EFU:R In-Game/IRC Quotes

Started by Howlando, July 14, 2013, 11:49:43 PM

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13:40   Lunivere   when im at manparties with my friends we like to braid and unbraid each other's beards
13:40   Lunivere   how about u guys
13:40   Pentaxius   We oil each other's beard with ear wax.
13:41   Pentaxius   So we do harvesting sessions.
13:41   Lunivere   that's really manly
13:41   knightofponies   Nothing is more masculine than two men stroking each other's beards.
13:44   Lunivere   I enjoy losing my fingers in 4-feet long thick beards
13:45   knightofponies   Don't we all?


<+Sanctuary> ::[ City Sending by Jarik Blake : Is it working? -good. i believe i encountered one of the bounties of the watchers. if anyone wants to assist, i`ll be in the square. if the bounty is listening, please ignore and stay where you are. thanks. this is Jarik ]::
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


21:25   TeufelHunden   Hello Derfo
21:25   derfo   Hello
21:25   TeufelHunden   How is life?
21:25   derfo   Pretty good
21:25   TeufelHunden   Excellent, been getting a lot of DMing in?
21:26   Canzah   Hello core
21:26   Canzah   How is life?
21:26   derfo   Off and on recently I suppose
21:26   Canzah   Clearly derfo > core. Not even a reply...
21:27   core   not bad
21:27   core   wow fuck you

John Doe

One of the better insults of our age:

Eq|werk: Team moral highground, slightly more annoying than team good and slightly less than team nature.


17:39 Doc-Holiday !seen Uranus
17:39 Sanctuary Doc-Holiday, I have never seen Uranus before.
17:53 Doc-Holiday!seen MySelf
17:53 Sanctuary Doc-Holiday, I have never seen MySelf before.
17:54 Doc-Holiday !seen AnyoneMoreAwesomeThanYou
17:54 Sanctuary Doc-Holiday, I have never seen AnyoneMoreAwesomeThanYou before.
17:54 Doc-Holiday Aww thank you


::[ City Sending by Sanctuary Watcher : Chester the Molester is wanted by the Watchers of Sanctuary for spending too much time alone with Cimmaron the Candyman. A bounty has been put up on him in the residental zone boards. Also, anybody got any licorice? ]::

Knight Of Pentacles

: I have grown breasts and lost my balls and become a fangirl. Please make love to me.


Quote from: JurI assume that the Machine is a giant space laser and it'll cut open dendars belly and Lathander will pop out kool-aid man bursting through a wall style.



15:23   : Is there a DM online ? I'm stuck in the workmile due to some NPC's blocking the exit.
15:24   : Or could someone online come to the workmill and try the entrance? Perhaps zoning in will push the NPC's to the side.
15:26   *** Inquisitor joined #Efu
15:26   : give me a moment and i'll be there with my PC
15:26   *** Nbane quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
15:28   : Shumpeter: you are now a worker. you must work your shift.
15:28   : alright. epic fail. now 2 PCs are trapped
15:29   : xD
15:29   : This is how Gould gets new workers. The naysayers were right.
15:29   : Just punch those workers
15:29   : and run
15:29   : they'll die with one punch anyway
15:29   : Another death in the Workmill, who cares


::[ City Sending by Valeria Demethes : My dear friends and fellow citizens, this is Valeria. As I bit into a piece of dreamy liquorice this morning and it filled me with an undescribable joy and delight, another thought entered my mind. Sanctuary has seen the endless benefits that the Workmill has provided for us. It has enabled us to arm ourselves, it has enabled us to protect our new home and carve out a new existance for ourselves i
::[ City Sending by Valeria Demethes : Seeing the benefits of the Workmill, we must ask ourselves... what benefits would a Candymill bring us? Imagine the endless joy and revelry in the streets, the boundless bounty of confectionary delights that can indulge our palette and quench our apettites? I ask you is it enough to simply -live- when you can instead live well? Vote for the Candymill. Vote Red! ]::


Quote[ElfPowah] Ringol: [Talk] // afk snake in the house
Yes, this really happened, and in the middle of a fight for our lives in the lowerdark. The joys of living in rural Australia and having cats. It was a young brown snake. Dead, thank god (bloody cat managed that at least). Those bastards are vicious (brown snakes and cats).

Knight Of Pentacles

01:57   : is vengeful kop's girl friend?
01:58   : yes.


[21:42:48] ::[ Spellguard Broadcast : Citizen Hando is to report to Serena Tower. Ring the bell upon arrival. ]::
[21:43:11] Some~body's in trou~ble
[21:43:51] Being called to the carpet, EFUR styel
[21:45:59] Come to the principal's office.
[21:46:38] : ::[Spellguard Broadcast: Citzen Hando is now exiled upon pain of death if he returns  ]::
[21:47:08] :D
[21:47:40] ;olo
[21:47:47] That was fast.
[21:48:07] Wow.
[21:48:10] 4 minutes between sendings
[21:48:12] That was fast o_o
[21:48:23] That's... not a real sending.
[21:48:26] :P
[21:48:27] Oh
[21:48:28] lol
[21:48:29] whoops xD
[21:48:30] It's a faaaaake.
[21:48:44] Oh goddammmit


21:15EfU_Meldread"Look  guys, this bitch is the only game in town.  Sign up now, or you'll  regret it.  Like, really regret it because my plants will strangle you  to death."

-Re: Jannath

You heard the man! Jannath is drinking the divine essence of all the dead and dying nature deities like sweet sweet god-juice absorbed through her roots. Better gain favor before your god is the next on the World Trees list for absorption!