. With a spear you get maybe 6 inches of tip. With a polearm, you get the same as an axe, slightly more reach. There is only one weapon designed to KILL with every square inch of its construction - The Greatsword. Even the hilt/cross guard and pommel can kill.

Neverwinter nights has the critical hit damage entirely reversed.

A longsword and a bastard sword do not have the cutting power to get through fullplate armor. No one handed weapon does. For these weapons most armored kills actually happen by ramming the cross-guard of the sword, into the eye-opening of the enemies helmet and gouging them after up-close grappling. For this reason I agree they should be x2 crit like most other 1 handed weapons. I would suggest 1 handed axes and hammers are actually the same when it comes to lethal damage.

I am of the opinion however that no two-handed weapon. Especially a greatsword should be left at x2 crit when spears and the such receive a x3. Especially considering in actual combat the Greatsword is the single most deadly, most scary and single easiest weapon to make heads roll from shoulders with minimal effort, from a safe distance of up to six feet from an enemy. Of all the weapons in a real setting, the greatsword is the only one that can kill from point blank and at full extending of the arms. And its the only one with leverage and swinging speed enough to consistently break through armor without having to search for a weak point like between the elbows or the arm-pits.

In conclusion.

The Two-Handed Greatsword deserves to be x3 crit. It just strikes me as odd that one of the absolute -most- damaging and -most- versatile battle weapons is given some of the weakest damage in NWN. I'd say however what it really comes down to is leverage. Using leverage to deliver damage. The greatsword is the most dangerous at this at all ranges of swing. It's comparisons are far too limited and rely on the stars aligning just right for any kind of damaging strike and they each have very restricted reach and threat.

Lets give the greatsword the love it deserves, shall we? Ultimately it changes very little as people already expect x3 crit from 2h weapons anyway. Why leave the most threatening and powerful of them as x2? It just does not make sense to my why NWN did this.

Lmao then again, NWN thinks longswords are a 1 handed weapon. And it thinks bastard swords are bigger than longswords xD. IRL Longswords are just skinny Greatswords. Bastard swords are just fat short swords with a longer hilt such as Arming Swords or Broad Swords.

And Claymore doesn't mean Greatsword. It is just scottish for 'Sword' and most Claymores are actually SHORT SWORDS! What!?

Sorry I digress. x3 crit for greatswords please, because logic.
Nwn has weapons backward as heck lol.

A second suggestion would be instead of x3 crit, because its so EASY to critical hit IRL with a greatsword, perhaps it should be made on par with the falchion? A reduced critical hit threat, starting at 18-20 instead of 19. This would make sense. Any strike from a greatsword IRL that hits you -is- a critical hit. With other weapons they need perfect alignment of stars to hit you in the face for a big crit. So with this logic it would make sense that perhaps the axe and such would have to roll perfect 20 for big crit. But things like falchions and greatswords are more likely to crit with reduced range.

Either way, I do feel something needs changed. The greatsword does not get the love it deserves in nwn. It gets treated like crap and it deserves better! lmao

Wow, I don't even know what to say! What an amazing ride this character was!

One year ago, I created a throw away character to play alongside a friend. A year later, that throw-away character became one of the most compelling stories I've had the joy to participate in, in a long long time. His concept was simple. I wanted to make a dwarven version of Thor.

Angvald was a pure sorcerer: contriver, who spent this life pretending to be a fighter. His build never should have worked and believe me, did he take some punishment along his journey. Eventually though, Angvald came together as a force of nature that left countless quests, rings, stories and vanquished foe in his wake.

By the time he retired, he had: 110HP, 2 APR, +1 Regeneration, 25% Physical Damage Immunity, 10% Acid Immunity and 20% Negative Immunity, Permanent Death Armor, Immunity: Slow, +1 Bonus Caster Level and all the magic of a level 10(+1) Sorcerer. Nearly every item he wore was DM loot from one adventure or another, including several permadeath adventures. Normally, I'd be all too eager to show off all the brilliant trophies, but for this character I find myself unable. I do not want him remembered by his treasures. I will say, they made a big difference though, but they are not what made Angvald.

Angvald is a story of determination, even if you have an utterly abysmal un-optimal build, if you stick with it, you can move mountains. 81 Deaths over the last year. About a third of them post level 10. XP comes and goes. Sometimes it comes or goes in tidal waves. A fun character isn't about your build. It's not about your level. It's not about how bad you crush quests, or they crush you. It's all about determination and drive. Find your story and tell it, no matter how difficult, and everything else will come in time. Angvald was a throw-away character who hung on and reached ring one at the end of a year of playing him. He was a beloved character to me and I am so grateful that he was given such a rare thing: A beginning, a middle... and a perfect end. The perfect end. He stayed true to who he was and gave everything for his friends. From start to finish.

If I listed off all the influential characters it would take an age of man and I'd still miss some. Let me just say, thank you all. His friends, his enemies, his dear Unbroken. It was a wild ride guys, but we made it. For those of you unsure if you want to run the rings, please... please... Do it. It's worth every second of the adventure. Just be ready to wipe away giant tears...

Thank you to all of you who made him such a huge personality and such a treat to play. Especially the DM team, I am blown away by the thought you guys have put into this! Bravo!

I still cant believe this mad-dwarf reach ring 1....

One more time!