The Domina Lucretia

Started by Red Moon, August 02, 2020, 06:30:21 AM

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Red Moon

RIP Domina Lucretia

The Jewelry Vendor.
The Redamancer.
The Ringrunner.
The Mistress of the Arena.
The Whore.
The Entertainer.
The Curator of Rings in the City of Rings.
The Socialite.

The Red Woman.
The Wife.

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First! Let me thank everyone I had interacted with during my four month reign as Domina. There are far too many good times to recount for this thread, and she would have been nothing without you. I truly had the best time exploring the world, my character, and everyone else's. This might be a long obituary for those who are curious -- So thank you if you don't delve too deeply!

Here's some loot I had while we're about it.

Portraits I done.
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Where do I begin?

Domina Lucretia. The name holds purpose to her general feel. Domina, as some of you may have riddled out, is actually latin for 'Mistress'. But it can also be translated to 'lady-love'. And Lucretia means wealth. Mistress of Wealth. Some of the characters she interacted with figured this out quickly. Even asking her if her actual name was 'Domina' or if they were being tricked into submitting to her. And that, in itself, is her character.

Lucretia is influence incarnate. She was made to appeal to everyone she interacted with through persuasion. She was capable of reading emotions, and using them to her benefit. If you were upset, she would be your comfort. If you were angry, she would be the fan that fueled the flames. If you were lonely, she would be your siren.
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Her Backstory

Lucretia was born and raised in the slums of Ticker Square. Her mother was a whore, and she never knew her father. She had a twin sister named Gaia, and Gaia was special. From a very young age she used to have night terrors that often woke her balling. As she grew older, the dreams got worse. One night when they were alone, Gaia awoke from one of her nightmares and was overtaken by a violent fit. Lucretia didn't know what to do to calm her sister. To stop her from beating her head upon the wall, or clawing at her face with her tiny hands; So she pressed a pillow over her face and her sister grew still. She wouldn't wake, so Lucretia ran. She killed her sister.

Lucretia's life thereafter was spent on the streets. She ran with gangs to survive; And this is where she learned to manipulate people in order to succeed. To sense violence and rage on the wind, and deter it before she would be caught in it's wake. To appeal to people who could murder her on a whim, and turn them. Make them hers instead, without raising a hand.
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Bonding and Manipulation

Lucretia devoted a lot of time and energy to cloak herself in things that are appealing to most.  And she used a variety of social tactics to condition those around her into becoming closely associated with her. Some even willing to die or kill on her behalf. This was all intentional, and partial to her design. She was designed to fit in with any crowd, and heavily relied on social interactions. She was a non-combat character for the most part. She never engaged in pvp directly, and pve was mild at best.

She covered herself in finery to give people the impression that she was important. Important enough to walk around, wearing her weight in gold, silver, and gemstones and not be knifed for it. It also made for a fun side-project for myself to get invested in. The catalog was also a tool that she used to gain attention from afar.  Frequent change in appearance also helped out. Because she never wore the same thing for more than a few days, it would make her stand out. The more outrageous the outfit, the more she demanded the room's attention.

She melded the way she spoke around people according to where they come from. Most of the time it was with an air of prestige and elegance. Big words, lengthy drawls, and always with a hint of familiarity.

She called everyone darling, because that gives the illusion that you and she know each other intimately. You're well acquainted, and she loves you. Even though this is the first meeting, you're already being trained to think this way.

When meeting new people, she makes a point to shake hands with people not just in effort to make them feel welcome, but to establish a connection. Touch is a powerful sensory to people. It gives the illusion that Lucretia can be trusted, that she's honest and decent. She often held onto people's hands for the same reason. Testing how they react to it, and timing it to see how pliable they'll be based on this. If you let her hold onto you, it means you're willing. She also did this with invading people's personal space. Stepping on their toes, drawing really close to them, and adjusting a piece of armor on their person or a scarf. These are all actions that are designed to gaslight the person into believing that Lucretia is their friend. Their companion. Their soon-to-be lover. People, things, that she would use to protect herself with. To get something she wanted. To bend and shape to her will.

Meeting new people also had the same questions. If you were awoken, she purposefully welcomed each awoken to the city of rings as if they had just come upon El Dorado, the City of Gold. Excitement, and praise is immediate. There's so many PCs who have bonded closely to Lucretia because of this tactic (or so they say).
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Redamancy, the Magic of the Soul

Redamancy Obscura is Lucretia's shop name. And I chose it specifically because it sounded posh as hell. Something you might actually see as a brand name for jewelry or perfume. Redamancy, for those who don't know, means: "The act of loving in return. Redamancy is distinguished from most of the other words about love in that it is one of the few that specifies reciprocity." RWG's monk elf was the first person to call Lucretia a 'redamancer', and so Lucretia ran with it as yet another thing she could be associated with that would have proven positive in her influence over other people. That she would become the patron saint of love. It would have also been another layer of suggestion, that Lucretia was a pretty lady, who was single and maybe she will teach you the meaning of the word.

