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Topics - Don Nadie

Once, there was a Storyteller called Alejandro Benjázar who died as he lived: not really thinking things through, and not looking away.

He was a messy person, deliberately so. From the beginning he was created as reckless and highly influenciable character, whose outward demeanour hid constant inner turmoil. His early description explicitly said he'd be a good friend, and an even better mark... And he was!

Drug-addict, scholar, liar, artist, friend, gossip-monger, intriguer, (well-meaning) idiot, (bad) politician... He did a ton of stuff, some questionable, some noble, and some plain obsessive... He had, I hope, a lot of layers to himself. Some (the adictions) were more widely known. Others (his scars, for example) were not. And his obsession with discovery, while glimpsed by many, was never quite in full view.



Alejandro was also an exercice in creative writing: 20 long-ish tales (and a lot of short ones), more than 350 diary entries, a ton of poems (some even good!) are the mark he left on the forums and world. My favourite thing were of course his Hidden Poems: poetry tucked in unexpected corners. I set... 15 or so? Some were eaten by areas, so I can never be 100% sure... But if you wander about and find a weird stone slate with a poem: that's me!


This is all without counting books, nonfiction and my personal notes, which ran DEEP. As in, embarrasingly deep.

Corrupted, used, mannipulated, inspired, Alejandro's best quality as a PC was letting others change him, and I am extremely proud of the way he grew organically. He lived for more than a year, and died doing what he thought was right. Throughout this time, he engaged very meaningfully with an enormous amount of PCs... And, often, I hope, also made new PCs and players feel welcome.

He started as local himbo who just went arround, getting embroiled in all manner of things...

He was hired by Jamileh Attar as a secretary, which him on the path of scholarship. After her dissapearance (for which he'd always blame the Tower's attempts at controlling archaeology) he would reinvent himself as an archaeologist, and lead a myriad expeditions.


He became a student of the Balladeers and did a heroism or two...


Dreaming of being a hero, and trying to imitate (but also always in the shadow of) Lynneth, he sought the guidance of the Sybilline, who offered him prophecy, whispers, inspiration...

He graduated, and struggled more and more, the more responsibility he had and those he lost. A man not meant for such troubles, he began having issues with the Drink and, later, mizzar, as means to cope with all the inherent tensions of his position. He would struggle with substance abuse most of his life, in one way or another.

He fell into politics, never with much success. He didn't manage to inspire more noble politics, and when he tried using offhanded methods, he just didn't go far enough. He was not strongwilled, and could always always be persuaded by appealing to his heart. Or scammed, really. The amount of times I chose the wrong choice because wis 8 XD


What he wanted to do, what he knew was right to do, and what the Rose demanded of him - these were all entirely opposite pulls. Still struggling, he fell into even-darker depths. It was a slow but steady corruption, mediated by a lot of factors in character. He was trying to become stronger, to accept that his obligations required him to lie, and use, and manipulate... To stand, side-by-side, with murderers.

Struggling more and more due to a variety of factors (usually, Rossa-mediated) he tried to die heroically in some distant shores... Ironically, not so far from where he would meet his end.

He failed (for now) as was forced to live on. He was, however, stumbling. He felt unahappy about his position, was losing his belief in even the Grandmaster... But at least he had faith in the Rose as a whole, in the prophecies, in their efforts to find the Cup.


Until that faith was shattered. A last drop made him abandon the College in a rush without any idea of what to do next. It'd take him a lot of time to rebuild himself, clutching desperately to what was good about him even as he slipped, lower and lower, and tried to climb out.

He became more directly involved into politics, just as his disillusionment with politics was growing. Still, he tried to do his idea of good, not always well. He mostly failed in a variety of different ways, from elections to prelateship. There was a lot of doing mizzar behind closed doors, and crying. Also, some diplomacy, I think?


His real solace continued to be research: writing and digging, guiding others... He loved nothing more than introducing new people to archaeology, and did so to dozens of new PCs and players. (I hope I always managed to make it interesting!) This also meant he had a soft spot for Sandstone Students, despite 90% of them being brookers. Every time he met a new one, it was like "I bet this time it'll be different..." (Technically speaking, the last time WAS different. But all the times before that? Brookers)

He eventually managed to adapt to his life outside the College of Balaldeers, mostly thanks to friends both old and new. Free of the moral inconsistencies he had had to endure (though not free of trouble and the consequences of the past) he managed to kick off the drug habit and was trying to be more open and honest, and less manipulative. He even got a fancy job!

