Comments on: Player Nightrisers

Started by Luke Danger, July 11, 2009, 12:16:13 PM

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Luke Danger

All I have to say is this: AWSOME!

It's nice now that we can have PC's take on the role of the moste dreaded foes on Ymph. I'd assume, of course, that they're 'fresh recruits' or something similar and thus have little in the way of spoiler knowledge.

I recall my first encounter, the person logged in and ran into the sewers, I was thinking 'WTH?' when I saw that, and I had a hunch that there were now PC risers.

However, this does concern me a bit. I know that playing a Riser would be difficult, you can't use healing potions (unless you want to blow yourself up), but I fear that greifers may try and play it as so they can justify killing people, or on the flip side, someone shouts, "RISER! //OOC: PC too!" and then we have half the server joining in the battle. I know Mort made a comment on that, but I find that to be cheap. Utterly cheap.

Kudos to Mort on the idea however, now I'm shaking in my boots thinking about the sewers :P


Quote from: Luke Danger;135062... However, this does concern me a bit. I know that playing a Riser would be difficult, you can't use healing potions (unless you want to blow yourself up) ...

Don't forget that negative energy is cheaper than healing, and more accessable than positive energy, also, natural for risers.

Quote from: Luke Danger;135062... someone shouts, "RISER! //OOC: PC too!" and then we have half the server joining in the battle.

This would be ridiculous. But well, I guess in order to avoid being abused by half of the server hunting them and needing a dm to save their asses, I would suggest them not to attack people in the sewers during the day while they are still not higher levels, and still can't take half of the server.


I would suggest making OOC comments beyond level range forbidden when using the sending system. -.-


Have more faith in the player base. Also I think reposa's suggestion seems kinda silly as ooc'ly avoiding conflict is never a good thing! This thread should not really exist :(

Egon the Monkey

I assume there's going to be a way for them to use Negative Energy devices on themselves or something. I wondered how long it would be before the No Undead PCs rule went in this setting.

This should be very interesting, as the chance for PC-led Nightriser plots is a cool one.


this is dumb wtf op?


Have more faith in the DMs and the People who play the Nightriser PCs people, and just don't take on the mob mentality when you encounter Nightrisers.

Certainly Nightrisers during the day is unusual, but not so unusual as to summon the whole server to deal with a handful of them.  Just use your common sense.

As for how Nightriser PCs work, their limitations, vulnerabilities, and the like; its really best for you to find that out in game yourselves.



what's the point of the colon in the title?


People showed up because Bunk made a sending saying he was going to fight a nightriser weaponmaster.  Add to this that it was during daytime when they at normally not in the sewer, and you have a draw that has nothing to do with whether the nightriser in question is a pc or not.


Quotebut I fear that greifers may try and play it as so they can justify killing people

You don't have to worry about the Undead Nightriser faction FD/perma-killing people willy nilly, if that's what you mean.


TBH what is this thread about?


I'm going to close this thread because I don't think it's necessary.  You can rest assured that this has been thought out and we're prepared to deal with issues as they arise.  Continue to follow the normal rules of the server and everyone should be fine.


Similarly, people have done the Nightriser Barracks before during the day and not go "OMG THERE ARE NIGHTRISERS INDOORS? ... Most unusual, I didn't think they came so close to the surface."

Come on, guys...