Furniture disappearing from Banda Fortress and Balladeer College

Started by Pandip, April 24, 2024, 05:04:22 PM

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This seems to be an ongoing issue. Furniture that is put down doesn't last a reset for some reason.


I kind of dislike these nicely designed areas NOT being cluttered with PC furniture / paintings / etc and would rather it stays this way. If anything, I think it should be more strict in faction interiors. (including the Krak main room)


I get this, but... The Tower of Q'tolip looks so good with player furniture right now.

Don Nadie

I personally think it'd be cool for the Balladeers to be able to add, for instance, bookshelves for books. I know that for a while it was possible to add them, and we set up some in a tasteful, cool way...

Though it is always tricky to know where furniture can be set. The amount of times I've lost a Hidden Poem because the area does't take to furniture...