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Topics - Richørd

Suggestions / Increase spawn rate for gladiators
January 26, 2021, 11:42:40 PM
current gladiator spawn rates are so slow that it hurts.

and maybe i am wrong about it but it absolutely feels like certain gladiators show up way too often.

like the black knight, the silent wanderer or thorgrund.

there's like a whole lot of dozens of them.
Suggestions / Factions and armor in EfU : City of Rings
January 24, 2021, 03:43:19 AM
Allow me to share this from EfU's Discord to kick things off with. A fine quote, a real dirty meme from the depths of #trashshots.

This was a very DrD-esque comment I made on my character while standing in the middle of Oakrest Trade Square, surrounded by several Retainers who shall remain unnamed because I don't mean to fling poop at folks, I mean to get something across. Something that is not poop, really. And yes, this was very fourth-wall-breaking, but done so for a purpose.

First, what are uniforms?
"A uniform is a type of clothing worn by members of an organization while participating in that organization's activity."
"Military uniforms in the form of standardised and distinctive dress, intended for identification and display, are typically a sign of organised military forces equipped by a central authority."
"Members of the police in every country have a uniform for identification as law-enforcement personnel or agents. They are distinguished from the public by the uniform the police wear during overt policing activity."
-a few smartass quotes I pulled from Wikipedia

I hope those few choice quotes I ripped from Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, make clear what purpose uniforms usually have.
In CoR we have several factions with uniforms, most of them being noble houses of the Peerage Ward.
These houses are the de facto governing factions of Ring 99, if they do so in service to Count or King is irrelevant here. What is relevant is that their factions have been designed with the purpose of making each house look distinct from another, to give them a feel and a STYLE.
Something that has been really bothering me lately though is that the players of many of the Houses' dedicated and sworn Retainers have been seriously disregarding their chosen faction's STYLE in favor of STATS.

What are Retainers?
"A retinue is a body of persons retained in the service of a noble, royal personage, or dignitary, a suite (literal French meaning: what follows) of retainers."
"Such retainers were not necessarily in the domestic service or otherwise normally close to the presence of their lord, but also include others who wore his livery (a kind of uniform, in distinctive colours) and claimed his protection, such as musicians and private teachers."
-more smartass quotes I pulled from Wikipedia

And I am not hiding it, this thread is a bit selfish to begin with. I am usually real careful about wearing the proper uniform of my chosen faction and try to stick with it.
The obvious exceptions to this is DM loot. That is something we do not even need to get into, I think. Though even with DM loot I have witnessed some situations, which were absolutely justified by the way, where someone took issue with a Retainer wearing some outlandish looking armor that didn't fit in with his faction's STYLE at all.

On the few characters where I did stray from my faction's uniform I had DMs tell me very clearly that I am supposed to wear my faction's armor and not something with NICE STATS on it.
For multiple reasons. Retainers get privileges IC that other characters don't. All kinds of RP goodies. And part of these privileges is also to be easily recognized because of your faction's STYLE. To break away from that is not just going cross with your faction's direction, it is just in bad taste ICly. Plus being a Retainer comes with a ridiculous amount of actual GAME GOODIES in exchange for a very low buy-in price. Full sets of armor, the protection of being in a faction, goals for stuff to do, free resting ... there is so much.
Then there is also the fact that rewards and better stats are part of advancements within the ranks of a House. STYLE and STATS are rewards for being a good and hard working Retainerman who brings his Lord all the chicken tendies without behaving like a bleached anus.

All this was a big buildup to the actual suggestion and I invite anyone, DMs and players, to give their own opinions on all I have said before this.

So what is the damn suggestion, Richørd?
I suggest everyone, DMs and players alike, to remember why we chose those uniformed factions to begin with and stick with what's just expected of us in the game. For the sake of immersion and for the sake of fairness. There have to be some downsides to being a Retainer, so let us be fair and let it be that we have to stick with our uniforms.
Let's remind eachother of why we shouldn't run around wearing morghoul skin leather helmets when serving Lord Importantman the Third.

