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Messages - Don Nadie

It was fun meeting Gawen, one of the few sweet peers. May you enjoy your next character!
Another real cool character lost to Harad's party. Always fun to interact! Taught Toten all she knows about war-profiteering!  :'(
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Maeve Briarwood
January 09, 2021, 03:26:32 PM
Absolutely one of my favourite PCs, the kind that was an event whenever she appeared. She'll  be missed!
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Whiton Whizfinger
December 30, 2020, 02:36:12 PM
Whiton died as he lived: being a tiny annoying little shit who didn't deign drop his backpack for others!

Hope you'll find something else to have fun with :)
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Aleister the Wise One
December 30, 2020, 02:34:31 PM
Ouch.  =_=

Was fun to encounter each other, and to work towards helping the Ponds. I think he rubbed off for good on ol' Granny, and I really enjoyed our interactions both by letter and in person. He'll be missed.

I guess that means I gotta throw 4 pounds of the refined quarz dust I'd been saving, tho.

She was a really fun character, and she'll be missed.  :'(
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Aurelia Greywood
December 19, 2020, 12:43:35 PM
Darn cool!
Totenkinder will legit cry for this T_T He was an epic character that kept the Ponds doing cool stuff. Thank you for the excellent RP.
Mandy will certainly be missed. Sweet enough to melt a hag's heart!

I really loved our (sadly, short) adventures. Our sessions of experimentation made alchemy and herbalism a lot of fun, and our attempts at crafting useful tools for the battle with the dragon. I'm sad that no mudmask, no war paint, no healing crystal could save her, in the end.
Suggestions / Herbalism lab expansion
November 13, 2020, 12:51:49 PM
So... It's a simple suggestion: make the herbalism lab (accessible near a certain hatch near the Ponds) wider.

Currently, the lab is too tight. This makes the spawn of Grey Renders (a normal occurrence) appear right behind you, blocking the passage.

Worst part is, the screen bugs, making it look like you're running away when you're actually receiving damage and not moving. So there's no way to escape, and figthing after receiving a few hits while you thought you were "running" is tricky... Especially for, say, new players like myself, who're trying to learn the system and the most likely users of this lab.

Being unable to move at all (so one can drink a potion without AoO, for instance) makes it a death-trap.  I've died twice with the same thing, which I find very frustrating. And since it can be prevented simply by moving the herbalism workplace a bit up the corridor or  changing the area a little, I think it would be good to do so.


Don Nadie