Wayfinder-Captain Zsigmond Kadar / Wayfinder-Lt. Charlene Kadar

Started by Vault Shrike, April 07, 2014, 11:32:29 PM

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I interacted more with Charlene, but... yeah. EFU R's story can't be told without this duo

Vault Shrike

By some miracle, I got all the screenshots organized into one grand post. I hope you all enjoy, thank you for making the character something special. :)


This, I think, was one of my favorite screenshots out of them all. It is really important, for the continuity of a faction, to remember those characters who have come and gone.

Brogum Saarduum, dead on the ground.

QuoteZsigmond had EFUSS Entertainment at good levels, so that he could sing.  In the style of Fafhrd of Fritz Leiber, he sang in a mid-to-high tenor,  well above his speaking voice at a baritone.


What's going to happen to the snakes? Everyone wants to know!


An amazing character, and I wish I could have gotten Wyatt into the Wayfinders before his death. Perhaps they might have saved him before his fall from grace.


I don't know that many people realize how up for grabs just what the Wayfinders would finally become was in the early days. Characters as complex as Zsigmond and Charlene go to show that allowing events form your concept and goals will often mean that your PC's exploits become part of the setting. They are more than just transient personalities passing through. It was fantastic to be able to be a part of that.

Mountains of Madness

Two characters who blazed their own trail in EfU and left a lasting and powerful impact.  I'll miss the nigh-daily reports of trolls on the low road.

Fantastic job you two.


Trolls on the Low Road. I too will miss the outlands notices, despite them becoming irrelevant by the time you post them!

Excellent flavor, excellent characters.


This the the moment I remember with Zsigmond the most.


I never had more than passing interactions with either of your characters, as my concepts tend to be a bit standoffish when it comes to Upper Sanctuary, but when I did, they were always enjoyable. The Wayfinders were the PC faction at the start of this chapter, and I'm glad to see that they've gone the distance. Zsigmond gave Quaregg one hell of a fight, easily my most memorable (and naturally, one I didn't think to take screenies off.) Great work, something to be proud of, both of you.


I'll always remember Charlene making me feel like a failure of a rogue by having her sneak up behind me and whisper "For a Svirfneblin, your not very sneaky"

Since then, the goal has near become "Be more sneaky than Charlene"


It's moments like these that I really hate myself for not taking more screenshots.

Zsigmond and Charlene were without a doubt the biggest influences on both my character and my own development as a player during my stay here on EFU. What started off as just tagging along for a few patrols led to the most fulfilling PW experience I've had on this platform, bar none.

Learning the ways of the world in those patrols, events, and every day meetings in the old halls was never a bore. Those hundreds of interactions and getting to see the Wayfinders grow into what they are today from these two PC's efforts.. It's been a hell of a ride so far.

I really regret not being able to attend the final award ceremony for a proper sendoff, but the last interaction I had with the two will stick with me for the rest of my NWN days. I hate myself for not taking an actual screenie, but it's probably because I realized too late what was actually happening.

Mel was sitting in the offices interviewing a new recruit, and Zsigmond being the commander he was came to oversee and listen to the process. He started asking the recruit the usual questions - he had this process down to a science at this point, when Charlene came in and gently told him to stop and leave it be. Because others would be taking care of these things now. So Zsigmond left with a smile on his face and a shake of the head, joking about not knowing what came over him. To me, it was sort of like saying goodbye.

"Carry on, Sergeant."

QuoteThe first Wayfinder meeting in the new Hall

QuoteGetting the good news

The Samophlange

I am going to deeply miss interacting with these characters. When I first heard about the Wayfinders it was on a character I had made just to learn a bit about the server, and I agreed to check out a patrol just on the basic notion that I was a Ranger and so I might as well. Meeting Zsigmond and joining the Wayfinders wound up drastically changing my entire EFU experience. I met many wonderful people, I was pushed to explore for the sake of it places I would have never had the courage to go on my own, and most of all I was shown just how much some initiative and good roleplaying can accomplish on EFU.

In a way, I'm very sad. I had a lot more roleplay, even entire concepts I had still wanted to expose the Wayfinder-Captain to. But, it is probably a good thing. Maybe now I can stop making so many character concepts for a single faction! An amazing job, Vault Shrike. I deeply look forward to whatever you do next.

Charlene I didn't get to interact with nearly as much, but I was always impressed at just how much the character seemed to know. And not in that surface 'has played on the server' a while way, this was a woman who had her fingers in everything.

Both of you have done an absolutely amazing job in enriching the server and creating things not only for yourselves, but also for everyone who happened to interact with the pair. A great example of how characters can touch the world around them.

The Old Hack

A truly wonderful pair of characters, always enjoyable to interact with. Zsigmond's verbose and flamboyant speech and his optimistic approach to life proved a fascinating combination and Charlene's deceptive charm gave her an air of hidden depths I wanted to probe but sadly never got around to do so.



I still get misty eyed thinking about Zsigmond and Charlene being NPCed.

Zsigmond was Mikael's -real- first meeting and friend in the new chapter. They met as Zsigmond returned from a trip into the wilds with a few others and stopped and whispered "Are... you a Priest? Father I need make a confession" It has been one long ride from there with Mikael wrestling with Zsigmond's demons more than once (figuratively, the guy can't even handle a rock worm).

I never expected Zsigmond to become Mikael's closest friend, and to be challenged by him so frequently to adopt the roll of "Father" in the Ilmateri faith.

I did shed a few tears at the Endlude... I felt like a friend had just died.


Well, they were the first faction I interacted with and I will surely miss having Zsigmund and Charlene around. Hopefully you can fill the void with some grand new PC's....