If you disagree with this please don't beat and hate on me too much, guys. Thanks. :(
Suggestions / Guild of Lessors - Restriction
January 22, 2021, 04:04:45 PM
Make it so the Guild of Lessors only accepts your prestigious stuff if you are a citizen of the Peerage Ward.

Why would a Ponds PC want to get prestige there or why would Rowan let them?

Seems like an oversight to me.
Bug Reports / Temple of the Nine Faced - Spawn location
January 05, 2021, 07:51:08 PM
The spawn location in the Temple of the Nine Faced God does not work. Upon reset it will say that it's an invalid location and drop you off in Ring 100, at the gate to 101.
Suggestions / Arena Fighters - Cheating?
December 06, 2020, 07:55:33 AM
So I dueled the Lion's Cub Theo on my character and attempted a tried and true tactic of using an invisibility potion for that 50% concealment while I drink potions to bring myself up in a regular manner.

Only this time Theo decided to immediately act like he was not aware of my presence and within the blink of an eye the arena unlocked and he left.

I was told OOCly that this was done to counter invisibility cheese that was used in the arenas but this is a strange, immersion breaking change.

Though I understand that anti-invis cheese should exist I do suggest giving the NPCs a timer of 1 turn or 5 rounds before they leave the arena, unless their opponent reappears.

Alternatively I suggest adding an IC rule to the arenas about how means of invisibility are forbidden.
Bug Reports / Tehoto - Bloodtail Pirates Qwest
December 06, 2020, 07:38:53 AM
The quest with the Bloodtail Pirates kobolds and lizardmen had a bug I have never encountered before as we went to do it with a group of 7 people last reset.

Upon entering the "ship battle" part at the end the small boxes of groats, that everyone can pick their individual rewards from, were already spawned in.
After completing the ship battle part the usual final group of enemies spawned in, accompanied by their treasure trove.
The boxes of groats did not spawn in again.

I report this because this bug potentially gives people an early reward even though they can still fail the optional ship battle part of the quest, which goes counter against it being a risk-reward sort of thing.
Suggestions / Make Animal Companion Better
October 10, 2020, 08:55:56 AM
Title says it all. Make animal companion better.


Easy. Don't give the animal companion a cooldown of once per reset. This is too punishing and I frankly said do not see a reason why I should only be able to access a feat and core part of a class once per reset.

Once per rest would be too often, the cheese this'd enable too easy to access, I agree.
But decrease it. Make it 3 hours, maybe 4. But what is basically a 24 hour cooldown for an animal companion, how it is right now, is too much.

EDIT : Yes, this is one of those "please buff the build I am currently playing" sort of suggestions from the point of view of an outside observer.
But frankly said, if you ever played a ranger / druid you would be able to understand the feeling of losing a companion 1 hour into the reset and then facing the reality that you are missing a big chunk of your character until the server restarts / crashes.
Suggestions / Fighter Perk : Defender
October 01, 2020, 04:05:14 AM
Name : Defender
Other name ideas : Stalwart , Tower

Description : You have given up on nimble tricks and toys, all you rely on now is your own strength and the craftsmanship of your armor and shield. You are the last bastion, the wall that will hold back the tides and secure victory for your allies. The enemy shall break upon you.

Fighter Perk "/c fighter_perk"

  • 50% movement speed decrease, 30 temporary hitpoints gained, -3 AB, +2 Shield AC. Lasts for 5 turns.

