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Messages - Axioein

Malik was truly an exceptional character. I played against him both as a foe and as a friend. The word that comes to mind the most is class, as in a very well thought out and very well played character.

Best of luck with your next!
Very well done. Bravo.
Abala hooked us up with a return of the custom armor blacksmith and that is greatly appreciated!

Would it be possible to also add a tanner in the same building / area for custom leather armor work? The cloth is already taken care of by the Thayan in the Ward.

If possible, thank you in advance!
The smith is awesome!!

At some point could a leather  customizer be added as well? If there already is one, rgr and disregard.

Cloth already exists in the Peerage.
Frobo was awesome and really capture the spirit of the fearless hin serving his Goddess. Well done!
Well to be honest, its human nature. A player goes, I want my character to succeed and if I join x large group I have the best chance of that.

There is currently one major hub in the Peerage. The houses compete in the Peerage but in general most of the people in the Peerage will work together to some extent. The trifecta of Peerage / Ticker Square / Ponds use to balance this as the Peerage and Square factions typically competed. But with the Square gone due to IG events and most of the starter quests in the Peerage, that is where the majority of the population ends up. Pond life is a lot of fun, but it does not draw the majority of players.

In addition, there is a real cost to not joining the main questing groups. You are likely less well supplied, less likely to be a higher level,  and likely to have fewer allies. All that means your chances of surviving inter faction PvP conflict or larger DM events goes down hill. Working against another faction, especially a player powerful one, will almost certainly bring PvP conflict and players know that.

So you put this all together and you end up with people willing to group together. There are some players who are historically  good at succeeding outside of this trend, but that takes a certain amount of skill and knowledge.  Given limited play times and average skill / knowledge, human nature is what it is.

My two cents, I would like to see a return to a trifecta of three different power bases. Houses / Something / Ponds with that Something having starter quests and a faction or two to get behind. That being said, I dont think the current state is a bad one and the ongoing DM plots are really interesting. It does tend to produce some of the above mentioned behavior.

If you really dont like it as a player, I would offer a great chance to cause some fun IG. Make a hard core believer of the Triune and start challenging people to death duels who work with known necromancer supporters in the Peerage / etc. Will be hard but could be a lot of fun if you feel strongly about it.
+1 for this!

Personally I would rather have my character in something less powerful but tailored for their look.
General Discussion / Re: Positive Vibes Corner
February 14, 2021, 07:12:19 PM
My favorite thing about EfU is how deep and complex the world is.  I had a character type I enjoyed the most and stuck with it for years. When I branched out on my last couple of characters, I realized how much was out there that I (who has played off and on since EfU 1) didnt even realize was there.

Great stuff and great community!
I realize we lost them due to Ticker Square going down, but it would be nice if leather / steel armor crafting armor NPCs could be added back in.

The ability to set up your own armor and look prior to getting a nice quest item or DM Loot armor was awesome.

DMs are keeping the server moving along awesome as always. Hoping this can get some consideration at some point. Thanks!
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Gerhardt Ewoux
January 31, 2021, 06:20:01 PM
Gerhardt has passed on. He was my first attempt at a cleric and was a lot of fun to play. While I didnt get any screenshots or neat relics to entertain you with, the write up will have to do.

Gerhardt was born in Amn during the time of the war that rocked that country. The son of simple guardsman, his memories of his homeland or even his family were badly fragmented upon waking in the City. The only two clear memories he held was of a man he assumed to be his father demanding he 'be a man, fight' and visions of a burning town.

However, with things taken some are given. Upon awaking he did find a simple amulet around his neck that he would come to learn was the symbol of the Triune. Discovering the power of Faith and Prayer, a priest was born. This turned into his acceptance as the Lord's Bishop in the Vestry and some planned fun with the other Bishops.

All this said, the core of Gerhardt was a soul struggling to understand his God and his place in the City. A mixture of utter Faith in the Triune in the present and a dread of a terrible past he couldnt clearly remember. I was hoping to develop this more into an Inquisitor type of character going after the various Druids / Cults / etc while carrying a core of doubt about his own abilities, but events turned out differently.

Given the eventual PvP end goals I had for Gerhardt, I wanted to weave in a fatal flaw. If he was ever defeated, especially for anything touching on his Faith almost all of his hard earned wisdom deserted him. The core doubts that still lingered from his past became bitter seeds of poisoned rage resulting in the small town sell sword / tough he was before the City shinning through. Sadly this would prove Gerhardt's end.

If anyone is thinking about a cleric, strongly recommend giving it a go and focusing on the interaction aspects of it.
Come join the fun!

I just joined and already some things are starting to take shape for my character. Great group.
Rgr that, thanks!
Please remove assassin vines and greater roots from spawning in the 'newbie' area of the 99 Commons.

This is specifically the alley that you enter from 100, spanning from Ticker Square to the Open Doors. Dont think they are very well balanced given the low level characters that move through there often.
Suggestions / Re: Make Mongrelwoods Great Again
March 08, 2020, 11:23:56 PM
The orc and the goblin static quests were great.

It gave you certain content that everyone could access each reset. I know the design of CoR is different, but people only have so much time as players and that certain content was awesome.
Far to short a time with her. Best of luck on your next one!