And that's when he died. Off in an expedition he thought would be just a little trip, he fought through hordes... And, in the end, ironically, he died because he would not look away, by the side of his former comrades-in-arms.


Along with the bodies of two more Balladeers, Alejandro would lie in the mud... Making his way back only through the efforts of his "dear friend", to be buried in the Well.

Now, a lot of people to thank. I'll start with DangerousDan (for the amazing lore and writing), Bearic (for endless helpfulness) and the rest of the DM team who gave hand here and there with different hijinks. Some, I don't even know. But some of Alejandro's Very Normal Diary Entries were because someone out there was messing with him:


PC-wise... Oh god, so many people!

First and foremost: Jamileh Attar. Best insane teacher one can have. There's nothing as fun as going out there with SN, to have meaningful talks, heartbreaking revelations, and looots of thinking about lore. There have been many important PCs in Alejandro's lives, but none as important as Jamileh Attar. Just incredible work.


Along with her, the rest of the Competition and the Torchbearers. We did see a lot together! Exploration/archaeology/lore really got me hooked to v6, and is very much what made Alejandro so fun to play, and you were good companions along the way. We had so many excellent moments... From the silly to the epic. Not gonna mention all of you individually, but you all got my love <3


Then the friends in the College (and foes, hi Aubrey). It was fun to be the messy Balladeer! From the heroic and touching moments to the angry ones, it was a lot of interesting and emotional stuff, even (or specially) after he left. The irony: that he died trying to stand alongside his former colleagues! My special thanks to Aurelio, Armis, Narwen, Aubrey, Sparrow and Lynneth. Also, special mention to Tempo... Death-buddies! T_T


Special shoutout to the creepy ladies with robes. They make the Balladeers WAY more fun. Without the Sisterhood, I do not think the Balladeers would've been half as entertaining. While every Sister and Acolyte have been great, I particularly must mention Nebtu (absolutely amazing PC), Amelie (best poet in the Well) and Hypatia (just because feelings). The Sybilline is dope to engage with, mostly because of all the work you all put to it.


Foes and friends in the Tower also get a shoutout, specially Mae Stern (best friend-to-enemy one could ask for, Alejandro was never over the heartbreak of losing her) and Zol Nur (really, a good influence, who made Ale want to be a better person).


Of course, one must also mention the many paramours and crushes of Alejandro Benjázar, romantic idiot! Being the gay version of Lynneth took many a PC (The Alejandro Benjázar's Love Chart would be certainly as complicated as hers), but I must in particular thank Domhnall Guivarch (war criminal, twink edition), Boucher (war criminal, hunk edition) and Elias. So many dramatic feelings and TERRIBLE choices made for the heart! My specific apologies to AboutThyme for dropping all the grief-simulator on him, along with Ale's posessions, and my thanks for all the fun.


Then, there's the myriad of PCs who do not fall under any particular umbrella, such as...

Bashir Khatara: an incredible PC, organic, fun and interesting. I loved how our PCs grew slowly into one-another. It was very sweet, and I'll continue to read your diary religiously!


Numerous Karpie PCs, for being always fun, touching and entertaining, but I want to mention Samton. Gracias, Karpie! Siempre nos quedará la "Dunecat under the rain".

Athelia (Alejandro's polar oposite and good friend XD) as well as Sana (from back in the day)


Akna Ymir, who gave Ale both hopes and dissapointments aplenty, along with a lot of friendship

Khalid, my dude, my fella, my waradad :'(


I also want to also thank every single person who joined Alejandro in his research expeditions. I am very happy of how deeply I got to explore the lore, and very grateful for everyone who explored it with me. Thanks for coming - I hope I made it interesting for you, whether it was a trip to Al'Nasr, an excavation, or responding to your questions in his office. I hope you got your fill of the Tale of the Locked Door lol


And finally, a shoutout to Mari Blacke. She was an excellent evil PC, who did an enormous amount of work corrupting Alejandro over months. Her conversion scene is an excellent one, and she also was kind enough to give Alejandro an endlude... My thanks, ramc!


