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Topics - Capricious

Bug Reports / Tyche not on Deity List
May 15, 2014, 12:48:01 AM
In the starting area, on the deity selector, Tyche is not listed. Tymora is, however.
Sialoorta as a concept was pretty simple, to play a ridiculous vain sorceress who claimed an area of the Underdark, and see how far she can go with that. It actually went further than I had thought it would, in part due to luck and in part due to making the right (though always shaky) alliances.

[hide=Backstory]Born in one of the northernmost villages in Icewind Dale, Sialoorta came as a bit of a shock to her parents. Her odd heritage was immediately evident by her pale bluish skin, and her icy-white hair, as well as her distressingly cool skin. As a result her parents hid their daughter for quite some time by keeping her at home, afraid of the reaction of the other villagers. When forced to bring her out they concealed her as best they could under cloaks and hoods, and told both friends and family that she was a sickly child.

Once she grew to adolescence it became obvious to them that they couldn’t hide her like this forever, so they brought her to a priest. However this simply served to reveal her and inflame the superstitious fear of the man. It wasn’t long before the girl was chased from the village into the snowy wilds. Fortunately, her air genasi nature kept her safe enough from the cold to be found by a tribe of travelling barbarian hunters. Though they feared her odd nature, they also worried that she was a possessed of a spirit of winter. Thus they spared her life and took her with them back to their tribal grounds.

That winter favored the tribe with plentiful food, and fortune in a battle against a rival tribe. They read this as the favor of the winter spirits, and thus placed the girl on a pedestal, worried of losing the favor of the spirits. Of course the tribe continued to be ruled by its elders, but they catered to Sialoorta’s every whim and flattered her significant beauty to keep the favor they felt they’d gained. This spoiled the girl horribly, and she thought herself above the others as a result. Her head was filled with ideas of grandeur and, recalling the childhood tales her mother told her, she fancied herself a queen.

This happy existence continued well into adulthood. But in her 24th winter the darkness fell. The foul creatures that came in the eternal night harried the tribe at first, forcing them off their tribal grounds. After months of fleeing across the wintry wastes the horrors finally came upon the tribe in force and scattered them to the winds. Sialoorta found herself wandering for weeks, but her time in the tribe at least taught her how to survive in this harsh environment. Finally, with the final surviving member of her tribe, Quaregg, she stumbled upon one of the Spellguard’s portals, and in desperation plunged into it.

Early on Sialoorta, with her Warlord Quaregg, claimed the caves of the Windy Caverns, and she began her rule, holding feasts and brawls and taking tributes from visitors:

[hide=Early Screenshots]


Then fortune struck. She was able to fulfill the will of the Hand of Ice mostly by chance, and so her domain of ice began:

[hide=Icy Screenshots]


Unfortunately her Warlord, Quaregg, died. As a tribute she entombed him forever at her right hand.



Sialoorta was a Steward, though not truly a very good one. However as a Steward she did many things to benefit the Circle.



However her undoing began with her scarring at the hands of a tiefling. She could not tolerate this so she sought a way to hide the scars, and enhance her beauty further. Opportunity knocked when William Kingsmouth came to her seeking for a means to regrow his arm.

She made a bargain with William, she would help him if he crafted her a mage-silver mask. However it was a trick, and the ritual to regrow his arm was something quite different than poor William expected.

[hide=Mage-Silver Mask]


However, William's spirit was not pleased with this turn of events, and he fought back, eventually leading to a chain of very chaotic events that weakened Sialoorta, and revealed the nature of her beautifully fell mask.

[hide=Angry William]

The Elders decided it needed to be removed...which didn't go so well for the Queen

Though in the end she got what she wanted.

The End.

Suggestions / Druid Only Items
April 14, 2014, 01:36:28 PM
For a non-druid nature PC a big barrier to getting supplies is how many of them are druid only. Druids already have quite a few systems in place to allow them to thrive. I feel it would be very helpful to the non-druids to simply change some of these items from druid only to perhaps druid, barbarian, sorcerer only.