Level 1

  • Toughness feat

Level 5

  • +4 Discipline
  • +1 Fortitude

Level 8

  • 2/day Hold Your Ground Ability:

    • Only works if base STR is equal to or higher than base CON.
    • Lasts for 1 turn.
    • 100% movement speed decrease
    • 4/- Damage Resistance vs Physical
    • Immune to Flatfooted
    • Adds armor bonus to Half Plate and Full Plate armor pieces worn; No other armors receive this bonus:

      • Your Armor AC will be increased by 4
      • Enhancements to armor or them having an AC bonus already on the armor do not stack with this.
Bug Reports / Pyromancer Lord
June 17, 2020, 08:09:29 PM
The myrmecoleon pyromancer lord in the quest 'Raiding the Myrmecoleon', plane of fire, uses the wrong headset model. To be specific, the one I am using on Meatklyff.
Bug Reports / Ring 97 - Trained Alley Hound
June 01, 2020, 04:56:19 PM
The Trained Alley Hounds in Ring 97 are bugged. They did not engage me, even though they were hostile as usual.
Attacking the Cobble Dogs gangmembers next to them did not make them attack me.
Even attacking one of the hounds from the group only made the one I attacked actually turn around and hit me.
The others were still passively standing around.

I confirmed this on two additional groups of Trained Alley Hounds afterwards.
Bug Reports / Boots of the Cloud Walker
May 23, 2020, 11:44:20 AM
The Air domain relic 'Boots of the Cloud Walker' has a special levitate ability that is usable 3 times per rest.

Sadly there is a bug.

The item disappears upon use.

DM Pigadig explained that this is due to the relic not marked as a plot item.

Once this is fixed would it be possible to receive a repaired pair of boots?

Let me preface this by saying that I have just "finished" playing a barbarian. Some of your might have known him. Harry O'Carrol of House Glitt.
Harry was a Human pure barb with a relatively easy to justify minmax build of 16 STR, 14 DEX, 12 CON, 10 INT, 10 WIS and 14 CHA leading up to 18 STR at level 8. His weapon was a warmace for the extra stupid x4 crits on a two handed weapon.
I played Harry because I had the big desire to play an absolute crushbot with one very easy playstyle. Hostile, drink only the most necessary offensive potions, press rage macro, click red and go nuts.

[hide]The class is, by far,  the strongest full AB class when playing a pure build. Barbarians are so overloaded with simple but effective goodies that it boggles my mind how anyone who played this class themselves or has been on EfU for years can argue that barbarians are somehow not the strongest base full AB class.

I have been able to take on fights I should have never been able to win. I was capable of pushing out damage numbers that were obnoxious to observe. Because I have just come from playing a rather weak greatsword paladin build, a dozen fighters before that and it is ridiculous when I crit on a Paladin for as much as I hit with a barbarian on standard hits.

It was like going from using a knife and a cutting board for your carrots to a black market blender from a country where they don't have safety regulations.
Shit felt messed up.

Why can I use that previously mentioned build and make a barbarian that gets, upon pressing a single damn button, get from 6 up to 12 strength AND endurance as a free action?
All of which stacks with bull's strength, endurance and rage potions.
So my character at level 8 would have been able to hit 37 STR ...
Guys. Just by being level 8, having "good" rolls on the bull's  strength and popping a rage potion + pressing your rage macro (which is a free action so all of this only takes a single round to set up) I was able to hit a +13 modifier.
That with weapon focus is an AB of 22.
You can still have magic weapon and sip the holy trinity of Bless, Aid and Favor.

This is not okay and is exactly why so many of the "feared" player characters were barbarians. I don't know about other chapters but in the time I have been playing I can only count 2 PCs who I would consider "crushbots" in PvP and weren't barbarians. Everyone else was a barbarian.[/hide]

[hide]PvP was laughable. I was more often than not undersupplied, unprepared and I am not a PvP monster. I am bad at it and too nice. I am the kind of guy who goes for mages last more often than not because I know "Yeah, that d6 hitdie wizard is just going to be instantly smacked by my 20+ damage hits, best leave the poor sucker be so he can have some fun". But as mentioned previously, I have won fights THAT I SHOULD NOT HAVE. Even if I did not crit (which would have resulted in the enemy just instantly loosing) I have often found myself just bullrushing enemies down before they can do anything.
The only thing that sucks about pure barbarians are their saves and AC.

