Special Rules Regarding Janissary PCs

Started by Abala, February 15, 2023, 01:27:42 AM

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Members of the Fourth Legion of the Sultan's Janissaries may, if unable to find a DM, initiate PvP in Ephia's Well (including exterior and interior areas but not those areas belonging to other factions) if done as part of a legitimate arrest. This rule does not hold for random beatings, shakedowns, or murders. PvP without a DM in the Krak des Roses is not allowed, as this area is governed by the Cinquefoil Rose.

Players are expected to use their best judgment in such situations and if a NPC would be responsive they are encouraged to wait for a DM.

Law enforcement players should be aware that they begin PvP at their own risk, and that if they lose there may be IC consequences for such. If a law enforcement PC begins PvP the subject of the arrest is clear to fight back, to retreat, or perform other actions.

If the criminal/target of arrest is victorious, and are standing over a defeated law enforcement PCs body, they may kill/loot/grab body/gloat briefly but then should swiftly depart the area if Law Enforcement NPCs are nearby as we wish to avoid the implausible situation of unpossessed NPCs not responding properly to the predicament of their comrade whenever possible.

This special ruling may be revoked if players can not handle these situations sensibly.