EFU:R In-Game/IRC Quotes

Started by Howlando, July 14, 2013, 11:49:43 PM

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[00:36] ::[ DM Shout : All of EFU awaits for Narvis Naerfaine to finish reading old paperwork so the server can reset.... ]::

I don't think EFU takes Class 'Z' Threats seriously enough. >.<


18:39 : god damn elminster
18:39 : i always say that when i hear this story.  
18:39 : good job killing him, conclave PCs
18:40 : I hate Elminster.
18:40 : I hate the Bimbul.
18:40 : i like when his teeth fell out
18:40 : I hate all these uber NPCs.
18:40 : Like Zsigmond
18:40 : fucking ZSIGMOND
18:40 : dont get me started on THAT asshole
18:40 : [shakes fist]
18:40 : what a dick


14:26 cromax: monk is for ching chong fool. man who dream of anime animation girl. disgust
14:27 Pool:    please don't ever change cromax
14:27 cromax:    kill off your own brain

Oskar Maxon

17:49   : I remember observing the politics of high school girls when I was younger,
17:49   : and thinking
17:49   : "Drow Society. Holy shit."
17:50   : p. much
17:50   : "Except more evil."

Jayde Moon

EscapingtheUndeath everything is fake
EscapingtheUndeath the truth to the illusion is that we are just slaves to the Mind Flayers
EscapingtheUndeath what a twist
EscapingtheUndeath and have been since Chapter 1 of EFU
Cap Truth is, out pcs are just the fevered delusion of some guy who are bad sushi
Cap *our
JaydeMoon I am pleased that you only copped to ONE typo in that sentence.
Cap Yeah, at work and using a phone
Cap So…
abala haha
Moonlighter some guy are bad sushi
Moonlighter some guy are good sushi

Oskar Maxon

18:31   : that was well done thomas
18:31   : My first and only day on that server.
18:31   : in an environment where everyone sucks you're pretty good


18:09   : hrm. I wonder whom the next fan_girl/bow is
18:12   : Ordinant Larrak fanboy please
18:12   : he has enough without more showing up
18:13   : None is not enough
18:26: err...are those fanboys the bears and all the other stuff that keep chasing him and killing him Lannister?
18:26   : loool
18:27   : ::[ City Sending by Cave Bear  : As the leader of the Ordinant Malcolm Larrak fanclub, it is my duty to scour the dark in search of Malcolm Larrak and maul his shit. If you'll join me, I'm the cave bear with the big tits in the square. //3-7 ]::
18:28   : LOL
18:28   : Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
18:28   : That would have been awesome
18:28   : XD
18:28   : I thought that was legit for a split second
18:28   : ::[ Unauthorized Sending by Behemoth Spider  : *chitters with love for Malcolm Larrak* ]::
18:29   : Same here


The key to me never having to deal with nerd rage OOC messages in my pvps
Is by always losing
I am a far better loser in PVP than anyone else so I play to my strengths

Aberrant Starlight


[13:01] ::[ City Sending by Boone Duststone : *an tone of contempt and utter loathing* Father, If you may even deserve that word...for it is one of loving and endearment, Hale then. Know that I have read your -laws- that you so cherish. Know also that I shall follow each and everyone of them /to the letter/ not out of respect- ]::

[13:03] ::[ City Sending by Boone Duststone : Or any such nonsense, but because it would give you an advantage over me. I shall not slander this sanctuary nor its -citizens- but know that I loathe you with my entire being. your uncaring and hateful son. Boone.  ]::

[13:03] ::[ City Sending by Rallick Dess : No one cares. ]::


[00:18] : ahh gpds I'm tird

[00:18] : tired*

[00:18] : god*

[00:18] : Kill self for make rain of mouth feces is worthless population
It's difficult to argue with a genius. It's impossible to argue with an idiot.


[01:29] : [14:28] <abala> voting for yourself ziya
[01:29] : The text, Abala.
[01:29] : The text.

[01:29] : yeah
[01:29] : it's supposed to say
[01:29] : [voted for Rhiannon Kingsley]
[01:29] : right?
[01:30] : narvis hangs his head in shame
[01:30] : realizing how amazing
[01:30] : his opponent is
[01:30] : at the last minute

[01:30] : Okay, that's it. You just forced me to write something to shit on Tyr. GOSH.
[01:30] : brb

[01:49] : http://www.efupw.com/forums/showthread.php?p=384984#post384984
It's difficult to argue with a genius. It's impossible to argue with an idiot.


Quote at the end of every dark chute is a bloated beholder
You could write fortune cookies jzhmer.
nobody buys fortune cookies here
Nobody buys them anywhere, you eat them because someone put them on your table at the end of a meal
rather, nobody consume fortune cookies here
you might deem such as an asian tradition.
however, reality is not always as portrayed
that's why some asiasns are amongst the best of cheaters
I imagine much of the ancient chinese wisdom mythos is not as impressive if you are actually living in the area that supposed wisdom comes from.
there is no wisdom in ancient chinese
confucius dreams of a state of closed clans
* jzhmer (jzhmer@hbd.blinkenshell.org) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
* jzhmer (jzhmer@hbd.blinkenshell.org) has joined #Efu
let me continue
confucius exploited the opportunity of copying ancient texts to revise the pre-zhou and zhou history to his advantage
excavations prove the confucian record of zhou and pre-zhou history an amalgam of lies
and laotze dreams of a return to the state where clans are not large enough to interact.
he can as well exiles himself to siberia
which, he did, in a sense
i imagine those nomads in eastern turkesstan ate him alive
what the actual fuck
whatever he has i want 4
ancient chinese wisdom = fantasizing
as a matter of fact the existence of the chinese back then was a joke
the supposed "nation" is only a fragmented loosely association of clans
an association no better than indian tribes
a bunch of barbarians daydreaming
and someone who was immoral enough to ignore and overwite the facts to mold fantasies to his advantage is confucius
in this sense confucius is more morally corrupt then laotze
* gloinar (Gloinar@x-57-520-60-393.hsd8.ca.comcast.net) Quit
* johnbillions (gems@x-57-520-60-393.hsd8.ca.comcast.net) Quit
it is the wont of the chinese to burn texts on history only to rewrite new ones based on
it is already the case at the time of confucius. how can you trust a chinaman from that point on?
or i simply shouldn't call them chinamen, for china is a lie per se
rather a group of people who lies to everyone subconsciously and happens to accept intra-group lies
apologies for revealing the harsh truth, Vlaid

Aberrant Starlight

:[ Message Relayed by Messenger Girl : [Clears throat nervously and  reads:] `If you ever wish to see Auxiliary Helter alive again, procure  the Red Guild Dye Barrel from their offices and deposit it at the  Pissing Crone. No harm will come to him if you comply.` ]::

sometime later...

::[ City Sending by Melvin Helter : We have the barrel if you have the Auxiliary.   Meet us in the In-Between. . . ]::


[17:33] subrace Sun, gives me item...moon elf skin..
[17:33] :/
[17:34] or should it have been Sun elf... (just says sun in character screen)
[17:34] I think I fucked something up
[17:36] Frostbite, you failed to pass the test to achieve your +2 int
[17:36] Accept your fate as a dumb moon elf
[17:36] lol
[17:36]  I will still -act- as sun
[17:36] You can try
[17:36] he has 16 intel
[17:36] But based on your performance during the initial sun elf exam, it doesn't look promising
[17:37] lol damn you vlaid
[17:37] Jaydemoon said Sun...so thats what I put..