The Tale of Punchy the Stupid Midget Troll

Started by Pigadig, April 13, 2013, 09:19:56 AM

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[Written carefully upon some pressed sheets of hide and bound with mushroom fibre, most of these tomes around to be found in the Eyrie, although one or two do manage to make it to the Scars Cave. It appears to be written almost as if for children.]

Like all tales of heroism, it began with a meeting of various Totems. The Chosen of the Wyvern declared her leadership of the hunt, and the children of the Treefather strode forth in search of prey.

A target was chosen, deep in the Betrayer's lands, yet the Chosen, flanked by the Fearsome Blood Tiger and Fierce Gaevor's Fang, showed no fear! Along as well were the Cunning Jaguar and an Outsider child of the Under Night, who while less accomplished were no less courageous!

Stalking through the filthy cursed lands the target of the Wyvern's hunt was made clear... PUTRID TROLLS!

Eagerly the Zodiac Cohort set upon them with blade and claw and arrow, tearing the creatures limb from limb. Yet all the while they were pestered by STUPID STUPID DUMB DUMB Punchy the MIDGET Troll.

"Punchpunchpunch!" Screamed Punchy.

"Missmissmiss..." Whined stupid Punchy, as the Wyvern beat him to the ground and his STUPIDITY caused him to buzz about like an annoying fly.

The outcome of the hunt was clear, the Zodiac were triumphant and the trolls all lay dead and scattered!

Yet Punchy still lived, for the Chosen of the Wyvern grew disgusted with the thought of tainting her blade with such a DUMBY! She beat him up and sent him scurrying away, telling him to come back when he had grown up and stopped being so STUPID!

And so remember, young ones of the Treefather, to remember always the lesson of Punchy the Stupid Midget Troll - don't be a dumb dumb and in the end, when the Totems are united, we cannot be defeated!

- Alatikik, of Wood and Star