Now, if you've read this far... Yes, this is what you were waiting for: the loot!

Early chapter loot (the ai description did catch quite a bit of Ale's vibe gotta say XD):

Christmas loot

Surviving Kulkund loot:

Let's do drugs loot (the unique power allowed Ale to get high on mizzar):

The shield that made Alejandro have so many "fans":

And his best loot, a song to cheer all arround him:
[A few similar letters go to three very different places

"Dear Zol Nur," begins one; "Dear Naelin", "Dear Nebtu",

Regardless of the recipient, the message is siilar, and short]

The time is set. Come, if you can, to the College of Balladeers. We'll depart from there.



//Event posted on discord
Señorita Niranye,

As you saw, I was finishing my not-so Hidden Poem for your gallery. It has been set up.

Please, feel free to read it. Should you consider it off-taste, I can still, I suppose, remove it and find something else to donate. I feel, however, that the Gallery was missing dearly for some more provocative, political art. It can't all be landscapes, abstract symbolism, love and religious poems, feelings, as important as those are.

Art, too disentangled from the world we live in, loses some punch. It is my hope you'll enjoy it.


Correspondence / A letter to the Priory [Amelie]
April 19, 2024, 07:20:22 AM
Dear Sister Amelie,

As you may or may not know, my Seat in the Council is working on both unearthing the mysteries of Orcan cultura and history... And the production of propaganda and disemination of information.

On this second aspect, I hoped to count with some accounts of the battles and our victories. Being the best poet on the Well, I wondered if you'd be interested in aiding our task. Should you not be overly busy, there are several areas where we may find use for your talents, both in prose and poetry.


Correspondence / A letter to the Priory [Narwen]
April 11, 2024, 07:13:02 AM
Dear Narwen,

I have added to my Cabinet an Ashfolk artist by the name of Zaheera. She shall be helping with another aspect of our duties: the production of informative and morale-boosting materials. That said, she is also a poet and musician, so while I am a bit too busy at present to aid you with our plan for the myth-magic, I have instructed her to offer her assistance. Should you find her, please feel free to ask her for some aid writing the myth-songs.


My friends,

Without going into details: the Seat of Research and Culture is in charge of gathering records of those who will embark upon dangerous missions for the War, as well as take and enact their Wills, should that be necessary.

If, perchance, you feel that there are words you might want people to know if worse came to worse, please find me. While I am in the midsts of an Election, I assure you I'll manage to make time. Priorities, and all.


Correspondence / A letter to the Dervish [Bajica]
April 10, 2024, 07:07:36 AM
Esteemed señor Bajica,

The Seat of Research and Culture shall soon begin the publication of some official materials, both of the informative and propagandistic variety. I know, however, that a pleasant presentation is an ineludible part of sucessful messaging, and I have no talent with illustration or design.

I wondered whether you'd be willing to be hired for such work, as well as your price and availibility.


[Another letter makes its way to the College of the Balladeers of the Lost Hearth]

My friends, and former companions,

As you know, circumstance has thrust me into elections. I have been doing my best to represent the ideals of the League as best I could. It has come to my attention, however, that my candidacy has caused some issues within your ranks.

I would appreciate an opportunity for us to speak clearly and openly about our political priorities and positions. Similarly, a chance to speak with the three petals of the Rose as a whole would be most welcome. Please, feel free to discuss when a number of your ranks may be availible, and let me know when you'd care to speak, or approach me when you wish.



//GMT+1 afternoons/evenings are best!
[A series of similar letters, the header is the main thing that changes. In one case:]

Beloved Sisters and Acolytes of the Sybilline Wine,

[In the other:]

Esteemed Ballestrieres,

[Before continuing:]

I find myself, at present in that most unpleasant of endeavours: an election. Given the circumstances, I wondered if a conversation may be had, so that policies and positions can be openly discussed in an Asterabadian fashion and I, as candidate of the White League, can heed your and the Rose's needs. Ideally, in the company of members of the other petals.

Please, let me know a time that may suit the Rose to speak. Feel free, similarly, to approach me at any event or in the streets of our beloved city.