Rangers and bards have many of their own things they can find, so I don't know that it would be necessary to include them in that mix.
Bug Reports / Hostile Bug
April 06, 2014, 04:23:46 PM
I know this has happened before, and a reset fixes it, but I felt it best to document. Hostile currently is not working by any means. You can't /c hostile all, and you can't hostile manually via the player list either. On the player list it reads "dislike" but the PC you've hostiled remains blue.
Bug Reports / Mist Form Bug
March 28, 2014, 05:35:12 AM
Using the Air Genasi token for mist form I attempted to escape a Cave Bear. Though in mist form instead of the 100% miss chance, the bear hit me twice. This was tested with Jaydemoon using potions instead of the token, and we duplicated the bug. It seems that the 100% miss chance doesn't always apply.
Something about the cliffs in this area consistently bugs ropes. You can set them and climb down, but you can't seem to climb up again.
Bug Reports / Ice Burst No Damage Bug
March 21, 2014, 01:01:43 PM
I have observed this several times. Sometimes, Ice Burst does no damage. It's just a very fancy VfX. I can't find a pattern to it. It can happen when targeting the floor or targeting a NPC directly. The spell bugs infrequently, and the next casting directly after the bugged one might work fine.

Recommended Alignment: Any, but Chaotic and non-Good are likely better fits.
Recommended Race: Any.
Recommended Class: Any but Paladin.

“Welcome honored guests to the Queendom of Siarloorania!
In time, a domain of cold and ice shall be built.
A place for the strong who are not so frightened
as to hide behind the Sorcerous Shroud.
A place for the fierce!”


  Norsemen, Vikings, barbarians of the frozen Northlands who shun the protection of civilization to forge their own lands in the brutal wilderness.This is the founding concept of the Queen’s Court of Sialoortania. A gathering of the strong and savage-minded who look to live in their own way, protect their lands, and bring the fight to the aberrations that now control the world under the skies above.
  Though essentially a nature concept, it’s not truly built with the typical EfU nature goals in mind. This is not a fight for the Balance, though respect is paid to the natural world, and it is not meant to hide in the wilds. The Queen’s Court is not hostile to civilization in principal, and will welcome those who respect their claim to the Windy Caverns. However, little respect is held for the strict, inflexible ways civilized men cling to.

    The Queen’s Court is not a faith based group, though deference is certainly paid to the Furies. Also, any willing to embrace the Queen’s word and the savage, fierce ways of her Court will be welcomed regardless of background.
  Also, there will be many boisterous feasts and brawls!


  Faction Base: The Windy Caverns
IRC Channel: #icequeen
Bug Reports / Strange Climbing Bug
January 21, 2014, 02:09:44 PM
Last night in the "Exploring the Dark" quest I experienced a strange bug when attempting to climb, both with a rope and a climbing hook. Typically my modifier is +8, but I was experiencing a modifier of -13. I was not carrying more than usual or wearing armor.

It might be worth noting that this happened after my PC briefly was webbed before entering the quest. A relog fixed it, but I thought it was worth noting here.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / The Winter Court
July 09, 2013, 02:47:46 AM
I'm creating one thread for all the PCs involved, but I'll speak about Imogen and post her screenies first.

Imogen was a changeling who had lived in Arcadia for so long that she remembered nothing of her history as a "human." As a result, of the groups, she was probably the most fey of the lot. Near everything she did was in service of the Duchess of Taluann, who eventually became Queen of Arcadia.

A lot of thanks go to Dash and the players in this faction, it was a lot of fun to play in this side plot, which intersected the main plots more than expected.

On to the screenshots then.

Imogen and Selma when they are first sent to Ymph by the Duchess. This is the most human Imogen ever looked.

Fey games with alchemist's fire (Selma eventually blew everyone up.)

Reforging the Chain of Corynthiole, and freeing Shawn Fletcher from the fey shroom in his head.

Before the final battle for control of Arcadia. A battle which would be very bloody, as you'll see.

After Sabel and Selma both died in fighting a massive number of fey, including three powerful lieutenants, we come to the end...and Imogen kills the Prince of Thopsee Shee (the first time).

But the Prince is tricksy, and he uses the power of the Chain to rise and kill the Queen!

So, the Prince needs to die again, this time compliments of Imogen's fey wolf.

With all of the rulers of Arcadia dead, Imogen and Little Bird decide to abandon Ymph and go to Arcadia where...

The Maw of Ravenous Twilight!

And the Money Shot

There may be no solution, so this is more a warning than anything. Before a quest my barbarian had Magic Vestment cast on them while wearing a 0 AC armor. The spell lowered my AC by two points (I just happened to be looking at my character sheet and I saw the AC drop immediately as the spell was cast). It was not solvable by resting, relogging, resetting the perk, reloading a different area or a DM killing and rezzing my PC.

