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Topics - CondorHero

While the flavor of this perk is great, the bear form is bad mechanically. I would caution anyone putting their charisma beyond 12 if you're taking this perk.

Your character stats remains the same in bear form, with the addition rage bonus, but bear form has no armor, and the creature weapon are considerably inferior to the weapons you had on hand. They're like 1d8, 1d8, and 1d10. And they're single-handed thus negating the 1.5 strength bonus of using two-handed weapons, and without the benefit of a shield's AC.

Most barbarian rage is a mean of going offensive or defensive, this bear rage should be more offensively inclined. Not sure how hard it is to make it but some change to the damage of the creature weapon would be nice. 2d6 or 2d8 on claws and bite attacks, and give the bear form some natural AC or DR to compensate the lack of armor/equipment.

Well, not much to say. I didn't have to dig too deep for this one.

About a year and half ago a friend of mine linked me the potion seller video


And that was the inspiration for Mathew Ruffleton.

I just make a waukneenar bard who came out of Westgate (city on the Dragon Coast, west side of Sea of Fallen Star)

The character was adapted from another PW I previously played on. And I'm glad to say I have a lot of fun playing an unattached unaffiliated character. I didn't have to go and find plots, they just find me, because every single plotting schemer needs POTIONS.

Anyway, here's some screen shots.

BOM event that include some of  the server's scummiest characters. Yours truely included.

A prank on Sergeant Oddlestad

This is my best screen shot. The end of the Crystal War.


See ya next time.
Bug Reports / Lost Gold.
January 02, 2016, 12:46:07 AM
acct: CondorHero
character: Quihryn

I tried to give back Victor Clayden 1000, but the barter window crashed before I could put gold in there. Then when I tried to click on him with the gold to open the trade window... the gold just disappear.

Here is the screen shot:

Hoping for reimbursement.
Bug Reports / House of Knowledge - Chamber of light
October 29, 2015, 06:17:02 AM
The projections are not displaying when a light stone is place in them.

I used Lightstone of a Pale Figure, and Lightstone of a Nightmare. Neither worked.
Bug Reports / Fighter's Dual-wielder Perk Bug
October 10, 2015, 04:42:40 AM
Account Name: CondorHero
Character: Vicho Fynn

The perk was suppose to grant ambidextrous if PC has 13+ dex. This one has 14, so he should qualify. The feat was not granted upon selecting the perk. I've tried to reset it using the crafting dialogues, I've tried relogging. The ambidextrous feat is not there.

I'd also want to ask, if this feat is applied by the perk, does it counts toward meeting the requirements to pick up Improved Two-Weapon fighting feat in later levels?

Cheers fellas.
Bug Reports / /c two-handed
October 05, 2015, 05:02:26 AM
This command doesn't take into accounts the strength stat bonus gained from effects.

account: CondorHero
character: Geren Colt- Fighter perk Red Star Defiant.

Character has 15 str base, using the +3 str brew to get 18. /c two-handed should add 2 more damage, but it only adds 1.
Bug Reports / Illmateri Abbey Prelude Bug
August 21, 2015, 04:59:03 AM
I only found one and it's just the portal description in the Character Creation Area. It is the same description as the Wildling Prelude.
Well, I'm really sad that I wont see the cool things that was set in motion last week. But I hope the players involve will enjoy it as the bring it to conclusions. :)

I gotta admit, I made Gylin for all the wrong reasons. A friend was feeling bummed about something that happened to his PC. So I jokingly said "I'll make a paladin to help you out." If anyone look at my account vault you'd know I'm an alt-aholic. I have so many alts in my vault. Haha. Didn't really gave her much thought. Just a few words about her background story to carry a short conversation.

[hide=Back Ground]Before the Sun goes out, Gylin serves as a devotee of Chauntea in a small abbey in Mistledale. Gylin was inspired by Nelyssa Shendean, leader of the Riders of Mistledale, and trained to be just like her hero. Her duties was actually quite mundane: standing guard, tending to chores, accompany priest/priestesses as they travel about Mistledale. But it allowed her time to pursue her dreams and education.

After the Sun went out, she survived through mostly through luck. She found decent folks to help her. Despite her best efforts to keep everyone she met alive, her companions fell prey to the Dread, which she often feel guilty that she survived. Still, she strives to live on to honor those who died.[/hide]

I was really tempted to make her life as grim-dark as possible. But then I decided that she had a happy childhood, and the things that's gonna happen to her is going to be enough to turn anyone grim-dark. So Chauntea as a Diety was a natural fit. The church is pretty laid back, and since it has some druidic influences I drew some ideas from the time period when Britain was transitioning from Druidism to Christianity, basically Gylin was an Arthurian Knight.

