The Worshipful Guild of Barbers

Started by Garem, July 15, 2019, 06:58:24 AM

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The Worshipful Guild of Barbers
Masters of the Barbering and Healing Arts

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            "If you're going to have a man put a sharp knife to your throat, you'd better trust him."

                               "Wait, hold on here. Is this a barbershop? Is this a barbershop? If we can't talk straight in a barbershop,
                               then where can we talk straight? We can't talk straight nowhere else."
-Eddie, Barbershop (2002)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 "Never lie to your doctor, your priest, your lawyer, or your barber."

Based loosely on the historical medieval barber-surgeons, this is a new PC Guild in Ticker Square set as a visible resistance against the worst elements of Ticker Square. It lends itself heavily towards doing good, seeking beauty, promoting well-being, and having a genuine interest in the public welfare - but a character more interested in gossip, social influence, or City/Ticker history without all the do-gooding also fits the theme. For all its high talk, the Barber's Guild is still a Ticker Guild - and groats talk louder than words in the Square.

As far as I'm aware, this is the first effort to create a proper PC Guild, not just a trading or mercenary company.

   Recommended Alignment: Non-Evil, Good-leaning preferred
   Recommended Class: Non-Druid
   Recommended Race: Non-Monstrous, Dwarves and Gnomes are particularly good fits

You want plots? We've got plots. More than we can handle, from a variety of short-term schemes, to mid-length plans for cross-faction politicking, to major long-range server-altering plots.

Like other Guilds, characters don't necessarily need a strong tie to hair, style, or healing. But if you want to create a character specific to the Guild, here are some inspirational examples:

The New Money Socialite [hide]A roguish sort, perhaps even an enchanting spellcaster, who wants to beat the Peers at their own game, converting his money into influence. Always stylish, lavishly spending money. Outrageously generous, but only to buy friends and influence. (charisma rogue, Mesmerizer sorcerer, or Enchanter wizard)[/hide]
The Guild Antiquarian[hide]Archaeology and history-focused character, seeking relics and lore from Ticker Square's past. Any good shop has a few historical pieces situated on the wall (just look at the CurioCity!). Asks questions others don't dare to ask - who were the Clockmakers? Where did they go? What other Guilds have come and gone - and why? (Probably rogue, but any class would do)
The Purifier[hide]Positivist Sorcerer, bringing life and health to the world in brilliant flashes of sorcerous power. Illness, pain, disease, and sorrow will be purged from this world. (App to DMs required)[/hide]
Other ideas...[hide]Barbershop Quartet-of-One... bard based on classic barbershop-style singing.
Bloodletting Sorcerer... hematologist sorcerer, who handles bloodletting and healing.
The Straight Razor... Hair stylist dagger-wielding melee character. Maybe an arcane spellcaster class with a heavy emphasis on Shelgarn's blade.
City's Mortician... Undead-hunting ranger or repose domain cleric. Promotes and runs PC funerals. An unsavory but necessary part of the medical field, with elements of fashion for burial ceremonies.
Thematic artisan-adventurers, from humble Bootblack to Cobbler to Weaver.[/hide]