Oddly, it just seemed to eventually sort itself out and all looks fine now, but it was all triggered by the Magic Vestment spell.

GSID: SavageFey
Character Name: Imogen Wolf
Bug Reports / Tribal Guardian AC Bug
May 04, 2013, 03:49:47 PM
This was working before, but now seems broken. Through three resets now my barbarian isn't gaining the AC part of the perk in wilderness areas. As I said, it was working fine before, but now not at all.

GSID: SavageFey
PC Name: Imogen Wolf
Since Emma Snow is departed I've decided to put up some screenshots from her time on Ymph. The Order is a fantastic faction, and I encourage everyone to try it at least once. There's to many people to thank, so I'll just say that all of the DMs and players who interacted with Emma, you know who you are.

So without further ado, here's some screenshots (and artwork):

I'll start off with a pencil sketch.

Fears of Apocalypse.

An unfortunate visit with orcs.

Making history.

Lord Anatoli.

Poor Legenis, this act brought so much hate. XD

De Villiers, badass.

Burning a heretic.

Sometimes scrying lies.


Talassan rant.

At the mercy of demons.

Showdown with Alkalurops.

Last one standing, and Alkalurops finally falls.

Only a few minutes before Emma's mysterious (and permanent) disappearance.

As I said, I had much fun. Thanks to everyone involved.
Bug Reports / Alarm
April 27, 2011, 06:44:18 PM
I've tried to use the spell a couple times in the last couple days. It doesn't seem to be working currently.
Suggestions / Faction Bell at Castle Blackhearth
March 06, 2011, 03:16:58 AM
It would be rather helpful for a faction bell of some sort to be added, so that Templar could be called. Something similar to what the Stygians and Conclave have.
Bug Reports / Store at Castle Blackhearth
March 03, 2011, 02:58:39 PM
All though a store was added at the keep, when trying to select the store you get the "sorry, store is not available" message. Likely this is an error in tagging, I'd think, so the NPC isn't linking to his own store.
Suggestions / A Basic Store at Blackhearth
January 18, 2011, 06:34:47 PM
Currently there is no store of any sort at Blackhearth. I think it would make sense to have a very basic one that sells necessities such as oil, empty potion vials, arrows, bedrolls, etc.. As it stands Order PCs need to go to the Exiled Camp, which granted isn't very far. But I think we're the only DM faction on the PW that has to enter a dangerous area in order to get these things. That short trip can be very hair-raising for some PCs, especially at lower levels. I should think a keep would have these kinds of supplies on hand.
General Discussion / Map of the Ymphian Archipelago
January 17, 2011, 05:54:32 PM
Working with DangerousDan, a new map of the Archipelago has been created. There are two versions that are identical in all but theme. One is a traditional, sepia toned map while the other is a more artistic one with a Mist theme.

Also, at Dan's request, I have created an EfUA desktop using these maps, one for each theme. Below are the links to download both the high res versions of each map, as well as these desktops.

Sepia theme:

Click for Hi-res


Mist theme:

Click for Hi-res


Screen Shots & Obituaries / Ghost
January 04, 2011, 09:35:56 AM
I created this character in order to take see another side of EfUA, and it was definitely worth it. There's a lot of great characters outside the colony that most normally don't see, and I'm grateful to have been able to roleplay with them. Here are a few screenshots for anyone who might give a damn.

Storytime at the Exiled Camp early on.

Wildling meetings.

Ghost taking a 'bath.'

Spying on the Order.

The Mist is the Mist is the Mist.

And trying to explain her walk in the Mist to Izzy afterwards.

Fighting a Beholder.

Getting a curse removed.

I hope people who interacted with Ghost had fun, I know I had fun roleplaying her.
Well I had tons of fun playing Cacey, who died trying to fight the system as she always did. There's really too many players and DMs to thank, but I will say thanks to Sylvyr, who is just fantastic to roleplay with.

Now for the screenies:

Cacey being held hostage by Kungatar early on in an attempt to assassinate Viordai:

Receiving her armor from a servant of Istishia:

A secret Docks meeting:

A quest on a Misty island:

Dealing with the Conclave:

Taking care of the Flogged Back:

And their attempted retaliation:

A Mist Dream:

Which led to a successful (if very dangerous) attempt to summon the Mist:

And finally her death in Old Port in front of the Count: