Creature Proficiency

Started by BoomdaddyBP, March 25, 2009, 07:31:21 PM

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Any Shifter form that has a bite/creature weapon/etc. automatically gets put into my pack with the message saying "You do not have the required proficiency to equip this" popping up. Would be a huge help to get this solved. Not sure what the exact problem is and if it is hard to resolve but perhaps even just that feat on an item that is always worn by the character would work?


You need weapon proficiency (creature) to equip bites/claws IIRC.


Yes, that is the feat I am talking about. It should automatically be on the bites to allow it to equip. If all the bites had to have that manually added I figure it would be a hassle compared to having the feat put on an item that the character always has on.


Any possible update on this?


Just spam snoteye until he fixes you, IMO.


Putting it on the bites won't work. I can't imagine what has changed to break this.


Since the creature skin (probably) changes when you shift, I don't think that would do any good to add it to the skin. A short term solution may be LETO, a long term solution would be to give shifters  bonus feat : Weapon Proficiency (Creature) at level 1.