//Usually availible at GMT+1 afternoons/evenings
Correspondence / [A letter to the Mount]
April 09, 2024, 02:57:22 PM
Dear Apothars and Nadiris of the Mount,

While I can imagine I am not your first choice of candidate, I still think it profitable to see our positions stated and discussed. As I hope my support in many of the Mount's projects has proven, I bear no ill will to the Astronomers of Q'tolip, even when I oppose some of their prefered policies.

I doubt that I may gain your vote, but I'd still love a chance to dispell any ill will, should you concede it. Please, let me know of a suitable time, when we may meet in forum with as many Apothars and Nadiris as possible.



//I'm usually availible at GMT+1 afternoons, feel free to reach out on discord!
[A letter reaches each of the candidates]

Dear señor Balstan, dear doña Nasreen,

I write to you with the desire of seeing some debate organized. In truth, I'd ideally love to have several colloquiums, with Legates debating in depth one or two specific topics. I think all too often, candidates campaign behind closed doors, and I'd much rather see that changed in this electoral cycle: let the People, at large, hear what we honestly believe.

How are our schedules aligning over this campaign? Perhaps we may arrange one or two such meetings? I'd be happy to sit with either both of you or one, time permitting. Please, feel free to let me know.



//I'm gin GMT+1 afternoons... Feel free also to reach out in discord!
[After Primaries ended a (some would say startled) Alejandro got to the Bellows to celebrate his candidacy. The speech, at best passionate and at worst clumsy, rung in the Bellows for all to hear]

QuoteAhem, Alejandro, local Storyteller, back! As I was saying, it is the Lillies's belief that we must endeavour, during this war, to ensure we are a safe haven for the refugees that will no doubt find our walls, pushed by Iakmes's horde. Thus, we will redouble our efforts towards the construction of the new District and dedicate part of our treasury to ensure that the likely increase in displaced people will not affect our grain storages.

Furthermore, I not only do agree with candidate Balstan's proposal of dedicating some dinari to homaging our heroes, recording our battles and raising our spirits through Art but have already comitted my own personal funds to such.

Remember, oh Ephia: the League of White is not opposed to greatness, but to opression; not enemy of excellency, but of tyranny! For, as we work together, collectively, we are able to reach much higher than any single one of us ever would.

And with that little bit of a speech, I abandon the Bellows. I shall be availible at the altar of Warad, ringing my guitar and ready to be asked questions. Live and drink!

[Afterwards, it is said the candidate spent an hour or so by the Pilgrim, exchanging tales and songs with a few people. Of note: there were both voiced and voiceless. Of note, too, Atticus, Prelate of Nasreen Shabani, was also there... And apparently some of the songs were meant to "cheer him up".

Though they did eventually exchange arguments as to why their respective Leagues were more suited for the Seat, the event was still, no doubt, a tad unusual. Then again, not many candidates have a guitar, either?]
Correspondence / A letter to Warmaster Rennik Colmes
April 06, 2024, 07:47:35 AM

I write so as to spare us both a meeting. As you can imagine, with the current political situation, I have precious little time. I do not think you're faring much better.

After last battle, I have begun to consider the idea of expanding the work of the Seat of Research and Culture. Obviously, the priority is to find in the past clues to the future, ideas of how this War may be won as it was before. Narwen and I are working on something on that. It also seems the "Prince" has something to tell me about giants (though what, I cannot imagine).

However, I find myself wondering if we couldn't do more, specially after last eve. The people I am in talks with are apt writers, some of them artists. If you have no objection, I'd like to set some of them towards producing notes on the War, for the general public (evidently, only after a mission has finished, one way or another). That way, the People may have a reference on our efforts. They could also publish poems and speeches, for widespread distribution. I think it may be good for Morale.

If you have no objection, I shall begin hiring some people.


Esteemed Students and Balladeers of the Lost Hearth,

Acolyte Narwen and myself are working on a re-enactment of certain ancient myths. We require four people, and I have thus decided to ask you, first of all. Two, shall perform the tale of a dying scholar who is given water by a mysterious entity. Two, a long and drawn-out battle between an orcan and another mysterious entity. These last ones must duel, for a long time, though with non-lethal weapons.