She also used it as a form of philosophy that she supposedly lived by. Something akin to Phanax the Opulance, but from a different perspective. That you should give, rather than get, to people you love and are worthy of your affections. It was a sales pitch in some ways. 'You should buy this ring for your friend because you love them, right?' But also to inspire people who were invested in the idea of love.  But also it would appeal to people in other ways. Lucretia would do an act of kindness, and cloak it in an air of higher calling rather than what it likely was. A show of affection to be repaid in future, and when it was most convenient.

I sort of had a small draft for a Cult of Redamancy, so here's that if you're interested:


Titles: Magic of the Soul
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Chaos, Magic, Charm, Protection, Hatred
Favored Weapon: Rapier

Contrary to other faiths, Redamancy isn't beholden to a singular deity but instead to an idea and practice. A practice that all who are capable of love, and what positive, or negative, feeling spawns from the pursuit may bring. Faithful of Redamancy do not follow a god, but their individual hearts.

Redamancy is said to be the magic of the soul. A magic that no one is prohibited, but no one is worthy of. A powerful magic that can hold a person inches from death, and at the same time be it's very cause. A magic that is very simple to understand and use, and devastating to abuse. It shapes the very foundations of its subject. Everything they do, and every decision they make is based around what they love and hate.

It is also said that Love and Hate are two-sides of the same coin. "Hatred is the dark face of Love." It's meaning is derived from the theory that in order to love something, there must be something you hate. In order to hate something, there must be something you love.

Those who would find following in Redamancy are as follows:

  • Young people looking for love and appreciation.
  • Duelists who aspire to achieve the affection of one or many people.
  • Merchants who sell non-essential items such as beauty products, extravagant clothing, jewelry, perfumes, wine, ect.
  • Philanthropist merchants who tend to give away their money for others.
  • Newly weds who believe their marriage was fated.
  • Bards who sing songs about love, lovers, and it's positive and negative effects.
  • Poets who write about lovers, and the act of loving someone.
  • Novelists who write steamy romance novels.
  • Gladiators who fight for fame rather than fortune.
  • Pacifists who believe that love is the answer to everything.
  • Diplomats who take a more empathetic approach to negotiation.
  • Thieves who strive for infamy and controversial affection from others.
  • Murderers who kill people based on emotional value.
  • Martyrs who frequently forego suffering and scorn for the affection and admiration of others.
  • Nobles who do anything and everything for their liege's affections.
  • People who like to party frequently, and heavily.
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The Heir's Vigil & Her Conquest

Lucretia was never actually made or meant to ringrun, but I've never actually had success trying to ringrun with a group. As a player, I told myself I would never ringrun unless the opportunity presents itself. And even then I would have low expectations. I would expect to fail. For people to decide they'd rather not bother. For my character to get left behind because of scheduling issues, and then my group not want the burden of coming back for me. These things tormented me when I first started playing, so there was never an intention after. It's not worth the stress.

But I got an opportunity in both House Orza and Sunpurse, due to Lucretia's need to know everyone she can. She got Sunpurse to agree to escort her through the rings, and we hit 71! It not only allowed the rogue to get further her influence over House Sunpurse, but it made for some really great roleplay and interaction. Fun moments that I cherished. Lucretia stopped ringrunning after 71 due to some IC circumstance, but and some ooc ones as well. But this was a goal achieved for me. That a non-combat character got further than any of my combat ready ones ever hoped to. It also helped breath legitimacy into Lucretia's name, and give her passage to escape should she ever need to.
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Blood Sport

Blood Sport and it's heraldry was part of embedding herself into the fabric of society. As well as delivering onto the masses what she wanted to be known as, rather than what she truly was. To many, Lucretia was a lanista and an entertainer. She enjoyed blood sport for it's traditions, and it's purpose in not only entertaining people and bringing them a welcomed distraction; But also that it was wholesome in it's own way. Many come into the pit to fight and grow as individuals. Few people actually wanted to promote the traditions of the Arena, and the one's who did, did it well.

Beneath the surface, Lucretia just liked violence. More specifically, she liked the idea that men would enact violence at her behest, or for her favor. That they would be willing to spill each others blood for her, and only her, entertainment and praise. So in a sense, she did like blood sport. Just not for the reasons she gave.

Being famous means that if someone did harm, or presume to kill you, they would be doing so at their own risk. High profile deaths are a lot less easy to sweep under a rug without retribution, than just some low-ball merchant or ringrunner.  Whatever the reason that would be had, better be a pretty damn good one if it must be done. That was the purpose of making herself larger than life. Folds upon folds of protective layers to ensure that she wouldn't be trifled with meekly.
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There's some other things to talk about, but it's not for me to spoil for you. All I have to say is that Lucretia hid in plain sight. She used her influence and fame to cover who she really was beneath. What is known isn't as real as you may have thought. Things she did, often always, had some motive or purpose to further her grasp on those who were willing. Some unwilling. Some unknowingly. There is but one who knew the reality from the fiction.