I think my only regret was that I didn't give her a proper oath. I only went with the default paladin oaths prescribed in the EFU class description. But I did took a line from Joe Abercrombie "... Good Neighbors are the surest shelter from the storm."  I had Gylin say that quite a few times and those are the words she lived by.

It's such a fitting line for a Chauntean as well, being farmers your neighbor next door neighbor is not exactly a short walk from your door. But they could be a couple of miles down the dirt road. If you can't depend on them you got noone.  So I have Gylin tries to foster and build good relationships with people she deem trustworthy. So in the end, she made a bunch of good friends, some die, some lived on. She made a lot of enemies as well, and some died, some lived on.

Paladin concepts are pretty difficult but it was so rewarding as well. Thanks to all evil people that makes it difficult to play a paladin, it wouldn't be fun without them: Director Falconer, and the evil scheming Spellguard Agents makes it interesting.  I'll definitely revisit the paladin class again, but probably wont be in the near future.

Anywho, enough ramblings. Here is my short story submitted for the contest.

[hide=Short Story]The Silver Amulet.

It came in a fancy zurkwood box, the silver amulet lay neatly on a soft velvet cushion fitted inside the box. I just stared at it: a small silver disk on a silver chain, with strange arcane runes etched upon it. A reward from the Spellguard, for services rendered. Likely made from the same silver extracted from under the Argent Deeps, a prison labor camp sitting on a silver mine.

I recalled the reaction of the others when they were told of the mission: Get in, enlist the prisoner's aid, get out with the silver. The Wayfinders exchanged uneasy glances. All of us knew this will have repercussion later, these people were locked away for crimes committed against their fellows. But orders were orders. Mother of All, forgive me.

We found the prisoner holding out against the Dread inside the silver mine. As soon as I stepped into the mine I immediately sensed it. Dismay washed over me. I knew it would be a mistake to free most of these men.

Let me explain.

It is difficult to describe a sixth sense to those who've only known five all their lives. If I tell you that these men exudes an evil aura, you may think they must glow red or black wispy smoke flows forth from their bodies. In demons, devils and perhaps wizards with some flare for the dramatic perhaps. If I were to say I hear the screeching sound of a nail dragging across a chalkboard, a roar of rage or a wail of despair you would get the wrong idea. But these were just ordinary men who made poor life choices. No, paladins do not "see" the evils etched upon a fellow's soul. Nor do we “smell”, or “taste” it. We do not “feel” it, like skins getting goosebumps. We- Ah, I should have never tried. It is foolish for a mortal to speak upon the divine with our limited tongue.

It sounded better in my mind than on paper. Rather than saying too much and confused matters, I suppose it is best to say too little. To put it simply, it is an amalgamation of all the five mortal senses and more.

There. In the midst of the prisoner's susurrus murmuring, as we were negotiating with their leaders, I felt wave upon wave of their vices and sins: lust, envy and rage being the most prominent in their eyes. By then it was too late for any objections. We struck a deal with these villains for the success of our mission and for their own survival. I had hoped then that some would see this as a second chance for redemption. How wrong I was.

In the end, the Spellguard took the silver, and exiled the survivors of Argent Deeps. Only a few days later, we begin to see the price they would extract from us. The grueling details described in Watchers' reports. I dared to recall them at the risk of my own sanity.

I once had a notion. That somewhere on the surface, virtuous men and women still yet survived. That by joining the Wayfinders, I would help gather them to this Sanctuary and together we would nurture Sanctuary into an ideal civilization to cast down the Dread Empire. It were to be a seed of hope within the Earthmother’s bosoms that would blossom and bloom onto the surface once the Dread Empire defeated.

The Watchers were tasked to protect, but they cared little for the business beyond Dunwaren. Their eyes turned inward. The Society cared only for the destruction of the Dread and aberrants, and they only sought means to support their end. The Spellguard and its Auxiliary cared only for the going on of the Machine, and all their efforts bent toward understanding its mysteries. Only the Wayfinder could make this vision a reality.

Mine was a foolish notion, I realized. The survivors we found were thugs, brutes and opportunists. They exploited the good will of the virtuous around them and betrayed those noble men and women to Dread enthrallment. Such was the case in the village of Orlimmin, I fought and slew noble men and women, enthralled by the Dread, and protected the villains that sacrificed them to survive. We learned of this after the fact and executed the most heinous of the lot. But the whole business had me rethink of my place in the Wayfinders.

