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Main Forums => General Discussion => Introductions and Group Management => Topic started by: Hierophant on March 30, 2021, 04:25:45 PM

Title: The Tattered Banner of the Kings' Cowls
Post by: Hierophant on March 30, 2021, 04:25:45 PM


Quote from: City Whisper by Rhenaios TorncloakFalric and Marwyn, I hold prayer before Dorvant's Wall. You will find me there under the moonlit swamp. I have had askance with God, and I have come to terms with my humility. We are trascendant, and we shall soar. The Lord's light burns hot yet.

'And so the Lord saw with misery upon the state of this world, and when his wrath was beset by his heart of gold, he wept; as all men weep when they must leave.'

Know this, to all those who know naught where they go in this city. It is ever shifting, and we must all admit that the trials before us are never ending. Our minds never at ease. We may drink to forget, in places of usury and excess, but even God's wine would not lull you so to forget your destiny.

Seek a Cowled Faithful - servants of the People and of God Departed. We shall stand ever in our vigilance, in our watch. This city shall see the Light again. Not even the Nothing shall stop our holy charge for the good of this realm. Take up pious sword and come to our Tattered Banner.

Quote from: RundownName of the Faction - The Kings' Cowls/The Tattered Banner
Recommended Classes - Any but Druid
Recommended Alignment - Good/Neutral
Recommended Deity - The Lord Departed (not enforced but the faction is led by a cleric of the Lord)

With the loss of the Courthouse, the Kings' Cowls are becoming more of a Faith Militant-esque faction in the Rings and extending their charge to Dorvant's Wall in Ninety-Five. They shall patrol the rings and preach of the Lord Departed from Ninety-Seven to Ninety-Five, holding the King's resolve against the realm's ancient enemy. I would like to allow newcomers to the group to be able to shape and mold where we are going with the twist of being led by a humbled-by-divinity cleric of the Lord who believes he receives visions from God.

If you're interested in a semi to highly religious concept based around the ideals of Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral and Neutral Good. We are a Pro-King concept so a large narrative of the group is to be Anti-Senuspur so expect a high conflict/high tension environment but a very interesting one that will take your PC in many different directions for the ride ahead. If you're new to EFU/CoR, we would be happy to help you come up with a concept and help you out IG! We're all here to have fun.

Find us IG at our camp in the 97 harbour or the 95 wall, leave a letter or PM me on Discord as Hierophant if you wanna know more or get involved!


Quote from: Hierophant on March 30, 2021, 04:28:14 PM
The King's Cowls  are a fervent band of mercenary men and exiles from the Peerage that have roamed Ninety-Seven and left their former masters due to their adamant hearts and leal homage of the King Far-Away.

They hold themselves to a higher standard than most sellswords, and have been in a turf war with the many gangs of the canalways for some time now. It is rumoured they are led by a noble bastard with ashen skin, a tattered cowl of Nephezar about him and a medallion of the Lord Departed.

Now they have set their sights upon restoring the courthouse and bringing honour back to these lands with force, if they must- sights never far from the home that once was, tainted by the tendrils of Sunpurse and the tyranny of Orza.

An old tidbit of their origins to help fill out the gaps!

And new tidbit below to account for recent IG events;

Tensions had risen among the Faithful of the Peerage. Meetings held with House Glitt and even the Bishop of the Lady, Alethea the Maimed. Led by Rhenaios the Torncloak, Lictor of the Lord Departed, the motley Kings' Cowls fretfully attempted to lay harm upon her in the streets, their war cry of 'Sanguinare - blood for the fallen' what began their attack before the gates of Dorvant Drinnaught. They were not successful, nor their intentions fully known. Many rumours circulate it was an assassination attempt in the name of Lady Adela, yet have the Cowls ever murdered another without proof of their guilt?

Forced into exile - an attachment of the exile that already stood at the hands of their adversaries the Atiryoff siblings of House Sunpurse - they now find camp at the Ninety-Five wall. Yet some might notice they are rarely there unless called for, or whisper made. Marwyn the Kind was annaled as a Saint and a Martyr by the Lictor not long after, upon hearing news of his capture and his execution by gallows. With a mark on their heads by the Bishop Alethea...

