Quithana Silverkin

Started by AllMYBudgies, April 07, 2009, 04:12:01 AM

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Quithana Silverkin (AllMYBudgies)
This character was created on Thursday, March 26th at 03:42:00 PM.
Since creation, this character has logged on and off 33 times.
The character has spent 1 day, 22 hours, 34 minutes, and 3 seconds online.
Quite a short run, really, but a major blast from start to end. Not a moment went by that I am not happy with in her, somewhat, short life in the colony! <3

In life, Sat at the Goblin in her usual, brooding corner.

In Death, uttering one last prayer to Beshaba.

Thanks lotsly to everyone for making my introduction to the server such a fun one,! I was never going to opt for evil as an introduction character, but it was a blast and I'm glad I did!
Quith is, obviously, dead however, I shant be able to reveal how just yet as it is quite spoilerific!
Beshaba Provides, etc.!



Who am I going to get high on Mist Essence now?


:(  No.  You WILL get revived...  :(  Many evil rangers need you...
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Fantastic character. If you're new, you've blown me away. Thanks for the fun, and I look forward to your next.


Excellent character!

Winston Martin

Greatly looking forward to your next character.


Jayde Moon

Magnifico.  Except the part where she died pleading and begging for he-- OH, SNAP!!!


Anyway, yes, great character, look forward to your next!

(Not at all how it went down, btw)


One of the best clerics I've seen on EfU in the four years I've played.

She was actually rather frightening, and at one point I was genuinely bewildered to find myself experiencing a great deal of misfortune just after paying her disrespect.

Whether knowingly or not, she's caused an impact on my character, which may have a long-lasting effect on his story.

I am extremely eager to seeing what you do next. Welcome to the server :D

Lux Lucis

A shame I couldn't meet her in character, but from what I saw in the forums... wow! She was a character that really pulled me in with the  public displays of her faith in the forums. A shame I did not get the chance to witness her in-game! :D


Current PC: Acolyte Itziyal Neniarral

Listen in Silence

Awesome. I was convinced you were a veteran in disguise!


Very well-played cleric.  Only got to see you once or twice, but one of those encounters involved a great exchange of threats, curses, and insults.



Omg my lady that only one that I loved is dead! !!!!!!!

/me changes description