PvE was a more balanced experience. Which was still laughable. When you, the barb, crack the skull of a DM event boss nearly instantly so the DM has to pause the event and heal the boss back up JUST FOR YOU it kind of underlines my point here as well. Barbarians in PvE suck at long and exhausting fighting. Yeah, fighters are better for that. But know what fighters can't do? Solo run down most bosses and just whack-a-mole them in 2 rounds reliably.
Again, the only thing that sucks about pure barbarians are their saves and AC.[/hide]

[hide]I wasn't joking with that title. Remove furors. Entirely. Barbarians would still be playable if you did that.
Here is to hoping that whoever came up with the furor system is not taking this personally. Because I don't even know who you are. But the furors feel like someone really wanted to make barbarians on EfU stand out, at which they succeeded. They basically gave a class with a bunch of goodies even more shit on a free button press and no requirements other than having to find laughably easy to access NPCs with slight RNG and having the required levels.[/hide]
If Rolf can have his own mention then how come Glitt's very own Oathsworn and the daughter of the Lord, both responsible for rescuing the House, don't get listed?

Sorry Rolf but you are just a goof that guards the gate.
Situation : I fought Pilkin the Alchemist. After beating him down he said he yields but then disappeared.

Numbers are blacked out for numerical spoiler reasons.

I'd also request to please have the EXP, groats and card added if a DM would be so kind.
Issue : Currently the loot bags of slain enemies despawn when going from outdoor to indoor areas and vice versa in the orc quest.

Suggestion : Make it so that bags remain like they do in the fire citadel quest. (antpeople)

Why : The quest can be hectic enough as is. It would be a welcome QoL change.

Thank you.
Suggestions / Adjust PvP Rule - Subdual
April 11, 2020, 12:24:40 AM
I'd suggest to make an adjustment to the Subdual rules or simply change how this specific situation is handled :

Have it so that a subdued player is allowed to stand up and move around when the person / people that subdued them leave the area and when all PvP related to the subdual dies down.

Reasons :
Recently it was stated that being subdued is not being knocked out.
To be knocked out is to be blackout'd. A different PvP setting entirely.
So I don't see why a person that has been beaten down won't try to slowly make their way somewhere save after all their attackers disappear. It makes no sense RP wise and the slow crawl away is already implemented mechanically so that if the attackers come back they'll have a fair window of opportunity to just beat someone down again and make demands or whatever.
Bug Reports / Paladin - Lay on Hands
April 01, 2020, 09:51:26 AM
Since the update that increased the basic amount of Smite Evil for Paladins to 3/rest my PC can now also suddenly use Lay on Hands 3/rest.

I don't know if this is an undocumented change that was intended or a real bug. But felt like I had to report it either way.
Suggestions / Ambient Messages - Unravel
March 31, 2020, 02:01:56 PM
Please change the ambient messages that are posted in the Discord whenever "Unravel" is used.

That picture is a made-up example from the Discord but it highlights an issue.
Unravel is a cool spell.
But to give the full name of the area Unravel is used in can spoil a lot, done so accidentally or not.
Sure, there are ominous areas that can have names like "Yellow Fortress" or "Glowing Pathway" but then there are areas that can lead to metagaming such as "Frozen Hellscape" or "Hellfortress Citadel".
Even worse would be if somehow someone ended up opening up a seam in a VERY lore heavy area such as "Grave of the True King Elminster" or "Ring 1 - The Throne of Everything". You know?

Change the ambient message to where it does not give us the area name post Ring 95 but instead only says which Ring the Unravel happens within.
Bug Reports / Good Domain Bugs
March 29, 2020, 04:59:17 PM
Turn Undead is bugged for the Good Domain.
I am able to use Turn Undead and it says that it uses the appropriate effects but :
1. Empower Good does not seem to work, at all. At least it didn't during the quest I ran with a few people.
2. Call to the Righteous does not check alignment. I ended up giving evil aligned undead the effect of Aid too.

Will report more bugs if I find them.
The two cleric domains Good (Primary) and Storm (Secondary) can not be selected. When chosen they reset your level and force you to choose differently or to level up in another class.

This is kind of a bummer and will for now halt my character at all from selecting his planned cleric levels ...