A Journey to the Positive Energy Plane, by Rob Darkspell

Started by Luke Danger, April 23, 2009, 11:28:30 PM

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Luke Danger

A Journey to the Positive Energy Plane
 - by Rob Darkspell

Positive energy is quite common, be it in the form of the spell known as Aid, a Healing Potion or spell, even the abilities of a Paladin to heal an ally or smite an undead foe with a simple touch. Many forget that these spells are of positive energy, and thus just as potent to aid a living ally as they are in harming an undead enemy.

By all technical terms, Positive energy is the force of life itself. The Positive Energy Plane itself is a blissful place where all is warmth, happiness and a sense of calm. When Positive Energy is manifested in our plane, it tends to appear in some form of white color. For example, a fragment of it floating around would resemble a ball of white light floating around. I have witnessed such a manifestation use healing magics, and one even cast the spell known as Aid upon me.

There truely is no description of the Positive Energy Plane able to do it justice, thus I doubt this short writing is sufficient to describe it adequately.

But for those who use potions of healing, wield healing magics, or even cast spells like Aid, you tap into the positive Energy Plane to cast such. However, I must remind you that positive energy is, while certainly inclined towards Good, it not inheritly good.

Just remember, it is a combination of positive energy and negative energy that (according to theories) makes up our plane, particularly creatures such as ourselves. A major reminder here is that too much positive energy, for too much of it -can- have adverse affects, as witnessed when an entire generation of Ymphian Cockatoos that had a encountered a fragment floating around were bloated, unable to fly, even left to die by the other cockatoos!

If you wonder how I was able too see the Positive energy Plane, this is no secret. I was with druids, to be particular, Stewardess Bark and Steward Mezoar (Bark and Mezoar now deceased) and Steward Turor. Along with the group was myself and Jharla Decker, a woman from the Abledoes times. We were recruited as we were allies of nature (Myself, being a Ranger, and Jharla due to reasons that are none of my buisness). It turned out the 'Cockatoo Queen' (I am unsure of the specifics, as the druids were the only ones able to communicate with her) was in need of help. We traveled through some (rough) woodlands, finally arriving at the shore, where a Cockatoo nest was. A fragment of Positive Energy had inhabited the place, and was protecting and nourishing the chicks, to an over-dosed degree, as they were bloated. We needed to solve the problem, as the bloated chicks would not live outside the area, and it was disrupting the area's 'Balance' (a druidic concept refering to weather everything is in balance, not one thing dominating). It turned out a gnomish wizard was experimenting with positive and negitive energy, and had come to the beleif that you had to choose, one, or the other. He then let us pass through his two portals, one to the Positive Energy Plane, the other to the Negitive. In the end, the positive energy was canceled out by a fragment of negitive energy recovered, and, to my knowledge, the portals are closed.

If you encounter positive energy fragments, it may be a boon, but too much of it and you will suffer from over-exposure. Of course, if the Riser spellcasters are slinging negitive energy at you like there is no tomorrow, then it certainly helps.