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Topics - Gennedy

Bug Reports / Missing ability on item
April 28, 2011, 07:08:53 PM
I pulled up a Spine of the Shark while fishing this morning and it says it has cure minor on it, but it lists no charges and has no attached ability to use.

PC name: Ambrose Brocc
Account name: Gennedy

Thanks guys.
Introductions and Group Management / Consort needed
April 18, 2011, 10:43:39 PM
Simply put I need a Consort. Kross was going to Bond with Beggar's insanely cool char, but RL has him busy now, much to my chagrin.

Kross is an orphan from the Shore, Westgates' slum, raised in an Ilmateri orphanage until being 'adopted' by a fire genasi planeswalker named Kaza. She taught him how to use the fire that came naturally to him and about the planes, but not much else.

His goals are pretty simple. He wants to learn more about his magic and to travel to the planes. Not really willing to give alot of detail on that part publicly, PM me for more, I'm on IRC quite a bit.

For anyone interested, I'd prefer a non-evil char, as evil would get in the way of his goals.

I can't really think of anything else, PM me if you have questions.
Bug Reports / Missteleported with Conclave portal
March 25, 2011, 03:43:20 AM
At roughly 7:50pm GMT-6 I used the Conclave portal to come back down to the Temple district and was sent near the other bonfire near the Wardens transition, inside the fence of the tree by it. A DM, I'm not sure who, unstuck me. Thanks again, whoever you are.
Just reporting it happened. Thanks, guys.
Off-topic Discussion / R.I.P Lilly
January 07, 2011, 11:29:05 AM
My fiance's rat Lilly died last night in post-op, we think of shock from the surgery. She got a disease, can't remember what the technical name is, where her uterus filled with pus and other filth and expanded to what would be the size of a basket ball in a human. She was my fiance's first rat and we'd had her nearly two years. Those of you who have, or had, rats know what I mean when I say she was a shirt and sleeve rat and that she loved to ninja around the room, hiding and poking around. She's survived by her sister Eleanor, a goofy, highly energetic, chubby little thing. She will be sorely missed. I'll post a pic if I find one, and figure out how.
General Discussion / Server timeline
December 10, 2010, 12:24:41 PM
Over my time on here I've noticed that it seems like none of us know exactly where in the FR timeline we are as a server. When I've asked I've had one, maybe two, people tell me it's some time after the spell plague. Sadly I have to admit I'm not sure what that is, since most of what I know about FR comes from the 2nd Ed era novels and what I've read in the game books from, mostly, 3.X D&D.

I felt it was weird that it seemed like no one could agree, or sometimes give any idea, about the server's timeline, so....this's me asking.

Thanks guys.
General Discussion / Player vs character knowledge
December 10, 2010, 12:19:39 PM
I'm sure this has been brought up many many times, but I thought maybe it should be mentioned again. I found myself the other day in a situation where, during an IC debate, that my understanding of a subject was less than my char's would be, and well, heh, I lost the debate due to that.

I figured I would make this post to remind everyone that not all of us know everything about the game world/server. I know alot of us, myself included, play pnp, most likely D&D. And we probably played Forgotten Realms at least once. But I also know alot of players have never played pnp before, meaning they have a distinct disadvantage when playing characters that -should- know what they're talking about.

So.....I guess this post is partly me bringing all this up to remind everyone, and to see what everyone else's thoughts on the subject are.

Thanks guys.