How can I go before the Mother of All, who knows All and sees All in her love, and say I've committed these sins against my Oath, because I was ordered to do thus? I was given to know the darkness inside my fellows and swore to never lend them aid for surely they would turn against their fellows given the chance. Were there anyone up there worth saving?

I supposed, my hopes were cast too high. I had thought world-ending crisis would bring out the best in the last of us. But as in all things, the world was once made of all-sorts of people, and all-sorts managed to survive, by luck, by kindness, by treachery or villainy.

The silver amulet sat cooly on its velvet cushion as I closed the zurkbood box. I smiled and bid the courier to convey my gratitude to the Spellguard. It would served to be my reminder, that even something so pure, so beautifully wrought, was purchased by sins. The price we must all pay, heroes and villains, all.[/hide]

Screen shots. Unfortunately, half of the screen shots were lost when my old computer died.

[hide=Gylin slew a demon (other people helped too, a little bit...okay, a lot)]
[hide=Wayfinder Missions]
A Successful First Mission

A Surface Mission for the Spellguard (this was the one I wrote my short story on)


[hide=A short exchange with Flint][/hide]

[hide=Gylin had a squire][/hide]

[hide=Braving the Lowerdark with the Society][/hide]

[hide=Hanging out with the big movers and shakers (literally)][/hide]

[hide=A Demon Slaying Adventure with some Shady Characters from Lower]


[hide=Gylin and the Gnomish Elemental Collider (it did not end well)]


[hide=Gylin reflecting on her actions to Aden]


[hide=Melanie's Funeral]


[hide=Red's asked Bob about the Ruby Shard Animatron]


[hide=Gylin's First Arrest as a Watcher]


[hide=In The End]


Gylin had a steady alignment shift, instead of suddenly fall as a paladin. Death of friends and in game events have slowly change her little by little as she began to opt for pragmatic choices instead of keeping to her ideals when she first started. The long term plan would be to have her slowly change, for better or worse. Thanks to the EFU DM staff for making such a cool setting and set the bar high for such a wonderful class.


The cool thing about this helm is the typo "amazomg." It's like the mark of imperfection that makes it beautiful and cool.


This was the result of the Demonic Adventure with Lowersman.


Gylin's trusty shield. The first item I got. It serves as her holy symbol. And have seen her through many difficult trials.


Gylin's Flaggon of Beer. Won from the short story competition.


Gylin's trusty sword. Given to her by the Society as a reward for helping them.


Gylin's Armor, given to her by the legendary Zsigmond Kadar Who won it from a drow commander he fought near Trnaesyr. It was a reward for the first successful Wayfinder's surface mission.


And I got this from a BoM event.


Thanks everybody. See ya later.
Bug Reports / Troubador perk in the Grotto
September 21, 2014, 03:54:00 AM
I think the Grotto is not giving wage to troubador bards. I guess it is not flagged as an inn area, yet?
Bug Reports / Lost item when charges was not spent.
June 21, 2014, 06:00:44 AM
Character: Gylin Allinsk
Gamespy ID: CondorHero

I had a Wayfinder Commendation Ring, it casts Endurance (3) at 2 charges per use. The ring has 21 charges. Tonnight I used the the charge cast of it, it should have 1 charge left on the ring and the ring should have not been destroyed right? But the ring got destroyed when the enchantment was cast. :(

Anyway, thanks for your time.
Bug Reports / Pillars and Disk Quest Bug.
June 08, 2014, 10:16:33 PM
I had just barely started in the puzzle, when the quest journal updated the quest as complete. So I just went out and turn it in for the xp without actually finishing the puzzle to get the item rewards.

PC name is Gylin Allinsk.
TLDR: Rolled a character and just dive-in to efu and see where it takes me. Loved the ride.

Hamir Huntsman's concept was pretty simple, if anyone has ever read Joe Abecrombies' the First Law series, Hamir would be one of your average Northmen.

His background I cobbled together as I went, haha. He came from a small village/town in close proximity to Neverwinter woods. (only because it was the only place I know of from Forgotten Realm lore) He was a poacher and his skills saw him through the apocalypse.

Originally, I wanted Hamir to join the Stewards faction and check out all the cool druid stuff. But while wandering around looking for druid, (at level 4 still wearing rusty chain shirt lol) he got mugged by a mad halfling wizard name Twitch. Hamir didn't really have any thing valuable at the time, so Twitch took his Sanctuary ring and tell Sanctuary are full of slaads and he should go to Lower instead.

