Thank You from Mouse, Mera, Mith & Kat

Started by xxWhisperingWindsxx, September 19, 2008, 10:58:08 PM

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Now that we have a shiny new spot to play in, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you from Mouse, Mera, Mith, & Kat to all those that shaped their stories and provided me with hours of wonderful RP. Most (if not all) of those PC's have passed on to the fugue and I never did give the appropriate thanks in their threads. Because of my n00bishness I never got good screenies. So, unfortunately all I have are the screenies I just took of them now that they are resting in the fugue.
So ... thank you very much from Mouse, Mera, Mith, Kat ... and of course me :)
And on that note ... just so I can say they've been at least semi-immortalized ...
Lisianthus Greymouse (aka Mouse)

I heard it said by more than one person that when Mouse chose to hide, few could find her. Several even said to me ... "If you want to find Mouse, look for Othur. You may not see her, but she's probably there." ^.^ But yeah, she could hide well when she wanted to.

A lesson learned with her ... when you belong to 3 different groups all spying on the other ... it's never wise to just waltz into one of the HQ's like you're going to a damn tea party without letting anyone know where you're going. It generally leads to your death. >_>
She never did get to accomplish her one goal ... but thanks to the Montezzi's, the Associates, and the Maskarran's ... had she lived, she just might have, for she learned much from them. ;)
Mera Helyanwë

Mera was an interesting sort. A true fanatic priestess of Mask, who's story got seriously side-tracked by IG events. But at the end she got to choose her death. One that she felt would finally win her the favor she long sought. She was another one who's story was shaped by the touches of what was left of the Montezzi's, the Spellguard, and the Maskarran's.
Mith'Szeous Fenouile

Mith's secret finally revealed. The reason she was so horridly shy and timid. I will never understand why Isania didn't kill her on the spot, especially consider who Mith was with at the time she was captured... but she didn't. And because she lived, her story took some very very odd turns as well. Like Mera, she ended up very very far from her original concept. Far enough away that she even had her diety changed for her, thanks to a very persuasive tiefling. ;) Surprisingly, she actually made it as far as The Way. Though I do believe she was the first in the party to die.
Katiana Amaranthus

I'm actually at a bit of a loss to come up with a blurb for Katiana. In some ways her story was exactly as it was supposed to be, and in other ways there were loose threads that never got realized (I think in part because of the timing of EFU/EFU:A). I wanted to do something a little different with her than just a typical "whip freak Loviatan" ... I wanted to dig deeper into the psychology of it. I hope that I accomplished it.
Thank you very very much to the PC's and players that helped shape their stories and helped to make them come alive. You have my deepest gratitude.
[20:20] <crump> nature's not outright trying to murder everyone there, it's playing gentle, lures everyone into a false sense of security. then it strikes. chicago's weather is the bdsm of nature systems


Amy was really intimidating. :(


I'm a fan of WhisperingWinds.


Mouse was great.  Wait, she was spying on us?  Damn.  Had no idea.

Joe Desu

Mouse, Mouse, Mouse,
You turned you back on Loviatar, ... oh but Kat came in force, nevermind.
Team Loviatar of the Underdark!


I dub thee WWind, player of weird maskarran chicks whose names start with M's.

Also, remember that time in Traensyr?

Yeah that was pretty neat.


A fine collection of characters.  I suggested that you not make a Loviatan, and I am ever so glad that you didn't listen.  Great times!

The Crimson Magician

Oh, Mith. Too much crying. I remember that, WWind.


Everyone must die.

Mask Must die.

WWind must live.


Ripley (the Ripper) Ripplebark 'wanted' Mouse until he met Linda Knowing.:twisted:  ;)


Micky turned Mouse to the Dark side, Mask. Muwhahahahahahaha!!

Mera, tried to have Micky killed. Right after Micky gave the order to have Mera killed.

WW, your characters have been awesome, keep them coming. Peace!


I remember plotting with Micky to kill Mera. :P
"Proving concerned parents from the 80's wrong, just in time for them to be dead. "