The Crimson Codex of Phronexis

Started by Pentaxius, November 22, 2012, 04:47:34 PM

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[this richly decorated codex has been placed in the tower of the Gods for pilgrims to study. The figure of an imperious red queen has been ingraved on the first page]

[tface=fell]The Crimson Codex Of Phronexis


On the meaning of Phronexis

[tface=fell]Phronexis is a virtue, the paragon of all virtue, the gift of the Crimson Decurio. It means prudence, but is it not the prudence professed by the coward  to escape his duty.

In essence, Phronexis is the knowledge of when to act, how to act, and against whom.

By  exercising Phronexis, you will become able  to recognize and wage war against your true foe, the one that fate chose for you to confront.

We all hold inside us the potential to learn and apply Phronexis, yet the route to the mastery of this virtue is a treacherous one. Follow the teachings distilled within these sacred pages, and the gift of Phronexis will be bestowed onto you.


[tface=fell]Part I : Lifting the Veil.

-Your life is a war, my son, and your existence is that of a besieged castle.

-Patriarch Oclavio Victus

 The illness which struck you, the foes who tried to kill you, the lover who forsake you, all the seemingly unrelated battles you will wage in your life are, in truth, connected. They form a pattern, and this pattern is a lanceboard in which you are a besieged Pawn.    

The first step to achieve Phronexis is to recognize the existence of the Lanceboard - only then will you be able to prepare a proper strategy to defeat the enemies fate has placed against you.


Visualize the lanceboard with an open mind - it is important that you take your time, that you focus your gaze upon it. Forget everything around you - think only of the board - think of yourself as occupying one of the Squares. And repeat the words of Oclavio Victus thirty two times, the sacred number of the Crimson Decurio.

''my life is a war and my existence is that of a besieged castle"

When the image becomes vivid in your mind, head to the tent of the Argenti, inhale the fumes of the mist - and repeat the Cogitatum thirty two times again.

Embrace sleep

and behold

The Lanceboard



[tface=fell]Part II : Know thyself. [/tface]
Under the sacred guidance of the Crimson Decurio, you have contemplated the celestial lanceboard. Would you not have reached the first level of Phronexis, you must repeat the first Tacticum-Cogitatum until the truth becomes clear.

The lanceboard is the uncharted map of your destiny. It is a territory you must explore, a terrain you must conquer. But before you wage war against your true foes, The Crimson Decurio teaches that you must study the battleground carefully.  

The first object of your study is your very own soul. Each of us has been infused with a celestial Archetype. This step will allow you to shed light on the shape of the cast from which your soul has been forged by the currents of fate.

Tacticum-Cogitatum II

Travel to the prophet's peak at the beginning of dusk, cross the bridge of Mist until your reach the rocky platform. Lay down in the mist, inhale deeply, and turn your gaze towards the celestial arch.

As the sun continues it's course towards the nadir, stars will begin to appear. Pay close attention to each of them as they progressively emerge from the rising darkness. Forget everything else, focus on the stars, and count them. Once you have contemplated the emergence of sixty four stars, shift your attention towards the Lanceboard.

Focus on the lanceboard until the visions you have received during the first Tacticum-cogitatum become once again vivid to your mind, and then Focus on the stars again. You must shift your attention in this way thirty two times, the Sacred number of the Crimson Decurio.

At this point, the stars and the Lanceboard will begin to merge into a coherent shape, each star forming a single square of a lanceboard. Inhale deeply and Behold, what you see is the Celestial Lanceboard, engraved in the darkness of the night-sky.

Keep your attention focus towards the star-formed lanceboard and recite.

"Crimson Decurio - I do not know my place on the Lanceboard of Destiny"

"Thus, I recognize that If I know neither myself nor my enemy, I will always lose."

"Thus, I recognize that if I do not know myself, I may not know my enemy."  

"Thus, I recognize that If I know only myself, but not my enemy, I may win or I may lose."

"Thus, I recognize that if I know my enemies and know myself, I cannot lose."  

"Crimson Decurio - I seek to know my place on the Lanceboard of Destiny."

At this very moment - observe carefully. Some of  The sixty four stars composing the celestial lanceboard will begin to form a constellation.

Consult the chart in the Crimson Codex of Phronexis

