Faster recovery XP rates inside taverns (afk penalty still applies)

Started by zerotje, April 24, 2021, 11:48:18 AM

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If you die like some dweeb, you get 50xp per interval.
I thought, maybe increase it too 100xp per interval, but inside taverns.

Maybe a good idea to promote social RP?
I think the taverns are underutilized.

Might also have a positive effect on the dead player too. Immerse themselves in the setting/RP rather than dwell on the lost battle.
In the end, we're here to roleplay, not crush quests.


Great idea.

Maybe also include things like roleplaying in faction bases? Maybe you have a rough day and your quest run doesn't go how you wanted it to (I think most of us players can relate, right?), but then you figure, "Hey, we just finished this quest, even though a few of us died, let's go relax in (faction base or inn) and RP a bit". Sounds like a great way to ease tensions after a stressful quest, right?  :)

Knight Of Pentacles