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Topics - Davenfelth


Never willing to leave a man behind to be enthralled, he fought tooth and nail to ensure none under his watch would be left to the tendrils of the great foe. This time, alas was to be his last.

As my first EFU character, (Probably should have run a test before I made some decisions), he was actually quite a fun ride. Wasn't really looking to make too many waves as I got a feel for the server, but things ended up being a blast once he found his place a midst the Society.

Big shout outs to all that put up with him! From the temple of Hoar, for trying to work with him on his redemption. To his Society bros who never gave up on the fallen, and maimed Ordinant he was. And of course to the little hins and lordly wayfinders that wandered into him and eagerly joined him to break the quiet of his solo sojourns into the maddening sands of the Lowerdark. :D

Alas, the hard drive with most of my screenshots died a week or two back, so there'll be a bit of a void in this obit. Most of those that survived are a bit too spoilery I'm afraid. ;)

I'll remedy this on my next EFU character, hopefully.

[Hide= Some looties that were saved!]