Due to some delays on official announcements, I cannot be more forthcoming with the exact nature of the request at present. If you have members that would like to aid in this matter, preferably members who are arround at times when Acolyte Narwen and I are as well, I would appreciate it.

Props will be provided. Payment, should you need it, as well.


Alejandro Benjázar

//Looking for 4 PCs, that can be arround for crump and I (aka, usually GMT afternoon/evening...)
Correspondence / A letter to the Barracks [Daoud]
March 31, 2024, 09:09:54 AM
Esteemed señor Daoud,

I trust my missive finds you well. I find myself beginning Act IV of the People's History of Ephia's Well which shall cover the election of Qari, the murder of Zaniah, Kardesler, the preparations for war, the war itself, etcetera. This shall be a complex chapter to write, and hence I will require as many perspectives as possible. One of the perspectives I am most interested in is, of course, yours.

When discussing the murder of Zaniah, ex-Legate Qari adviced me to seek your expertise. I am not asking that you share confidential details, but some context would be most welcome. You are likely the person most closely informed of these matters, after all. And the Public, after all these months, surely deserves as much accuracy as we can muster.

I trust we may meet in the following weeks.


Esteemed doña Nasreen,

While I know your time is probably rather occupied as of late, I would like to arrange for a meeting at your earliest convenience. I spoke with Marcellus on a matter, and he requested that I bring it up to you, as well, so it could be discussed in tandem.

Feel free to make a call, and I shall endeavour to attend.


Correspondence / A letter to Millefiori
March 27, 2024, 10:12:11 PM
Dear señorite Millefiori,

My name is Alejandro Benjázar, local Storyteller and the Well's foremost expert in historical matters. I have read of your search for teachers, and felt it inapropriate not to offer my aid - for I love nothing more than to nurture scholarship.

Of course, I must admit my foremost flaw: I am, in fact, a young man (and a rather strapping one, at that!). If you'd be willing to overlook this matter - I assure you I am by no means scary - I shall happily offer you whatever education I may.


Correspondence / A letter for Warmaster Colmes
March 27, 2024, 10:01:15 PM
Dear Colmes,

You may remember the lesson I gave on the False Dakhwar, when we all first heard about it. History repeats itself: I've been saving some special items, and preparing a history lesson for the moment a Warmaster was chosen. The past may yet hold the keys to the future and, as I proposed in the Assembly, a small team might achieve much exploring these topics...

Let's speak soon.


My friends,

While I already shared this on the Bellows, it is my fear that you may not have heard them, and not all read the Bellow-transcripts. Hence, I take quill to paper to bring you a report: the Nusrum is lost.

Sandstone Student Elias Astor and myself were off performing some digs when we heard the marching of boots, and were interrupted by orcan scouts. Defeating them only revealed large masses of orcan were on the move. We ran to the caravaneer's camp, from whence travellers reach the Giant's Road, and were soon assaulted by siege-fire.

In an attempt to save the lives of the caravaneers, Elias and I warded and went forth to fight. We defeated a large number of infantry and shamans: twenty became forty became sixty. I do not know whether we bought time for some caravaneers to run off, but I know that when the cavalry charged, we were overwhelmed. Our retreat was far from elegant: Elias was wounded by a Whisperer and several riders, while only through trickery and the blessed Waters did I managed to survive the orcan assault. Hidden, I rescued my dear friend, as the orcans ransacked the camp. With him on my sholders, I rushed to the other encampment, dodging the warbands.

The spectacle in the camp whose caravans take people to the Southern Wold was not much better. It had been ransacked, and only one caravan-master lived. Blessedly, he took us along. Blessedly, too, Elias regained consciousness. As we travelled, we saw, in the distance, a fortress of ancient make. It was surrounded by siegework and soon to fall.

The Ramparts are lost, Legates.

When there was an Assembly, I proposed that we avoid an Accorded Warmaster because I knew the Accord would play games to see one of their numbers leading. As we argue, people die. I strongly suggest that a decision be made today. If the Accord cannot agree, chose from amongst them by decree or by chance. Perhaps roll a die and let it fall on one of them. Luck may be blind, but is better than hesitation.

Respectfully yours,

Miranda, Cawford, seek me when you wake.