His name is Danger.

The Royal Herald News

Really cool character. I wish I had met her on someone who could have the attention span and depths of conversation to have fully experienced the PC, but in the moments Muggbert slowed down long enough to catch snippets of conversation or to share a few rushed words before sprinting off excitedly I always got the impression you played a deep and interesting character with a lot going on. The sort of velvet glove political type you don't see often in the Peerage or EfU in general, and rarely played so well. Congrats on a cool PC and I look forward to whatever you bring us next
Keep Beach City Weird


RIP Domina, she strung along my fighting man like he was a total loser without him even realizing it. I had some really fun times when we ringran and it was completely worth it to bring you along, one of best decisions that group could've made.


I started play this server 2 months ago, My firt char was a half-orc merc who lasted few days, then i started play Dart Ashall and now as i'm writing this, i'm  Yashan Sarde

I'm a adult person, and yet i assure you behind this screen i'm crying.

Who know me know i'm a extreme emotolan person, i'm a player who realy get into what i'm doing and ejoy RP because is good for me, allow me to get out from the shyness of the real world and express true emotions and live great adventures in the meantime, this is a double edge sword because some times made me forget is just a game at the end...but not the less.

Dominia Lucretia was not a adventurer, not for me, i never had the opportunity to travel with her and i do not played her as much as i would have wanted, but when she was araund i was geniully a happy player, because she was such a good person to play with...

Just, she could not be not interesting, even if she wanted, she was a truly a blessing for this server, is people like her one of the reasons i'm still here.

"A master role player is one who is willing and able to bend their character concept to make the game more enjoyable for all involved. "   -Gary Gygax

I realy wanted to be here and see how her story ended, but most of it i realy wanted to be there when all started,

My praise to you Duna, i wish to see you again with a new char wonderful like the one i had the honor to interact with.

Mushroom Mushroom


A finer drinking companion couldn't be asked for. A shame things tapered off in the lead up to the wedding and aftermath but a fun showing of how a social PC can shift things in the Peerage without Retainership.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


It is with regret that I never had enough time to get to know Lucretia better, but that would rely on a few factors - one, that I am as yet relatively new to the server; and two, that I play an elf/sub-human, which meant that getting near the Peerage was always risky business.

However, Duna was always ever gracious in obliging the rare meeting between Thaltas and Lucretia.  He first became acquainted with her after escorting her through the flaming streets from a ruined tower, where she quite casually introduced herself to him.  Lucretia's famous charm was not lost on Thaltas - she left enough of an impression that he decided, quite uncharacteristically, to contact her after she sent out a drunken Sending apologising for the lack of tournaments following her grief over the loss of a significant other.

They sat for a while, over a cup of wine, whereupon Thaltas attempted to impart elven wisdom to aid in her grieving process. I am not sure, to this day, how much of it made sense to Lucretia, but I was grateful she spared the time at all. I think he cared for her in some distant way, and then again he would find a small opportunity to display that concern a second time by sneaking into the Peerage to gift her a potion of Rage at her request. At the back of my mind, I always wondered, out of curiosity, if Lucretia would have eventually attempted to manipulate Thaltas the way she handled her business dealings, although I tried to treat her with the unshakeable honesty every sun-elf worth his salt would!

Such an odd, and brief, and slightly uncomfortable relationship, but I'm sure he'd come with flowers if only he knew where she was buried.

Once again, thanks to Duna for such a wonderful character, and here's looking forward to your next one.


Only finally got to talk to her properly when I made my Richard Smith character, and that was an interesting talk. Hope I'll see something equally fun in the future.


We had some fun adventures near the end. Sad to see her go.


The femme fatale. You captivated us.

Drink With Me

I had the pleasure of knowing Domina on two characters and outside insight into her as well. She was a charming, lovely and scary character. It is a tragedy to see her go and the arena and server, will miss her greatly.
If you're evil, and you're on the rise
You can count on the four of us taking you down
'Cause we're good and evil never beats us
We'll win the fight and then go out for pizzas.  - Steven Universe


One of the most interesting characters to oversee and play with. Great job!

YMD :stamp: of approval


Marvellous work! I enjoyed all of Domina and Saibhon's interactions, including the constant reminders of just how different they were. Sounding out what her idea of "redamancy" was helped refine Saibhon's own approaches.


Domina was like that friend you didn't even know you had. It was funny, because Padernig found himself confessing to her a few times, about how he felt regarding certain events. Only one character besides Padernig was ever supposed to see that (and that was the PC he was courting), but Domina was just so friendly, understanding, etc. that it felt like natural RP.

Point is, well done, Duna!  ;D
[url=]Moises Moraeta[/url]'s [url=][Metal-clasped Journal][/url]


I didn't have much interaction with the Domina, but what little I did, I enjoyed her. Well played!  :D