There is uncertainty in the air.

Title: Re: The Tattered Banner of the Kings' Cowls
Post by: Hierophant on March 30, 2021, 04:28:14 PM
The King's Cowls  are a fervent band of mercenary men and exiles from the Peerage that have roamed Ninety-Seven and left their former masters due to their adamant hearts and leal homage of the King Far-Away.

They hold themselves to a higher standard than most sellswords, and have been in a turf war with the many gangs of the canalways for some time now. It is rumoured they are led by a noble bastard with ashen skin, a tattered cowl of Nephezar about him and a medallion of the Lord Departed.

Now they have set their sights upon restoring the courthouse and bringing honour back to these lands with force, if they must- sights never far from the home that once was, tainted by the tendrils of Sunpurse and the tyranny of Orza.

An old tidbit of their origins to help fill out the gaps!

And new tidbit below to account for recent IG events;

Tensions had risen among the Faithful of the Peerage. Meetings held with House Glitt and even the Bishop of the Lady, Alethea the Maimed. Led by Rhenaios the Torncloak, Lictor of the Lord Departed, the motley Kings' Cowls fretfully attempted to lay harm upon her in the streets, their war cry of 'Sanguinare - blood for the fallen' what began their attack before the gates of Dorvant Drinnaught. They were not successful, nor their intentions fully known. Many rumours circulate it was an assassination attempt in the name of Lady Adela, yet have the Cowls ever murdered another without proof of their guilt?

Forced into exile - an attachment of the exile that already stood at the hands of their adversaries the Atiryoff siblings of House Sunpurse - they now find camp at the Ninety-Five wall. Yet some might notice they are rarely there unless called for, or whisper made. With a mark on their heads by the Bishop Alethea...

There is uncertainty in the air.
Title: Re: The Tattered Banner of the Kings' Cowls
Post by: Hierophant on March 31, 2021, 03:38:03 PM

Ideas for concepts;

An Aspirant of the Lord Departed seeking to learn from a senior priest.

A Paladin of the Oath of Loyalty, attempting to keep the path of the Cowls aligned with Lawful Good and its leader Rhenaios well-advised.

A Rogue or Ranger tracker/spymaster/courier, scouting the road ahead and delivering letters IG (rather than writing them on the forum).

A Fighter Laysword of the Lord Departed aiming for Divine Champion, serving the Lictor Rhenaios faithfully in his quest for redemption. Perhaps a recovering alcoholic who frequented the Almshouse of the Sobering Spirit?

A Sorcerer who believes in the auld Nephezarim rites, with a perk themed around his divinity/pure blood and performing transfusions.

A Wizard Abjurer who seeks to ward off the instability of the Realm and aid the Cowls in keeping order in the city. Or a Wizard Conjurer who seeks to form bond with the Golden City and conjure forth celestial beings to aid the fight of good vs evil.

Just some ideas!
Title: Re: The Tattered Banner of the Kings' Cowls
Post by: KaedweniKnight on April 01, 2021, 05:26:01 PM
Tons of opportunities here, come join the Faith Militant of the Lord Departed.
Title: Re: The Tattered Banner of the Kings' Cowls
Post by: zerotje on April 07, 2021, 11:35:24 AM
We are committed to various plots that we could use additional players for.
The faction as it stands, is  well balanced mix of combat and religious & social RP.

Though, we are presently exiled and hunted, so this does make for a hardcore experience, as it stands. Nonetheless we find time to have peaceful, social, RP.

See the above posts to get a "feel" for the faction, and join in on the fun!
Title: Re: The Tattered Banner of the Kings' Cowls
Post by: domare on April 10, 2021, 12:27:54 AM
Hello All,

If you ever wanted to play a character who bucked the current Peerage System, then now is the time.  Lots of fun RP happening, which could use a bit more of King Fearing / Loyalists.  Being we are the underdogs, we can get by with the "ends justify the means" mentality. 

Come join the fun!
