Thraviel Xillamyn

Started by Thomas_Not_very_wise, July 28, 2009, 05:35:19 AM

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Has been forced retired, and I am also announcing the fact I am being banned for a week. On the bright side, it will allow me to sort through my character ADD, and focus on a truly awesome concept that will sent the Dm crew running to the bathroom to empty their pants after they see it. Send me PM's with ideas, plots, goals, and anything potentially awesome you see fit.

I also have a Yahoo Messenger account of City_of_Arabel

I apologize for all my rivalries, friends, and most of all, to the Elven Warband and Germain for abandoning them, well, being forced to abandon them.

At the moment, I am looking for another Divine Champion concept, hopefully a Divine Champion of Umberlee if you want to set up a concept similar to this.

I will miss the all elven quest spam teams, and the awesome awesome awesome awesome awesomeness we had!

I particularly enjoyed Thraviel, on the basis on that on her first day, she joined the elven warband, insulted three people, made eternal enemies with Praetorious, On her second that, helped slay Caster's Nightriser, declared self exile from the Ziggurat (broken on many occasions) Called the Sharboneth Government corrupt and incompetent, amongst other things...Her pride was truly her downfall.

Without further adue, the screenies.