'Madeyes' Booker

Started by efu1984, June 27, 2014, 01:46:02 PM

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I am so fucking sad right now.

Great character, needless to say. :(

The Crimson Magician

true grit buddy :')


::[ Unauthorised Dunwarren Sending by Rendirk Stoutheart : Booker, my  earth kin an` friend, there won`t be another so smart an` capable as you  for a long fuckin` while. You were worth ten of us. If you ever find  the means to tell me how that whole shit happened, be a bud and haunt  me, okay? Right, I`m done. You can all get back to whatever the fuck you  were doing. Red.  ]::


0/10 worst halfling good riddance

i apologise he was the grittiest halfling of them all



aye lad, grit...

Booker was a G.


One of our more memorable adventures. Taken after Booker singlehandedly killed like 13 beholders in search of TREASURE. RIP lad, you had too much GRIT for this world!


Booker was a hero of EFU.

He was the best dude around to take on Chosen hunting.