Sir Amalrith Tremarus

Started by LiAlH4, March 09, 2012, 04:18:48 PM

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Amalrith Tremarus was born the son of one of the Red Plumes of Hillsfar. Dragged from what was a promising career that could one day lead him to a position of power within that town, he was deposited on Ymph in the latter days of Duke Trenada's Dominion. Recognizing that defending Nebezzdos was at best a fool's errand, he sought out refuge in the town of Vortgyn's Rest. He was present for many of the major battles (though he did not always play an active role in them) and was the standard-bearer for Knight-Champion Jacques de Villiers when the Order sent a relief force to Trenada's doomed siege of H'bala's tower.

He knew the indefatigable Micheal Tommas from this day and age - having seen him at two out of three of the major battles. He was irked to have seen the man join not only the Wyrm Watchers but Mororn's Brotherhood of Mercy.

In the subsequent three years, Amalrith was selected to serve under the Knight-Champion, becoming his aide-de-camp and squire. Eventually assigned to Mistlocke, he held the rank of Footman upon his arrival at the Priory.

Amalrith considered it his personal mission to drill discipline and a respect for the authority of his command into the Footmen and Supplicants at the Priory of the Order Numinous. He developed conflicts with many major players across the server quickly, throwing himself with varying degrees of success against the Wildlings, Stewards, Gadyw Aberdenn, and of course H'bala. He fought the Agony more times than I can count on one hand, gathered more PCs from Mistlocke for oft-embattled patrols through the Withered Lands, and tried to make a significant impact on the actual war effort against the Lichess.

He was eventually knighted, christened "Sir Amalrith Tremarus the Stalwart; Bulwark of Mistlocke" by Lord Blackhearth himself.

Thank you to all the PCs who were involved with his tale. Amalrith had a number of grating flaws, the most notable of them being pride, overconfidence, and a bad temper which I tried to roleplay consistently (the second in sequence resulted in his death)! Whatever your interaction with the Knight-Templar, I hope that you enjoyed it.

Screenshots to follow. :)

Amalrith's first execution! De Villier's squire was all grown up!

He absolutely detested Mistlocke, though he was canny enough not to let it show! 16 Charisma helps with such matters, despite the lack of bluff as a class-skill.

The arrival of Sir Percy Roderick did not go over well with Amalrith, who believed it was a usurpation of his command. Here he is lecturing the two men he believed responsible for the mess! Talking about temper, no less. :)

A placeable added to the Priory of the Order Numinous. I referenced Amalrith's caved-in helmet in an internal report at one point, this followed.

Amalrith used a mace as a fighter. It took him months to get a weapon that wasn't inferior to an unmodified 1d8 longsword. Core lured me into the trap of 'it will be a lovely flavor weapon'. Never again, you bastard. :p

Robert Laurente, you were a public relations disaster. He did end up getting beaten publicly by Tremarus!

Inquisitor Herostrat arrives and soon after... Auto da Fe!

Rastin Yepenen created a great deal of intrigue at the Priory! Tremarus did not trust him, informing him without too much subtlety of Rastin's need to repair that deficit.

Oh dear.

Traveling through a rainstorm on one of the patrols, a not-so-subtle joke about druids and empowered lightning storm!

Another placeable in the Priory that I had to share.

Another picture, also from the Priory!

Dang it Halfbrood, spicing a wholly-inadequate group on Lizardfolk? This thing was a menace. :)

So save us the Three. Herostrat's ritual, mind!

Traveling the mists, a separate encounter.

Another patrol! I did my very best to clear the Mistlocke Square Crusade Brigade out of its natural habitat and get it into the parts of the server where it is actually needed. :)

An excerpt from the in-game correspondence of Sir Amalrith Tremarus with Jacques de Villiers. In his personal character notes portion of the forum, there are five letters to the Knight-Champion! Use that section of the forums!

I hope these are left ingame, I encourage everyone to join the Order Numinous that you might one day get to read the rest of them.

For those who have not tried a PC in the Order Numinous, coming from  someone who played a heterodox Ilmateri and repeatedly banged my head against the wall of the fanatics in black, it is a fantastic experience.  :)

That is it for now! All of my screenshots from his appointment to the position and rank of Knight-Templar are on another computer, inaccessible for the present moment. Thank you to everyone who interacted with him and all those who help make the server come alive, DMs and players alike!

Jayde Moon

Bravo, well played, sir.

Spiffy Has

The Old Hack

I will long remember this character and very much look forward to what you will be doing next.



Another great PC. Keep them coming!



Had good fun roleplaying with him across three different characters, looking forward to your next!


Exceptional PC, added a lot to the Order. Helped to make Robert Laurente a blast, however short-lived.



The hits keep coming!


Beautifully done. I very much look forward to whatever you come up with next.


Our inevitable clash was as fated as it was unavoidable.  An excellent foe that will be hard to replace.


el groso


I particularly enjoyed cracking jokes at your knighting ceremony with the Muster.

Excellent job.
