Eryeth Cotte

Started by Loops, August 05, 2019, 06:44:26 AM

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I don't have awesome screenshots for Eryeth. I've had to swap laptops and computers like a million times since I made her. But I had so much fun.

The problem with a character like Eryeth is that she has so many secrets I can't share! I want to thank everyone who played with me, DMed for me and made my first EFU character so memorable. I thought she'd die like on day 1 or 2 given EFU's reputation, and that was back on release of CoR! I can't believe so much time has passed.

She was just a young girl raised in a Sharran cult. She never knew the difference between real family and people you're willing to serve until you die. The entire time, she wanted peace and security for her new home, and generally wanted to build a holy and virtuous house, to escape from her upbringing. Unfortunately, she only knew how to work with tricks, lies and assassination, and that could never get her there in the end. The paladins and holy people she tried to gather to help her always ended up either falling victim to her command or saw how negatively she worked and distanced themselves - and she never understood why!

Somehow she became a High Thaumaturge, despite not being especially accomplished as a sorcerer, and then a dame. In the last few days, Eryeth even began to open up about her feelings and insecurities with someone she came to trust and admire. She made it so far. If only she could have been proud of herself in the end - but her history of profound depression and sense of inadequacy prevented that.

She died how she lived - helpless and in the dark.

Still, I had a great time. At least I finally get to try out my other character ideas. I'll see you in game.


Oh and I think some people like to see unique loot?

The first one I got! Eryeth got given it as a present from Nicodemus, and that was when she knew they saw eye to eye. It was low key my favourite because it was so perfectly Eryeth.



The big one that attracted all the attention! It was a gift from Nadia Nephezar, who I think was trying to sway Eryeth down a better path. She tried, Nadia. She really did. But in the end, she didn't know how to be a good person.



Eryeth took this from her predecessor, when she killed him. I can't go into too much detail on this, but it was a big moment for Eryeth, finally realising so much about the world.



A gift probably meant to have been an insult. Agamast Nephezar demanded tribute for the lives of Ticker Square citizens. Eryeth kept it, because it was a reminder of one of the few instances she was able to save lives by urging people stop and think about their actions.



Ok I'm feeling a little teary now. Thank you everyone for playing with me, especially for those big moments. You know who you all are!


What an amazing, complex character and a truly masterful enchantress who was for the most part the face of House Nephezar. The mastermind who bound the Royal Court Wizard, stealing from him his cherished independence yet for reasons (besides prestige for her House) entirely human. I was hoping to see more of Eryeth and seeing how our characters would sort out some of the things they were entangled in, not least of all their ongoing intrigue but alas, seems it was not to be.

Great stuff, Loops. Eryeth will be missed, which is a testament to your roleplaying ability.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


RIP master manipulator, her antics will be missed. :(

Scumlord Spiffy

A complex, dynamic character, and perfectly human in its understanding.

A+ loops.


Gah!  Eryeth the Undying One cannot possibly be dead!  :'(

She was a wonderful character, believable and endearing, and the best manipulator I've ever seen. 

Taharqa Kush, my lumbering fighter, found tiny young Eryeth utterly terrifying.  He was not afraid to stand up to Nicodemus but he never dared defy Eryeth!  But he still cared about her, and sadly now she will not be able to bring him back to the Nephezar fold. 

RIP.  A very well earned rest.   Now at last Loops, you can unleash a torrent of your unused concepts upon us!  Thank you for the good times. 
After the battle is over
And the sands have drunken the blood
All what there remains
Is the bitterness of delusion


A great character. She made my involvement with House Nephezar as Valindra amazing, I honestly would not have stuck around without her.

Emerald, Ruby and Steel

You are an amazing player and your PC literally made the Peerage what it is. Your contribution in this regard has been immense and you should be quite proud of that.

Eryeth was and is incredibly memorable, one of those excellent characters who grow to become truly unique and in some sense human. And her being around was a strong factor in my wanting to log in and play on the server.

Thanks! Look forward to seeing what you create next.


Over the span of my three characters. I'd light interactions with Cotte. She was great, nice and kind to each of them, regardless of their race. It would've been nice for events to unfold in a way that allowed me to spend more time around Cotte but ultimately she was cut down. It'll be sad to see her go but I look forward to whatever you drum up next.
"Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem." - Joseph Stalin

Bouquet of Roses

I'm sad that there's so much stuff we won't get to actually see through.
The whole tug-of-war between light and dark, good and evil.
I would've loved to see where it would've ended up ^^

Makes me kind'a wish I'd done it sooner.

But like everyone else-
I'm really looking forward to seeing what else you can think up, especially now that you have a feel for the server.



Here's one secret of Eryeth Cotte revealed at last (with screenshots!). If anyone ever wondered why she kept talking to herself at times, here's why:

Working late alone in the basement of the Nephezar Refuge, or what?


Just looking at herself in the mirror, wearing something new.


A nice chat with a pet and posing in front of the mirror. Nothing unusual for a teenage girl, probably.


Tender moment with the equally dead Ser Adrian Winespill where he had the wrong idea.



A well portrayed complex character. I enjoyed RPing with her on two characters muchly.


Excellent character and story! Very well done, Loops.


OMG Arch I loved your spectre of death that was always looming over her, ready to explode her the moment he had an excuse.

And Garehm & Scrappa, fan q I really appreciate that.


What an incredible trajectory for a PC! It was an absolute delight to play with Eryeth, particularly considering I had the opportunity to see her grow from the scared, nervous, uncouth young thaumaturge into the long-term leader of House Nephezar. There was a certain heartbreak to her abandonment of Cillian that felt so personal and real in a way that few things in EFU often do. Really great stuff, wish I got to see more of the scheming and intricate interactions!