False names

Started by el groso, December 30, 2012, 07:38:38 PM

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el groso

If your character's name is for instance, Gorvin Twern, and you introduce yourself as "Blovar Handur", do not expect everyone to remember exactly your false name. If we had to memorize everyone's character's names, there would be no reason for choosing a name for the character upon its creation, we can't assume everyone to remember such things about every character. Thank you.


Or you could write them in your journal notes page. Just saying.


Journal indeed. Best thing to do when people introduce themselves with nicknames or fake names. I've experienced this from both ends; having to remember names and experiencing people metagaming it.


I've seen character use an alias throughout their entire lives. It is easier if people create their characters with the name everyone will know you by, I think.


A lot of times it's not a matter of metagaming. People will make mistakes and forget that your character uses an alias all the time and no one knows his uber secret real name, which he never gives to anyone anyways.

And then you have those awkward moments where you gotta put out that "//No one knows his real name, guys. Ugh. Stop metagaming!", when it was actually an easily avoidable accident.

The Old Hack

If I may refer to an older thread on the same topic here.

My opinion remains the same. As to expecting others to open their journals and make notes for your character, well, I feel it is praiseworthy if they do so but that it isn't fair to make it mandatory for them. If you do, it stops being a game and starts being goldarn homework. >.<


My character name is Lathesildiruigh Halsburhgher. But you can call me Joe


is it really important to hide your real name anyway?

Teeth in a Bowl

Quote from: Disco;319353is it really important to hide your real name anyway?

Depends on your concept.



Take Caster's Aberdenn werecat for example (the name evades me, sorry!). The character used a different alias than her true name, but the false name was what she put IG, as that's what everyone knew her as. Makes things so much more simpler, I think.


Safiya al-Fatin...? That was her real name.

Are you thinking of my Stygian Specialist: Francine Abbotgate?


I was thinking Safiya. You said when you explained her background that she was born with another name.

el groso


I think that when my character Ipomoea Taphos (who never, ever even once gave her last name because she believed that by revealing her family name it gave a person power over the witch spirits of her ancestors) suddenly started being called simply 'Taphos' by people that is a fair bit of metagaming. Even in the conclave files that was the name she was listed as, her first name not even recorded. Similar with Callidora Velploom who never gave any alias- she simply never gave a name. Period. It was her thing that when introducing herself she asks the other person to give her a name for herself. Almost everyone called her something different between titles they made or creative names bestowed upon her, though some people she has never met called her yet by the name floating over her head. Those are my two examples of experiencing it.