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Messages - Wall Flower

It seems the Smite Evil ability, unlike other abilities such as Lay on Hands, Turn Undead and spellcasting, is available to Paladins (that is, it functions when used) even without taking any oath or joining an order.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Bell "Turkey" Fowler
October 18, 2020, 01:56:24 AM

Bellona (Bell) Fowler was an ex-burglar and petty criminal who decided it was a better career idea to join the Blackjacks and become a detective.

Bell grew up in the Burgage, in a family that for countless generations would act as fowlers, bird-catchers, for House Moonspear. When that House fell, so did the fortunes of the Fowlers who were reduced to drudgery, paupery and toil.

From an early age Bell left home to become a petty criminal, plying her dishonorable trade in the Scraggleways, a member of the Greasy Groatgulls gang. Because she was small and chubby at the time, she was mockingly monikered "Turkey" by her fellows who ascribed to her an unmistakable resemblance to a street turkey. When, after years of breaking into homes and voraciously reading the books in other people's libraries, Bell eventually realized she was far too intelligent for this line of work, and that the Blackjacks were in fact utterly clueless. So she decided to climb a rung on the social ladder by simply joining them. She began to call herself 'Inspector Fowler', started an investigations unit and eventially became a Detective, a profession which she found suited her faculties better -- and was more advantageous to her personally -- than common larceny. She developed a taste for solving cases, and indeed mysteries and puzzles of all kinds -- something which drew her inexorably towards the forbidden art of clockmaking and into the dangers of opposing the Nothing.

Bell's story ended a little too quickly for my tastes. She was really just getting started. But it was a lot of fun while it lasted. This was because of many players and DMs, but I especially want to shout out to the players of Rrust, Kenny, Clapham, Nola and Midge. The original Bumble Squad.
Bug Reports / Re: Typos and Uncleared Quest Logs
October 17, 2020, 07:51:04 PM
These painting placeables found here and there have an issue that I suspect is a typo.

A scary antagonist, I mostly got to see Modares after the final confrontation, a finale you RP'd very well. Kudos!
Will be (trying to) cut down on my playtime to focus on studies. Likely to spend more playtime on weekends than weeknights.