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Messages - Fable

Having some health problems that is making being on the computer for long stretches not fun. I won't be on much or at all until I've resolved it.

I didn't take a lot of screenshots and I thought this one was funny so it's the one you get!

Madrick Marjolo was a very servile and loyal man of Sunpurse. He had a strange way about him where he would find powerful or interesting people and try to find ways to serve them even if it didn't make sense to his own agenda or desires as a way of "serving fate". It wasn't always the most exciting PC but I loved trying to portray a character that was just out of sight but not out of mind. I got to witness many secret dealings across this PC and it was a pure delight.

I tried to make him a unique take on the Peerage, a man who cared nothing about honor or his own reputation and serve others first in all ways I could (if they were interesting to Madrick). I based him loosely on  John Childermass out of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell.

It was pure luck he got to live this long and see this much but it was a very memorable experience to play him! Thank you to everyone who helped make it interesting.

Oops I lied, one more bonus shot. These are the kind of moments I lived for, just spooking up on people at strange times they didn't expect it.