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Messages - GoD1x

*Salutes* Yaay.
Looking forward to the next though!
It's basically like needing a feat to get your second attack with a greatsword, that would otherwise not require a feat if you had gone with a greataxe.

It's more about bringing it a bit in line with bows in terms of power. At least how I see it.
Plus, you're still also barred from using rapid shot with crossbows.
As the headline says: Give Rapid Reload feat when you've selected a Weapon Focus for either crossbow type.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Maryna Molokova
November 17, 2020, 09:55:06 AM
The few interactions Finn had with her, I suspect I'll remember for a long time :D
Not much one to take screenshots. I always forget to, really!

A timid, guarded wizard that I had meant to play as just going with the flow of things, to properly get into knowing the rest of the server's aspects and a proper attempt at my old love, alchemy.
I tried to get into the whole Tarot and divination aspect, but it sort of faded. Mostly I forgot it.
Never quite got to further explore my ideas on the Astral beings and the Anything. (The curse of having little free time)

He was true to his ideals and oaths.
He never lied (maybe omitted to speak and deflected..) and I took the opposing school very seriously. Not once used blur, invis or other illusions. At least intentionally. (Maybe twice or so, someone used a trinket on him that I didn't get to remove instantly)
He only had 3 deaths over the 5 months he lived, surprisingly. One of them being a stupid misclick mistake during an event.

All in all, it was a thoroughly enjoyable ride, but a bit of an unluckily mishandled 'bomb' ended things a tad abruptly. But that's just the way things go!

A thanks to many many players. I'd do a list, but I'll end up forgetting some. You know who you are, so thank you! :)
Also a thanks to the DMs (also players, I guess ^^) that bear with my slow and calculated typing when I try to portray a sophisticated Wizard (and somewhat in general) and for all the events I got to participate in!
Bravo, really. It's been a rollercoaster ride alongside Yashan.
He'll be sorely missed!
A very fitting end for him,.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Lazar Ebonywood
November 10, 2020, 09:53:48 AM
An enjoyable character, allround. Sad to see him go, but at least he went out with a bang!
A greatly enjoyable character that I'm glad I got to interact with often.
Would have liked to have gotten further into discussing her issues sleeping/nightmares, but the time never really came for a deep dive (always something else happening).. and now it's sadly too late.

Looking forward to the next!
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Care for some tea?
September 03, 2020, 11:04:02 AM
Was saddening news when I heard he bit the dust. I had looked forward to many more tea times.
Bug Reports / EFUSL2 Comment error
June 30, 2020, 09:11:55 AM
Entered a comment in EFUSL2 that was less than 1024 characters- counter said 1016 or so.
I had previously hit the max and removed some text to go below.

When clicking Submit it gave a "Comment is too long ..." error and erased the text.

Would be nice if the text remained if it throws an error (if possible).
Was using Firefox.
Suggestions / Summon 3 of Astral theme
June 26, 2020, 01:11:36 PM
Just a self-serving suggestion of having the creature Astral Hound cast its spell even if it's in close range of hostiles. (If possible)
Its GSF bonus rarely does much, as they're cast too far away.
Going to miss her around the Square! Really well played and I wished I'd gotten to know her better.
I'm back again, after what feels like forever. Thoroughly enjoying the new setting, with my character Bido :)
Off-topic Discussion /
October 13, 2016, 07:21:23 PM
Going on a bit of a break for now. Just haven't got the time to get properly immersed in efu. :(
Off-topic Discussion /
October 05, 2016, 06:26:46 AM
Work's got me occupied through the week these days, so my late weekday gaming has come to an end. I'll pretty much only be able to get online in the weekends.