Not knowing the way to Lower, Hamir roamed around and stumbles into the Boneyard, where he met with some necromancers. The necromancers helped Hamir out, making a sending to the Watch to come retrieve their lost lamb and bring him back to the shield. Hamir was completely surprised by the cold reception he got from the Watchers, being that he's lost his ring AND found in company with Necromancers. So not only was poor Hamir robbed, he's now being charged for losing a ring of Sanctuary!

Our boy rolled with the punches, cause even though he had some bad luck, he gotta count his good luck too, he's still alive, at least. Speaking of luck! Hamir met with Acacia the Luckmaiden who seem to constantly try to convert Hamir to the faith. She would talk him up to be a big hero. (maybe one Sanctuary need, but does not deserve.) But Hamir is a practical/realistic kind of guy, so he brush off Acacia's talk of heroic daring-do's.

It was around this time that the Sons of Cyric was causing havoc with their Safety Patrols. One dark, while out questing with Acacia and a few others. The party ran into the Sons of Cyric who was accompanied by at least a dozen skeleton. (not gonna lie, I might've pooped a little at the sight of all those skeletons) Half the party ran, some one made a sending about Cyricists spotted. Hamir saw Acacia not running, so he stayed to stand with her. (maybe some of that heroic stuff she said got to his head, who knows) It turns out she's a cripple and couldn't run anyway. Cyricists took them down to the Illithyd's bar for a drink, Hamir was spooked out the whole time. Those guys were seriously creepy.

They were eventually released. But as soon as Hamir stepped outside. He found that there were about two dozen angry people ready to make a corpse out of him, led by the legendary Wayfinder-Captain Zsigmond Kadar his very self. Hamir was frisked, (Zsigmond frisked me and I didn't even get a T-shirt) and led back to Serena Tower to test for enthrallment. The whole thing just sour his opinion of Sanctuary a little bit.

His trouble didn't end there. Shannon, cleric of Tyr, civil clerk, was convinced that he was a Cyricist. And would tell everyone and anyone that Hamir was no less than a bomb waiting to blow. Hamir confronted her and they had a little spat in the middle of a square. He found out that he could've been charged with multiple misdemeanor. However, they reconciled after the Sons of Cyrics were slain. But the whole argument with Shannon soured Hamir's opinion of Sanctuary a little bit more. It just seems to him that Sanctuary treats you find and dandy until you accidentally broke a law and find yourself on the outside of the authority's good graces.

So he start hanging out down in Lower. Long story short. Met Hamish, got recruited to the Hound, does super cool jobs. Does some stuff he'd rather not do but did anyway cause that's the job. But starts to regret it and now distances himself from the Hounds and eventually decides that civilization isn't the place to be anymore and head out to be a wildling/hermit.

I shortened the stuff about the Hundred Hounds out of respect for the current events. But I totally enjoyed my part in the group. (I can say that I was a Hound before they were cool, as I toss my hipster scarf over my shoulder)  I retire Hamir because I've found that I enjoyed Gylin more, since she has a more solid background and more concrete goals (short term and long term) than Hamir. It wasn't fair for either group to juggle two characters at once.

Thanks to EFU community for crafting such a solid world to play in. I just realized the stuff I wrote has gotten waay too long and this was a short version!

Thanks to all the Hundred Hound players, especially Hamish O'Niel. I would probably never know about the game mechanics if I didn't party with Hamish.

Thanks to all my buddies, who talked me through the soul-crushing feeling that is EFU death penalty. And lend ears and advise in equal measures, when I needed it.

Sorry I didn't take any screen shots. Haha.
Bug Reports / Purple Crystal, disipating.
May 08, 2014, 11:40:20 PM
These purple crystals are suppose to go away after reset, I assume. But they aren't.

I got these from DM spiced quests.
Bug Reports / Wayfinder Scout Maps
April 29, 2014, 12:23:07 AM
It is entirely possible that I'm doing these wrong, but when I try using these maps at the appropriate area (I'm 90% sure), I keep getting the error message.
Bug Reports / Climbing equipment bugs
April 26, 2014, 04:35:28 AM
The lighten grapple gun wont work with the gloom-wing silk rope and grapple I have. :(

The combat grapple gun is also bugged, I think. It seems to be acting like a climbing claw instead of a grapple gun.
Bug Reports / Favored Enemy: Animal
April 03, 2014, 11:56:23 PM
Yes, I took that feat. >_> Dont judge me.

I'm getting a random trap every reset. This seems to be bugged as I'm still only ranger level 5, when it was suppose to only give me traps when I hit ranger lvl 6.